Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Oooooh I was like what is ONO? But I got it. Something I've not yet tried!!
Yes it's a new anagram we have all adopted!

I'm all planned on how to do it, and where but now it's finding the time with little one asleep and the husband and daughter out. I'm not in a place where I can do it with someone watching me (don't think I don't appreciate the irony) and I don't currently get much time that is just mine!! :(
18 weeks is great I think. Sleeping better, sitting up playing but not able to crawl off and cause mayhem. Although you don't have long left of that, so enjoy :) My little one was born huge 9lb 3oz. Eats so much food but is now very dainty but tall. I think she's about 23lbs and she's nearly 21months. We laugh as she seems to eat more than me sometimes haha! I had overnight oats. She has a whole bowl of cereal, Slice of toast, an apple and a Banana. Then some chedders.

Got any yummy meals planned for the weekend?
I wish he were sleeping better! I'm on the verge of needing to get tough on that particular issue!!
My 6 year old regularly seems to eat more than me, particularly in the mornings but she had always been a front loader and it's like she loves by the adage of breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper. Or whatever it is!

No major food plans this weekend BUT I am halfway through editing my vlog so I may be doing some research for upcoming recipes and foods. I've got ONO for breakfast today and dinner will no doubt involve chicken in some shape or form. Potentially with rice :) lunch is up for grabs. Maybe egg based. Yesterday I had rice with sardines in tomato sauce. It has occurred to me that I eat some really really random combinations of food at times. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't!

I'm in Guildford working with the exam board tues-thurs this week so it may interfere with weigh in however I seem to recall last year they offered jacket potatos. So that's ok. I'm also allowed to claim upto £20 for dinner each night which is scarily tempting. I may forgo that as I'll be travelling home each evening!!

How is your weekend looking?
Makes a big difference doesn't it!? I've also found that using giant oats is even better because they hold their shape and go kind of chewy. Nom nom

I'm going to pop little one down, dry my hair and try in a min
There is a pancake recipe I did ages ago. I know there is the one that is 2 x egg and a banana blended together and I remember that tasting okay but a bit too much like egg. Then I tried similar but it had oats in. And maybe baking powder. They were free (if you cheat and say the banana in the pancake is free) and they tasted great. If you find the recipe and vblog that, I'd appreciate haha! I can't seem to find the recipe.

Also the other day I did a SW steak bake recipe. It was sandwich thins (hexb) and you put filling inside, stewed steak which was 1syn per can. Then some onions. Seal the edges with whisked egg and press the sides together. Egg wash over the top. Oven bake and it tasted lovely. I was thinking the recipe would work with loads of fillings. Would make a good tutorial too. I'm thinking long the lines of 'breakfast bake' or 'pizza bake' lol
I like both of those ideas! Yum the bake sounds good!! I've done the pancakes before and agree they are good. I'll look into it :) think I've got a recipe in one of my cook books :)

I did it!!

The thumbnail is horrendous
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Argh I can't work out if I can change it. GOOGLE...!!!!
I think you need a YouTube account and then it must be something to do with the + symbol? I'm new to this game :)
Right I've changed the thumbnail on YouTube at least.

Don't judge me! Haha
Yay. It's changed. Phew.
Yeah I've just watched it and subscribed. :)

It is really good. I also liked the following slimming world and immediately becoming pregnant comment. :)

I need to try this ONO now I'm not on any special diet. :)
Aw Sam it's really good! I enjoyed it and laughed out loud at following slimming world and immediately becoming pregnant :p
Keep them coming! I need to figure out how to subscribe to your YouTube channel!

Yeah I've just watched it and subscribed. :)

It is really good. I also liked the following slimming world and immediately becoming pregnant comment. :)

I need to try this ONO now I'm not on any special diet. :)

It's true, about the PG thing :) although as I said PROBABLY not related ;)

Did you catch your spoon shout-out Mary? :)
Anyone tried this?

Cover 50g couscous with boiled water.Just enough to cover it.Put in some sweetener to taste and some flavouring.Let it all soak in.
Add yogurt and fruit.Stir and leave for about 30 mins.
Not tried it yet as I need to do a shop. :)

I don't do Slimming World so don't know anything about syns etc on this.
I've not tried it but in principle, dependant upon the yoghurt it should be syn free :) sounds interesting and I have some couscous. I have done something similar with quinoa before and it worked really well. I may give it a go

Today I shall mostly be making banana oat pancakes as suggested by @SarahMP

I'm hoping to stock pile pics and videos. I've got a really busy period coming up with exam marking so don't want to let this slide :)