LipoTrim for MEN...

Good result and probably a pound more if you took off the hoodie!! Keep at it. Onwards and downwards.
Brilliant!! How's the hunger pangs? I forgot to say before I found drinking fizzy water filled me up more than still - not the posh stuff, I still get a few bottles of 16p for 2 litre bottles from Sainsburys.
Congratulations on your loss.

Thanks guys, I'm thrilled, yup I reckon the top weighed a bit but still the most weight I've ever lost in a week.

No pains any more Jon, but still get regular bouts of rumbly tummy, getting easier to ignore by drinking water. Pharmacist told me that I was drinking too much water so maybe the fizzy water would let me cut down and stop the rumbles?

Yesterday I took your advice and cleaned the house when dinners were being prepared and eaten, My upstairs is completely redecorated now... I'll probably have to buy paint ha ha:D
TFR & Night Work

Started a week of nights last night and for the first time hunger didn't bother me. I bought fizzy water (Thanks Jon) and drank it when I started to get hungry. The hunger rumbles were weak and I could easily ignore them. When I saw food anywhere it didn't bother me, it was there but I didn't want it. SO COOL!!!

It only got a bit hard today as I wasn't sure when I should eat my shake, I decided to go to bed when I got home and had my first shake when I got up (Very hungry 23 & a half hours after my last shake). Gonna have the second one half way through the night.

It really is getting easier :D
Hey all,

Im new to Lipotrim as I only started my first day last friday so havn't even had my first weigh in yet. Just thought I'd make myself known and its good to know im not the only guy on lipotrim. Fingers crossed it will work for me as im on day 4 but am struggling as I dont really like the taste of the 3 shakes as they taste very sweet! Any tips on making them taste better id appreciate it

Hi 99hardid,

I only started today, but I have the opposite problem I find the shakes too bland, anyone lipotrim veterans have any tips?

As the days and weeks pass your taste buds will change. Sometimes you'll live the shakes and sometimes you'll gag. View them as medicine and just get them down you. If you are taking the men's sachets, maybe divide them in two. Alternatively take four ladies sachets.
Other things to do:
Add loads of ice and blend with a hand blender.
Add a teaspoon of coffee to the vanilla shake.
Add a cooled peppermint tea to the chic shake.
Make them with more or less water to your taste.
Avoid any tips suggesting you cook or freeze them as this will destroy some of the nutrients.
Good luck and keep sipping water.
Hopefully thats the case but will wait and see. As much as i want to lose weight im not going to make myself misherable by doing it
Hi i'm new to this and on day 2 of lipotrim tfr diet. I was 259lbs at the start of the year and brought it down (just started eating healthier) to 231lbs by March but just couldnt shift any more. Its my wedding in december and I want to be back to 180-19lbs so I went on Lipotrim tfr after recomendation from a friend who lost 28lbs in 2 weeks and there was nothing of him! I've stuck to it religously for 2 days, but how do i know if im in ketosis? and when would you recommend going on the maintenance diet? thanks
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Good luck on your journey. You're looking to lose about 50lbs to get to goal. Men lose at a faster rate than women. You should easily reach your goal by end of October. Do a careful refeed for a couple of weeks and then perhaps go back to your healthy eating plan to maintain your losses.
Ketosis sign is usually a very bad breath and will kick in about day four. Don't stress about it. Keep busy and keep up the water intake. Your bladder will get used to it and the toilet trips will lessen.
Lost 7lb this week, everyone at work has noticed a change, can't believe it myself!! So happy and all it took was 1 unbelievably hard week... now it's easy. BMI has dropped to 30...

Stick at it guys it is so worth it!!!

Starting week 3 on TFR and bursting with energy :D
Bit disappointed with week 3 weight loss, I only lost 2.5lbs :sigh:
I had been doing a lot of weight training to fill in my new found free time, dunno if that had an effect. Anyways instead of freaking out I decided to measure my waist and chest and even if the weight loss isn't what I'd hoped I should see a change in the tape measure...

Starting week 4 of what is now the easiest diet ever ;)
:mad: Ok, I reckon I'm buggered. Lost 2 and a half pound again last weigh in and I've been very hungry again, drinking lots of water but just craving food all the time... Ate 3 slices of ham today and had a hard time stopping at that, reckon I'm gonna come off before I do some damage to all I've done so far? Why has it suddenly got harder???
Getting back in the grove :)

Good for you pal, hope you have an easy journey.

I'm kicking off on Friday, have been to my local chemist today for the chat and weigh in. The scales tell no lies, I have a long way to go. Having tried almost every diet known to man I hope the strict no nonsence of Lipotrim does it for me.
I have a doctors appointment on Friday 1st thing just to be sure everything is OK, if I'm honest the Docs approval would go a long way :)
Its nice to have a place to come and communicate with others, any support received with open arms...

Let battle commence :massmoon:

Slick ;)

Hello to all.
I've had to re-group following alot of slippage during my last attempt.
I will be back on the wagon on the 1st September, I have been to see the chemist and booked an appointment, I'm very keen to get back into the swing of things and more so looking forward to some good looses.
I did OK on the last spell but feel there were to many open doors to failure, my losses were good considering I was only half trying. 11lb in week one and 7lb in week two then 2 or 3lb here and there.
The weight has I'm sure gone back on, the scales will tell the whole truth.
My aim is a 6stone loss for end of March 2012, I'm doing it with a friend (hes not on lipotrim) we aim to lose 12stone between us and were calling it build a buddy :) (the 12 stone is the buddy) were hoping to get some sponsors and give any money raised to help for heroes, a very worthy cause as were both ex soldiers.
Ill keep you all posted on any news, good and bad.

Mini keep up the good work, its nice to have a place to come for support :)

Slick :D
Well the day to start is near, last supper tonight.
I recon a solid 4 month on Lipotrim should get me closer to where I need to be....
It seems very quiet in here, I was looking for some support... PLEASE ;)

Will keep posting, just in case some one should call by :)
Hey there Slickjack good luck for tomorrow - I was dreading climbing onto the scales but I did it and now I'm on day 2 - it's not been bad, I'm not in Ketosis yet 'cos I still feel a bit hungry but I've been and bought some ketosisstix from the chemist so I will know when Ketosis kicks in.

This is my second time with Lipotrim-I lost nearly 2 stone in 6 weeks about 6 years ago and over the last 18 months I've put alot of it back on - my Dad was poorly and then died so all my healthy eating and exercise died with him. Now I've got to get myslef sorted and am determined to do it - and you do need to be determined, old habits die hard but we'll do it. For my last supper I had a large Doner kebab and boy did I pay for it, I could hardly sleep that night I was so uncomfortable and just had to console myself that I would never again pig out like that!

To keep my hunger pangs at bay I've been dividing my sachets into 2 and having them every couple of hours and treating myself to some posh fizzy water - there's a sticky post on the Lipotrim TFR forum which gives different things to do with the shakes - mocha, iced latte and so on, I've tried the iced latte so far and it was gorgeous, can't wait to try the mocha!

Good luck tomorrow, if you get your head round the fact you ain;t going to eat food for a while and accept that you may have to deal with the social side of food and eating (as I had to the first time round) you'll do fine

Go for it fella!
Don't give up! Keep at it fella, it must feel dispiriting to have lost 2.5lb but just think that's it's better off than on. You've lost 18lb so far-that's over a stone, I think that's an achievement and you should to.

Sounds to me like you've come out of ketosis - perhaps try those ketosisstix you can buy from the chemist to test your wee and see what they tell you?
Well the last supper has been eaten.
My choice tonight was a good steak, new potatoes, mash, sweet peas, carrots, cauli, mini corn and a boozy gravy. I cooked cos I wont be doing it for quite a while.
A bit stuffed now but I am content and more so ready for the next few months.

thanks so much all of you for this post and replies i am male and my auntie suggested the diet and site and wanted to hear from men on how they got on with it i am nervous and not yet started it yet but i am ready now to do this, think monday i will be heading to a pharmacy to do this. just a quick question can i start this as soon as i visit and what are the costs to get on this as only info i not been given thanks and well done all