No I have my cousins wedding next weekend and I fit in the dress I had planned to wear but I ended up buying a nicer one! You'll definitely fit in it by October if you stick to the letter and keep up the water your skin will be amazing too that's one of the best side effects!!! I think once your a couple of weeks in and your buzzing with energy you'll find yourself doing more. Just keep saying to yourself, I'm in control, this is for me, "I'm well and getting weller" (personal fav!). Jam pack your time with other things! Try to keep light hearted, take life with a pinch of salt and laugh at the **** stuff. You won't know yourself after the first few weeks. Your already doing amazing. Just doing it, its great practice for life!
Something I'm trying out too is that when I see really slim people in the street/shop or what ever I think to myself "I look that well" or "She's slim like me"! It takes work but I think its worth it. I used to look at slim people and feel embarrassed now I just feel good in knowing that now ir in a few weeks time I'll look that healthy and well too