Resurrected especially for Bettiesrevenge 'cos I can't bear the thought of her forcing herself to post another 695 times to read my other diary over on the Gold diary section...
I'm back - properly back. No more messing about!! No more trying other diets, no more 'grass is greener' on some other plan. No, what's needed here is commitment, soldier.
I've gotta follow through this time. I'm fed up with being so big - not because I hate the sight of myself (because actually, I don't), not because I'm desperate to fit into smaller clothes (although it'd be nice to have more choice), but because being overweight is making me feel cr@p. I'm not sleeping well, I ache all the time (in really weird places, like my feet!) and I get really hot in bed (and not in a good way!).
Enough already. When I got down to 12st the first time around on Cambridge, I felt flipping fantastic (despite still being overweight according to my BMI). So that's what I'm aiming at, first off. 12st exactly. As of today, that's 3 stones and 8 pounds away.
Exactly 50 pounds - how's that for a round number? And I could be there by the end of March if I put my mind to it, right?
So here goes! Wish me luck! :cross: