I have had a tough enough week guys - my self esteem is at a low ebb with the breakup and even tho I know I am just reacting to a trigger I have not been very good - I have had 2 takeaways this week - I am torn between wanting to give in and smother and stuff myself with food and push down all thefeelings it has resulted in (and all previous breakups along with it) andnot wantingto look at myself in distaste for being severely overweight
I don't want to be comingon here and still have these ups and downs as it makes me feel like I am letting all of u and myself down and shows how little self control I have....
But onthepositive i didn't eat all of the 2nd takeaway yesterday and I haven't broken today - mainly helped by reading that others walk this road with me... and I'm not alone in the struggle and the day after tomorrow is Saturday and weigh in day so I am trying to push the craving out Til after that
Thanks for reading and supporting
It matters so much