Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Thank you :) Yes I'm taking it daily with flaxseed capsules, a b-vit and a multi bit with iron. My skin looks the best I've ever seen it after a week on it. I think Id opt for tablets next time. Its bearable, just, but I have it straight and just get it down in three big gulps. That said, this morning there was a lump.....I nearly heaved. I tend to follow it up with a glass of no added sugar Ribena! How long did you take it for consecutively? I'm a bit run down (sore throat) and hoping it will help carry me through!!

When I took the powdered spirulina and wheatgrass a few years ago, I had them for a couple of months. When I took them again after my treatment 2 years ago, I stuck with them for about 4 I think, I slowly reduced it when things started to get better. It really helped me, I'm sure of it. And I can believe that it makes your skin great along with the other supplements.
With the sore throat, how are you with ginger? Because it has gotten me through some rotten chest infections, the most recent one last month when I had a murder throat and lost my voice. I boiled fresh sliced ginger root with juice of a lemon and drank it as a tea, I had it every day all throughout the day for a week. And I was back to normal within a few days after feeling mega rough. If you find it too sharp, some sweetener will take the edge of it. Or ideally honey. Which I know would be syns. But it is really good for the throat.
Sorry for all the ramblings, I am a firm believer in natural over pharmaceutical and like you I don't really like taking things like codeine etc although sadly they are part of most of my days. Saying that, the more you can cut it out, the better of course. I have found that as well with codeine and weight loss slowing down. I wonder if it has something to do with it making you con-sti-pa-ted (mouthing it like Miranda ;) )
How is your back now?
Still pretty twingy but I've got my cold pack :) I reckon Ill survive!

I drink a lot of ginger green tea and swear its helped my throat recently so I'm with you on that. In fact I'm a massive advocate of green tea full stop and will put ginger in anything. I think I'll get some more raw this week with a lemon. Good for first thing in the AM.

Have you seen a documentary called Food Matters? If not you should track it down. I watched it on Netflix recently and it really opened up my eyes to our ability to supplement our natural healing processes with good foods and vitamins. Im
a sucker for a good documentary. :)
Saturday 10th May


I am addicted. Pickled Garlic has stolen my heart. Picked it up randomly in this shop in Eastbourne and can't get enough of it. Now do you think I can find it anywhere locally to buy?? Sainsburys have every other type of pickled veg on the planet but not garlic. I'm debating making my own but not sure I can face up to all that peeling!! I did however make pickled eggs today AND pickled ginger. Yummy. I reckon they are putting something in pickling vinegar to make it addictive. Am I normal ;) ??

I've found myself googling what else I can pickle and I'm scraping out jars and washing them off "just in case"
Yes, I saw this but the reviews on one of the case options, I think the 6 jar, say its from turkey not Spain and is all soft :(. It's something about the crunch. I've been googling how to peel garlic. Apparently there are ways of doing entire bulbs in pretty much one go by crushing and shaking so I think I'm going to have a go today because this sounds gorgeous...

Dilled Garlic Recipe -
Addicted? Moi?
Oh my goodness. I love them. I had to make the pickled garlic as I couldn't find any in any supermarkets. I have emailed the supplier listed on the back of the one jar I have to ask if I can buy direct. I'm not sure how long the garlic takes to pickle. I reckon the ginger will be relatively fast because its thin. I think its the vinegar. I made a joke to my husband about being pregnant. Mainly because I opened a jar of pickled eggs (bought today not made) and polished off 4. Argh.

Im not by the way. God forbid. Haha
Oh my goodness. I love them. I had to make the pickled garlic as I couldn't find any in any supermarkets. I have emailed the supplier listed on the back of the one jar I have to ask if I can buy direct. I'm not sure how long the garlic takes to pickle. I reckon the ginger will be relatively fast because its thin. I think its the vinegar. I made a joke to my husband about being pregnant. Mainly because I opened a jar of pickled eggs (bought today not made) and polished off 4. Argh.

Im not by the way. God forbid. Haha

Just checked one site and it says this

Just refrigerate your pickled garlic for two weeks to allow it to cure before eating it, and keep refrigerated up to a few months.
Thanks Sheila :)

Two weeks it is!! Technically nothing pickled needs to be chilled, I normally shove them to the back of the cupboard haha. I might get the garlic in though as the jars are weeny :)
I will check out the Food Matters documentary, thanks for the tip. Wow, you really have got yourself in a pickle there, haven't you! I have never tasted a pickled egg. Something about seeing them all there in a jar makes me quite sad for some reason. But I love pickled garlic! I used to eat it all the time when I lived in Germany, literally could just eat a jar of it in front of the telly. Just the contents of the jar obviously, not the jar itself. Too crunchy.
I'm curious about the pickling business, is it a special vinegar you use? I'm a pickling virgin :D
You can pretty much pickle with any vinegar but you can buy special pickling vinegar by sarsons and it's only £1.49 for a massive jar. I use that or distilled malt vinegar with some salt added. I'm hoping my pickled garlic turns out like the stuff I had. It was immense. I can well believe you could eat a whole jar. Again, just the contents ;)
That sounds like a good idea, I might try that. Especially with the eggs, they would make a handy snack when one feels peckish. I had such a struggle this weekend, full of raging hormones, stupid totm. And I could have eaten the inside and possibly the outside of my fridge. Although I stuck to fruit and using my syns, it still made me feel guilty for eating when I wasn't hungry. Silly really.
They are very handy for that. Problem being that once I open them they are fair game. I know eggs are free but many can a greedy person have? I have over 2 dozen.... Uh-oh
I can quite happily drink pickling vinegar. Once drank a whole jar after eating the gherkins, at a friend's party. Did feel a bit weird after though...

There are youtube videos for techniques to peel garlic super-quickly. Think you chop the root end off the bulb, bash it, stick it in a bowl with a lid and give it a good shake.
Oh wow, Gwella, drinking the pickling vinegar *shiver* Your poor teeth :D

I am quite intrigued by pickled eggs now and might give them a go. Could be nice chopped up in a potato salad. And super quick. But quantities are a problem for me, like you say Sam, once the jar is open, it IS open ;)
I'm funny with eggs ... runny ones make me literally sick and as for hard boiled! Well let's just politely use the phrase 'egg bound' ;) lol I'm really fancying the pickled garlic though (off to Google recipes and easy peeling!) :-D
Oh I love runny eggs! So long as the white is perfectly cooked, the yolk can be as runny as anything :D But the pickled garlic is well worth a go, I might have a go myself. I hadn't thought of it in years, it is super good and I could imagine really good in salads too.