Lipotrim diary starting 24th May 2013

Take it easy and listen to your body :)
Ok Teapot - thanks for replying (0: xx
Ahhh thanks for your reply Di - I only just saw if for some reason coz I did write on here yesterday - I put it down the fact I am still fumbling my way around lol xx
Hope you are well and having a great day xxx
Diary entry for Thursday 30th May 13

Well I certainly hoped but NEVER believed i'd be writing this but I am ......... I am just completing my 7th day without eating, sucking, chewing, licking or nibbling ANY food WHAT SO EVER yay me (0:

I have been having visions of me laying in a bath full of chicken ( cooked ) and I am just turning my head to each side and just eating it then using my hands to grab it from behind my head and down sides etc and just munching away lol - at least its a healthy vision if you consider chicken is protein and its not a bath full of chocolate !!!

I am not feeling to bad - no headaches, sickness or serious hunger pains and to be honest I think I have got away with it all pretty lightly ! The hardest thing for me is the constant battles in my head about eating food - I have thought about just having one meal of protein a week as a reward well over 100 times today !!
My other issue is that its my friends birthday next weekend and I have absolutely no idea how I am gonna go into a pub and not drink and when I am drunk as a skunk on just the one half of lager god only knows how ill make it past the kebab shop !!! So I have spent hours wondering how much damage a pint of lager and a bit of grilled meat will do to my weight loss ? I am pleased to say that I have also considered not going but I will feel awful for letting her down - its a long story but I really need to be there ! I will have done 2 weeks by then so I'm sure I will have lost some weight - I guess the issue is how much damage will I do ??

I hope everyone else is doing really well and getting good losses and are not not having these awful battles in their minds - I think im going a little insane - I just keep thinking about eating - I miss it so much ! I have changed though - I respect food now and I see where I went wrong - grabbing treats and eating too many takeaways so there has been a lot of positives about this diet even if I don't loose a pound I feel I have been on a journey and also learnt about self control .... it is possible lol xxxx

I wonder if half the problem is that I have not had a weight in yet so no proof of my loss - maybe my attitude will change on Sat when I have been to my first weigh in ?
Hi hun, happy you feeling beter. Did you got your pink shade yet? You are gonna be ok:) More people dies from food then from starving in the world, so you gonna survive and be healthier and hapier. The longer you stay on Lipotrim the less cravings you will have, I would say every week is beter then before. And you gona have very good loss on saturday which helps stay on Lipotrim for another week. You are strong and you can do it:)
Thanks Di xx reading that has out me in a better frame of mind - get to my weigh in - see how much I have lost and then try another week and hope the cravings die down a bit. Go for another weigh in and then decide next step (0: xxx
Oh and no dark shade yet at all - still negative but gonna buy new sticks today xx
Diary entry day 8
Well I have to say I think my food cravings are diminishing ?? I have managed to think about other things than food today and even now im feeling a bit hungry I am not tmpted to go home and make a chicken bath lol
I have not had a weigh in yet so looking forward to that tomoz afternoon (0:
Feeling pretty ok today -possibly my best day yet and the sun is shining and meant to be out all week so happy days (0: Not much more to report but ill let you know how my first weigh in goes xxxx
Fingers crossed for you tomorow:) Let us know please:)
Yes of course - you be the first to know Di lol xxx
Diary entry for 1st June 2013

Just had my first weigh in and I am now 11st 12lb so that's a loss of 9lb and I am happy with that (0: this weigh in has totally changed my mid set and all those silly ideas I had about breaking the diet which I was becoming obsessed with have disappeared. I am now on day 9 and I am feeling stronger than ever - I am hoping to start a little exercise this week coz I really miss it. I am really looking forward to a new week - I actually feel like its a new start coz I haven't cheated once and now I have recorded a good loss I know I can easily do another week.
I just wanna say a massive thanks to this forum and the members coz this support has helped me no end and is the secret to my success - especially JustDi, Joles and Teapot xxxxx
Thats my girl:553:You did well. And you know that you can do it now:) Very good loss:) Its gona be easier and easier.
Ha ha thanks Di xxxxx I think it is getting easier especially now I can see my ticker moving - im so glad I have weighed in its improved my mindset and I feel fully in the game xx
I'm gonna have a little work out at home coz I wanna introduce exercise back in slowly over next couple of weeks - I miss my spin classes and the gym xx
Well done Glendale! What fab news :) :)
Thanks teapot xxx
So there's another day completed with no food - definitely so much easier in the 2nd week !! I found that hard to imagine so any newbies reading this I can promise you it gets much easier !
I have been under 12stone for 3 days now so I'm setting my sights on my stone loss now which is about 5lb away and my weigh in will be Sat so I'm thinking if I don't get there ill be very close and I know it's possible now !
Just settling into a warm bath with a book so sending a massive keep it up to everyone xxxx
Well done!! The stone mark will be here before you know it! Let us know how you do on saturday - my first weigh in is then too!! Xx
Hi Glendale:) Come back hun, how are you doing?
Miss you, dear, come back:cry: