Silver Member
I'm very laid back with them - far more so than I was with my own children lol - but it's different isn't it? I'm not saying I never discipline them, but on the very rare occasions that I do raise my voice, they sit up and take notice. I'm of the firm opinion that over shouting at children just de-sensitises them so they take no notice of anything you say (or should that be shout lol). If it's rare and only used as an absolute 'line in the sand' last resort then they realise it's important when you do it
Otherwise I go with benign neglect
I always worked full time but initially paid for childcare and then my husband (their step dad) stayed at home to look after them until the youngest was about 13 (it made more sense that way as my earning potential was much higher and we had the maintenance from their father to supplement our income).
At 9 though I think they are just beginning to really assert their independence - I know that my friend's 9 year old (who is an adorable laid back little soul) HATES her collecting him from school and makes a huge fuss about it because he thinks he's old enough to come home by himself. I'm betting your grandsons would be just the same, who ever was collecting them.
I always worked full time but initially paid for childcare and then my husband (their step dad) stayed at home to look after them until the youngest was about 13 (it made more sense that way as my earning potential was much higher and we had the maintenance from their father to supplement our income).
At 9 though I think they are just beginning to really assert their independence - I know that my friend's 9 year old (who is an adorable laid back little soul) HATES her collecting him from school and makes a huge fuss about it because he thinks he's old enough to come home by himself. I'm betting your grandsons would be just the same, who ever was collecting them.