Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Oops can't post that site. Well let's say its one of those deal sites!!
I don't know if you remember, but I said some time ago that I wished I'd started going to group when I still had at least half a stone to lose, because I thought being able to stay to group once at target would help me to maintain. With this thought still being in my head - not all the time, obviously - I find it interesting that you haven't found attending a meeting useful and it sort of reassures me that doing it alone was actually right for me. You are certainly not short on determination and you've got so far on your own, that I have no doubt you will succeed in your own time and in your own way.

I bought a copy of September's issue of Healthy Food Guid, because it has an article in about cholesterol, which is something I have a problem with, despite a good diet, perhaps because a lot of it is made by our bodies. it mentions coconut oil and says not only is it a myth that the oil is a cholesterol cure, but 'there is not one single human-based study that can support it's use: all the research is based on theory and animal models'. The dietician says she wouldn't recommend it because it's high in saturated fats and adds ' there's a theory that different types of saturated fats have differing effects on blood cholesterol but this has not be proved'. If this is the case, it would appear that the only reason for using it is because you like the taste.

Congratualions on getting your foot in the door at the college you want to work at - I hope it makes your time at work happier and if still not exactly what you want, at least takes the pressure off to change careers quickly.
That's brilliant news about the college - congrats on getting your foot through the door :D

I'd definitely say there is no point going to group if you are getting nothing from it - the whole (almost AA) format isn't for everyone ... I was certainly VERY uncomfortable with it at first, though these days I quite enjoy it. I daren't have scales in my house, or I become obsessed with them, so going to group is the best option for me lol.

Have you considered calorie counting as an alternative to SW while adjusting to full veganism? It would allow you to incorporate coconut oil, avocado, and all the seeds and nuts that provide the best sources of fats, vitamins and minerals without constantly having to be 'breaking the rules' of the Green plan. Perhaps try something like Myfitnesspal alongside a Vegan version of Green, while meal planning for optimum nutrition. That way you could be sure that you are getting the nutrients you need, while making sure your overall calorie intake is compatible with losing/maintaining weight but within a loose SW based framework.
I don't know if you remember, but I said some time ago that I wished I'd started going to group when I still had at least half a stone to lose, because I thought being able to stay to group once at target would help me to maintain. With this thought still being in my head - not all the time, obviously - I find it interesting that you haven't found attending a meeting useful and it sort of reassures me that doing it alone was actually right for me. You are certainly not short on determination and you've got so far on your own, that I have no doubt you will succeed in your own time and in your own way.

I bought a copy of September's issue of Healthy Food Guid, because it has an article in about cholesterol, which is something I have a problem with, despite a good diet, perhaps because a lot of it is made by our bodies. it mentions coconut oil and says not only is it a myth that the oil is a cholesterol cure, but 'there is not one single human-based study that can support it's use: all the research is based on theory and animal models'. The dietician says she wouldn't recommend it because it's high in saturated fats and adds ' there's a theory that different types of saturated fats have differing effects on blood cholesterol but this has not be proved'. If this is the case, it would appear that the only reason for using it is because you like the taste.

Congratualions on getting your foot in the door at the college you want to work at - I hope it makes your time at work happier and if still not exactly what you want, at least takes the pressure off to change careers quickly.

Thanks :) I'm pleased about the job. It gives me a less panicky focus :)

Im aware that the evidence about coconut oil is largely anecdotal but I have dementia on both sides of my family, in the females. That scares me silly and anything I can do to future proof my brain will be done. There is no hiding the fact that nutrition shapes so much about us, not just our figures. A plant based diet supplemented by green tea and healthy oils can only be a good thing. There is a great article in this months vegetarian living about sports men and women who are vegan. One is a power lifter who is winning awards at nearly 70! Now, clearly that's not a future career path but I want to be the best me for a long as possible.

As I have never had any cholestorol issues I'm not overly concerned about introducing the coconut oil, I won't be having much as I mix it up with locally grown and bottled extra virgin rapeseed oil and EVOO. Plus I do like a Bounty ;) oh and have used it to condition my hair (smells like sun lotion mmmm)

I think I will leave the meetings. They just don't 'do' it for me. The reality is that I just joined to take advantage of the free membership when I got to target but if I don't get to target it's totally pointless haha.
Just ordered some. :)

Looks good quality stuff as well.Keep away from the cheap stuff thats been refined.It will of been refined, bleached & deodorized.Refined will of been mechanically and chemically refined, bleached and deodorized to make it thin, colorless, odorless and what you then get is only pure saturated fats.

Yuck, what's the point in that stuff? The jar I already have is another brand but is again extra virgin, cold pressed and fair trade. I got it in Sainsburys. I'm experimenting with the oil pulling for my teeth. I have unusually thick tooth enamel. Which is great as I have never had so much as a filling but they are never quite a white as I would like them. I'm hoping this may help and if not because it's probably just a fad, at least it tastes nice and may improve overall oral health! :) worst case it's not doing any harm!
That's brilliant news about the college - congrats on getting your foot through the door :D

I'd definitely say there is no point going to group if you are getting nothing from it - the whole (almost AA) format isn't for everyone ... I was certainly VERY uncomfortable with it at first, though these days I quite enjoy it. I daren't have scales in my house, or I become obsessed with them, so going to group is the best option for me lol.

Have you considered calorie counting as an alternative to SW while adjusting to full veganism? It would allow you to incorporate coconut oil, avocado, and all the seeds and nuts that provide the best sources of fats, vitamins and minerals without constantly having to be 'breaking the rules' of the Green plan. Perhaps try something like Myfitnesspal alongside a Vegan version of Green, while meal planning for optimum nutrition. That way you could be sure that you are getting the nutrients you need, while making sure your overall calorie intake is compatible with losing/maintaining weight but within a loose SW based framework.

I agree that sounds sensible and may shake it up a bit :). I'm thinking that I may introduce a couple of other good bits into the SW basic framework to take account of the changes I have made and want to make. The fitbit app is quite good for kcal counting and I can plug it all in there to keep me on the straight and narrow although I do have a fitness pal account and their database of foods is more uk friendly. This idea appeals. Kind of like low fat vegan. I must have another read of "appetite for reduction" for some inspiration.

Thanks guys you have, as always, really helped!! :)
I'd not thought of the fitbit (because I'm such a cheapskate, so my Omrom gadget is very basic lol), but that sounds perfect for when you're out and about at least :D
Just ordered some. :)

Looks good quality stuff as well.Keep away from the cheap stuff thats been refined.It will of been refined, bleached & deodorized.Refined will of been mechanically and chemically refined, bleached and deodorized to make it thin, colorless, odorless and what you then get is only pure saturated fats.

That's exactly why I buy mine from the Asian shop because I know it's of a high quality.
That site looks good!! I'm annoyed right now because I bought some miso soup sachets only to discover they contain fish. Grrrr. I thought it was veggie. There is even an article on it in this months vegetarian living. That will teach me not to read the packaging!!!
I'll look up healthy supplies :) thanks for the heads up!

No it actually contains fish. Its Wakame miso soup. In the recipes section of the mag they are focusing on itsu the restaurant and food chain (which is all well and good as we have one just opened in Central Brighton) but they omit to mention that even itsu do a veggie and non veggie version. They extol the virtues of the fermented soya bean but no mention of the fact that it could easily be made with fish stock. On the box of the ones I got it lists Bonito. Turns out (thank you google) that that is a fish. No where on the box does it state it contains fish until you open it. Sneaky. Sneaky. I may take it back to sainsburys although for less than £2 it doesn't seem worth the hassle really.
My bad. Under allergens in weeny lettering it says "fish". Damn it. I might still take it back.
I think I will next time in in there. :)
Ooh maybe mine will come too then! My post is closer to lunch time and I'll be out so I hope they leave it and don't take it off to the sorting office. Is it good? No specifics but is it a good one? I'm expecting my recipe binder too this month :)
Ooh maybe mine will come too then! My post is closer to lunch time and I'll be out so I hope they leave it and don't take it off to the sorting office. Is it good? No specifics but is it a good one? I'm expecting my recipe binder too this month :)

I think it's a good one this time, there is nothing I won't use or eat, got the binder as well!
My raw food to taste this week was Karen Knowlers Veggie nut burger.Had it for lunch.
Very filling and could only manage one.It was very tasty.Recipe said parsley and as I didn't have any I used spinach.


This looks tasty, I am moving towards vegan, cheese will be a tough one for me to part with, technically though I might not be classed as vegan as may occasionally have honey
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They look really good! How lovely with all the fruit and veg on the side too :) I missed my delivery so it's at my post office and I can't collect until wed. Gutted. Hope nothing spoils!!