Day 4!
Hey girlies thought I would check in with my update! Doing okay today, just sat with vanilla shake for tea watching EastEnders!
Found it really easy today,not been hungry at all really and still drinking plenty of water and had bags of energy which is gonna be good tomo as Im crazy busy with work! Got some fibreclear today as noticing im not quite as regular as usual so hoping that will kickstart me!
Not looking forward to the weekend, fri night is usually a bottle of wine and tv on the couch, sat (my usual weekly shop!no longer necessary as have sent Craig for his own bits this week as mine consists of a carrier bag of paper sachets!!
). Sat night - always out with Craig or the girls and sun...I work a shift in my mate's pub!! Ahh surrounded my alcohol.
SO my plan of action is to carry on painting my kitchen, only ceiling and second coat on the walls to go. Then if im feeling super-energetic will start my stairs and landing!! :superwoman:
Anything to keep the mind occupied and my face out the fridge...which, by the way I have not opened for 3days (beginning to forget whats in it actually!)
Any idea when ketosis is gonna kick in? Not sure about the funny taste in mouth thing yet?!
How are you guys getting on? Still really well I hope!!