Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Thanks! Suspect not though. Unless she joins a meeting or similar because the fundamental lack of knowledge about the basics was what was holding her back so I presume she doesn't go or went some time ago and has forgotton. At the end of the day it can be hard to fit it all in but if you want it enough....

Ah yes, I read that thread too and agree with WbSJ. I like to think it's lack of understanding but do wonder if there's also a reluctance to change her current lifestyle? Some things have to change - whether it's fewer meals out or changing your choices or, better still, a combination of both!

Sam - I'm sorry about the STS but as the others have said, illness/medicine doesn't half mess your body up!
Ah yes, I read that thread too and agree with WbSJ. I like to think it's lack of understanding but do wonder if there's also a reluctance to change her current lifestyle? Some things have to change - whether it's fewer meals out or changing your choices or, better still, a combination of both!

Sam - I'm sorry about the STS but as the others have said, illness/medicine doesn't half mess your body up!
Exactly. It's like my three year old. She only hears what she wants to hear when it suits her to hear it.....but I couldn't say that as I kept remembering seacrests be nicer than you need to mantra!!
Exactly. It's like my three year old. She only hears what she wants to hear when it suits her to hear it.....but I couldn't say that as I kept remembering seacrests be nicer than you need to mantra!!

Glad to hear it!!

And commiserations on the STS - I'm heading that way myself tomorrow..... Oh no, now I've jinxed it - it'll be a gain....
Glad to hear it!!

And commiserations on the STS - I'm heading that way myself tomorrow..... Oh no, now I've jinxed it - it'll be a gain....

Or you may surprise yourself with a loss!
Saturday 15th March

Brave or stupid??

So my lent challenge has been no sugary treats....tick. I've also given up meat and am a born-again vegetarian....tick. This is, however meaning that I am actually struggling to eat my syns. I've had more syns in food ingredients than before and that's only a good thing because I have found that helps my losses. The thing is I still, instinctively, hoard my syns for later in the day. That imaginary safety net I suppose. However today we had a big main meal lunch type thingy and I made the decision to cast my safety net aside and used 10.5 syns with lunch in the full knowledge that I won't be having any more later because in and around 10 is my normal limit. Argh. I feel naked without my syns waiting for me. But also strangely liberated. Like I have broken a habit of sorts. I know for a fact if I didn't do it come about 8pm I'd be all "what can I have now to use them up" and Id end up eating something for the sake of it which just annoys me. So it's done. Guaranteed now ill actually fancy something specific later and won't be able to have it!!!
It's just a case of old habits die hard, and it's so true isn't it? I tend to keep back syns for the evening, we are funny creatures of habit aren't we? I suppose looking back, we can all reflect on things we've done and changed and the pattern it took to get there. I used to be a smoker and I liked it. I really didn't want to give it up because I enjoyed the filthy habit. But I did it because I knew it was the right thing to do for me due to health concerns. I look back now though and think why did I even begin? I can't stand it now. The smell makes me feel physically sick. Meat however, well that's another thing. I'm under no illusion where our meat comes from and how it ends up from farm to table and I openly admit I would struggle to give it up. I do feel that children should be more educated about it though. I bet if you ask most kids where a bigmac or mcnugget comes from they wouldn't have a clue - apart from the obvious answer (mcdonalds!!) :D
I wouldn't mind as much if it did actually come from a proper quote unquote farm. I just saw some awful practices on that documentary and the decision to give it up was instantaneous. I've been a committed carnivore for almost 32 years!!

The syn thing interests me from a psychological perspective. What on earth do I think I might miss out on? That someone might randomly turn up to my house and offer me a selection of SW friendly perfectly proportioned snacks that, now I have had my syns, I won't be able to avail myself of? Now I'm not having sweet things my snack choices are more limited anyway. I'm far more satisfied having a larger lunch (I prefer this than a substantial dinner) so probably won't want much later anyway. So what am I saving them for exactly??

I literally talked to myself like this earlier. It shows I'm a long way from making food related decisions lightly.

Me: Hmm quite fancy those warburtons thins from the freezer with my chickpea burgers...
Me(conscience): yeah but if you eat two that's all your syns
Me: I know that
Me(conscience): but then what if you want something later?
Me: such as?
Me(conscience): maybe a little bit of chocolate?
Me:nope I'm doing the lent challenge. Kabosh to the choccie
Me(conscience): How about some crisps?
Me: yeah but I'm not really fussed and only have them to use the syns up. Plus the other day I ate frazzles by accident and I'm not sure that they are veggie :eek:
Me (conscience): God you're boring.....
Me: maybe. I'm also thinner.....
My whole syn 'hoarding' thing started as soon as I joined sw ... I'd save them all just in case I became overcome with a chocolate craving in the evenings. But I never did and it's become habit for me to normally only use about 2 a day. I have similar conversations with my conscience (plus mini panic attacks) if I even approach the idea of having more than 5.

Talking about children understanding where food comes from - I had a few days off recently and took my 2 year old granddaughter to toddler group one day, while my daughter ran some errands. While we were sitting making spring trees out of toilet roll middles and scrunched up paper (as you do ;) ) I was chatting to a couple of 4 year olds about trees in general and they were absolutely astounded (and disbelieving) to hear that fruit grows on trees. That's urban life for you I guess, but it made me a little sad to realise all the natural wonders that they miss out on.
God that's depressing. I have to say I'm pretty hot on madam understanding things like that. Earlier today found me showing her our Rosemary and bay bushes and crushing leaves for her to smell.
God that's depressing. I have to say I'm pretty hot on madam understanding things like that. Earlier today found me showing her our Rosemary and bay bushes and crushing leaves for her to smell.

That's good to hear - I do that too (last year they helped me make lavender bags too - I am SUCH a Nonna! ). We grow strawberries in baskets too, and carrots and salad bits in tubs - they love to pick them and eat them while we burble away at them in a grandparenty way in the hopes of cramming them full of the sum of our knowledge ;-) LOL
Anyone fancy joining the slimmer for summer challenge? I think there are half a dozen of us so far!! My target is 28lb which would take me a smudge over target for the summer. I'm quite determined although I'm worried that one day it might just all stop and I'll stick where I am before I get there. Irrational I'm sure!! Anyhoo all joiners welcome as I want the support haha. Link in my signature....xx
I'll join in! Heading there now.

Am v interested to watch your progress as a veggie / vegan. Am tempted down that path myself. I do believe we are omnivores, but even food supply chain is horrific. Eggs are fine for me as my neighbour has chickens, but decently sourced meat is soooo expensive.

Interestingly, I seem to use most of my syns on nuts and olive oil...I'm only in my first week but I didn't expect that!

Off to join challenge now :)
I have dramatically cut down my egg consumption. I only bought free range anyway but I find the idea still turns my stomach. I'll put them in things but just eating an egg? I'd never look a chicken in the eye again. Well not both eyes, at the same time (mainly because they are on each side if their heads rather than upfront and Id have to walk round the other side to do it)

if you are tempted get hold of that documentary. It will give you all the reasons in the world!!

I have always wanted my own chickens but our garden is too titchy. :(
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Oh nothing. Someone posted a silly comment, dressed up as a debate, basically saying those people who use the site here yet don't pay for slimming world have a "cheek". I got a bit tangled up in it. You know I love a bit of controversy. It just amazes me how people introduce an idea like that and then get their backs up when you disagree with them. How it wasn't expected to raise the hackles of many members on here I don't know!!!

hahahaha I posted the wrong link. I'm such a numpty!!
Oh nothing. Someone posted a silly comment, dressed up as a debate, basically saying those people who use the site here yet don't pay for slimming world have a "cheek". I got a bit tangled up in it. You know I love a bit of controversy. It just amazes me how people introduce an idea like that and then get their backs up when you disagree with them. How it wasn't expected to raise the hackles of many members on here I don't know!!!

hahahaha I posted the wrong link. I'm such a numpty!!

Aha - I wondered! I think some people introduce subjects simply to raise hackles. Although on the other hand, I guess some people are quite naiive (or dense), and don't think ahead to the reaction. Who knows! I couldn't see anything controversial on the link - well maybe the re-ordering bit, but I thought it couldn't possibly be that!!
Ha I've changed it now. It's rumbling on but I've bowed out now. Its so ridiculous!!