Lives here....
I missed that one although my husband is anti-sun due to the hillsborough coverage. That and we don't have a Morro's near us. Thanks though! I have not seen the vegetarian living prize...I'll get on over there now! Maybe I should have held on to my letter for another month haha. I emailed them and the editor himself replied and said its being chased for me I felt so cheeky but still, it's been 2 months!
You are so on the ball CG with your vouchers and money off deals. It's amazing how you keep us all up to date! You must have insider info
How is everyone doing? I'm feeling pretty good today. Made some speed tomato soup for lunch in my nutribullet and it was really nice. I'm so off soup in the warm weather but I made the one you whizz up cold and reheat. I just made sure it wasn't too hot. Perfect.
You are so on the ball CG with your vouchers and money off deals. It's amazing how you keep us all up to date! You must have insider info
How is everyone doing? I'm feeling pretty good today. Made some speed tomato soup for lunch in my nutribullet and it was really nice. I'm so off soup in the warm weather but I made the one you whizz up cold and reheat. I just made sure it wasn't too hot. Perfect.