About 11.... I've had NO sleep.. My little one has decided sleep is for fools this week, so obviously that means mummy has to be awake too!!! Luckily, one of the girls that works for me has offered to take him for as walk and some lunch this morning (benefits of owning a nursery- babysitters on tap!!! ;D) and my eldest is off to hang out with his papa, so I can chill out for a bit. Despite the tiredness I'm feeling much better than yesterday... I think sleep deprivation on top of work stress and frustration that my house is a permanent tip because of the usual work/children craziness put me on a bit of a downer. I imagine if I'm taking in such a low daily calorie intake, sleep is pretty important. We'll see how the weigh in goes. I'm Expecting about 4lb- just going by last time I did it, so fingers crossed! Xx