Lipotrim New starter!!!

Hi Shellco....I work in an open plan office of about the same numbers and I totally felt the I use the flapjacks for lunchtime and my shaker for brekkie.. I have to admit to having my shake in the car a few times am very proficient at making my drink at my desk....

At your desk :) very brave i think ill keep doing it as i am seems to be working yeahhhh, but will get brave and try it maybe set the fire alarm of and when every one leaves the building quickly do it ha ha.
Thanks for all the congrats messages ,,,,,

Michelle I have to admit it is done partially under my desk!!!! I spent the first two weeks hidden in my car...have to say after a few weeks I have it down a 30 second job... 5 mega quick shakes and into a mug just before everyone comes back from lmorning coffee breaks LOL.....we have a canteen in work which serves the usual high fat high carb have avoided going there full stop and just telling people I am working through lunch...(I have my flapjacs for lunch) boss thinks I am just working harder which is great as its pay review time shortly!!!
Day 4!

Hey girlies thought I would check in with my update! Doing okay today, just sat with vanilla shake for tea watching EastEnders!

Found it really easy today,not been hungry at all really and still drinking plenty of water and had bags of energy which is gonna be good tomo as Im crazy busy with work! Got some fibreclear today as noticing im not quite as regular as usual so hoping that will kickstart me!

Not looking forward to the weekend, fri night is usually a bottle of wine and tv on the couch, sat (my usual weekly shop!no longer necessary as have sent Craig for his own bits this week as mine consists of a carrier bag of paper sachets!! :rolleyes:). Sat night - always out with Craig or the girls and sun...I work a shift in my mate's pub!! Ahh surrounded my alcohol. :eek:

SO my plan of action is to carry on painting my kitchen, only ceiling and second coat on the walls to go. Then if im feeling super-energetic will start my stairs and landing!! :superwoman:

Anything to keep the mind occupied and my face out the fridge...which, by the way I have not opened for 3days (beginning to forget whats in it actually!)

Any idea when ketosis is gonna kick in? Not sure about the funny taste in mouth thing yet?!

How are you guys getting on? Still really well I hope!!
Hi Jenni, wow sounds like you are gonna be busy with all that decorating! And well done on a good day today :)
If you're on day 4 you should be about to tip over in the lovely lovely ketosis.... ooooooh how exciting?!
Im sure it will kick in any day now if it hasn't already.

Im on day 3 but I think I am ketosis. I had to go to sainsburys today to get some mouth wash. I thought I was going to have to walk around looking at the floor just so i didnt see any food but actually I was alright. I even walked past the deli counter!!!!!!!
Funny but I don't notice having bad breath, but the hunger is definitely gone. What is hard for me is the evenings, cooking everyone's meal and then watching them eating it really depresses me hehe, but I'll get through it.
What I have found helpful and I think I may be repeating myself from a different thread here but never mind is to cook meals for my kids which can be frozen ie mince and onions, stew, spag bol etc you know the kind of thing and then you can just take out a portion for the kids and ding it. It removes most of the lovely cooking smells:drool: except for the day/night you make it. It also means that you are not tempted to give them rubbish to eat:eat: just because it's quick and easy.:sign0137:

I have a three year old and a one year old and have always tried to make my own food for them so I suppose I am used to doing this but once you get going it really does make life so much easier.
You will easily loose 7lbs in 2 weeks....afraid I am weeks and weeks away from refeed.....lucky/sam has done the refeed - she has given some advice on one of the threads...well worth having read...
If she wont give it to you anymore is there another chemist that does it you could go to? Hop on a train and come up to Belfast and I will take you to my chemist!!! :) ;)
Thanks Bea but I wish it was only 7lbs, thats only my first goal to get to 10 st I have a stone and a half to lose hopefully more... Im only 5ft so am quick big and 8 - 8.5 is the ideal weight for my height, It was because my BMI went down to 27 and she said 25 is healty and only to do it for 2 more weeks:cry::cry:

I agree with Mini....BMI of 25 - should not be the only target....I will still be fat when I reach my BMI of 25! I would challenge them on this....and also email lipotrim to get their input! Let us know how you get on!
Sonkie you have been doing the programme up until recently, what where you told?
Lipotrim I know have ongoing research and they are all the time reviewing their findings...
I was told til I get to goal weight then move up slowly as you usually put a little on ! So I am not too sure if its a new regulation they have come up with.

Worth double checking though.