I wouldn't mind as much if it did actually come from a proper quote unquote farm. I just saw some awful practices on that documentary and the decision to give it up was instantaneous. I've been a committed carnivore for almost 32 years!!
The syn thing interests me from a psychological perspective. What on earth do I think I might miss out on? That someone might randomly turn up to my house and offer me a selection of SW friendly perfectly proportioned snacks that, now I have had my syns, I won't be able to avail myself of? Now I'm not having sweet things my snack choices are more limited anyway. I'm far more satisfied having a larger lunch (I prefer this than a substantial dinner) so probably won't want much later anyway. So what am I saving them for exactly??
I literally talked to myself like this earlier. It shows I'm a long way from making food related decisions lightly.
Me: Hmm quite fancy those warburtons thins from the freezer with my chickpea burgers...
Me(conscience): yeah but if you eat two that's all your syns
Me: I know that
Me(conscience): but then what if you want something later?
Me: such as?
Me(conscience): maybe a little bit of chocolate?
Me:nope I'm doing the lent challenge. Kabosh to the choccie
Me(conscience): How about some crisps?
Me: yeah but I'm not really fussed and only have them to use the syns up. Plus the other day I ate frazzles by accident and I'm not sure that they are veggie
Me (conscience): God you're boring.....
Me: maybe. I'm also thinner.....