Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

I missed that one although my husband is anti-sun due to the hillsborough coverage. That and we don't have a Morro's near us. Thanks though! I have not seen the vegetarian living prize...I'll get on over there now! Maybe I should have held on to my letter for another month haha. I emailed them and the editor himself replied and said its being chased for me :) I felt so cheeky but still, it's been 2 months!

You are so on the ball CG with your vouchers and money off deals. It's amazing how you keep us all up to date! You must have insider info :)

How is everyone doing? I'm feeling pretty good today. Made some speed tomato soup for lunch in my nutribullet and it was really nice. I'm so off soup in the warm weather but I made the one you whizz up cold and reheat. I just made sure it wasn't too hot. Perfect.
That cooker looks amazing. I'm getting my copy tomorrow. I'm tempted to treat myself to a subscription actually. Its a good magazine with loads of recipes. Plus they print the best peoples letters..... ;)
Ah but I want the mag too ;) I loves a good food magazine me :) however I may get my entry in early via t'online as well. If I had one of them plus my Actify I'd never switch my oven on!

Forgot to say also with my recent sporadic visits that I got my target tattoo. I know I'm still a few lb off but I decided that actually I have done well enough and that having it as a permanent reminder of that might just spur that last little drive needed. Also now it's done I couldn't possibly undo my hard work. The wording says it all.....


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2013-2014 to the day almost....


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I'm not a fan of soup even in winter but I do like gazpacho (cold tomato soup!). You whizz up tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, things like that...lots of recipes online. It sounds weird but I fell in love as soon as I tried it!
I might try that. I have my soup flask for the cooler weather but just can't face it warm :( shame because it makes such a difference having it with scan bran!
Love the tattoo!
Thanks :) I know tattoos are not everyone's thing but I wanted to have a permanent mark of my achievement. The top photo is the old one it covers :)
Thanks Patty :) I like the younger :)

I'm hoping for another loss on wed. I've been really good. Just want it to show 11 something. I know that won't happen this week but soon **crosses fingers**
Look what came! Clearly they felt guilty about forgetting my wok....

I know! How amazing.

I have to buy a pan rack though as I don't have the cupboard space. We only have a diddy kitchen! Can't wait to crack them out for a proper look. I may see if I can eBay my only just 2 months old tefal set! This beats it hands down
No :( I checked and they say 4 working days from the 1st for dispatch so that's up to today pretty much. Hopefully tomorrow? I'm impatient too. I'm looking forward to dissecting it with you guys!!
I saw your post on the other thread. I'm eagerly awaiting the postman now :) did yours come with the regular post. I wasn't home last time it was delivered so am not sure if it comes parcel :)

this is is my monthly guilt free treat :)

i went to montzumas chocolates yesterday and bought some bars of their vegan chocolate. One called Lordy lord really deserves that title. Its dark choc with toasted cocoa nibs in it. Lordy lord indeed.
Oh I got mine too!! How amazing is the laundry stuff? I'll be giving that a go ASAP. Plus I'm loving my wristband. There is nothing in there I won't eat. Although to be fair they are yet to invent a food that I won't at least lick even if I don't actually eat it (exception : celery = devils food)

its a very good box :)