Lipotrimming to Goal Weight!

Hi joanieK sorry for disappearing - I hope uve got on well I'll do proper catchup and hear all ur news and look at photos over the day!
Lol slow but steady and the finish line is in reach had a chocolate fest yesterday though and the sugar and carbs are testing me today!
No harm in that- i've pigged out often this fortnight and questioned whether I learned a single thing - BUT the fact that we are still trying and making a better choice to stop eventually and get back in track is a SUCCESS!
Of course you've learned loads! It's just hard to put it into practice sometimes. As long as you know where and when you go wrong or whatever and are able to correct it and get back on track, that's one of the most important things!

Good luck ;)
Well missus what's the craic??? How are u getting on?
Ah dear hoanie what a balls Halloween turned out for eating crap just cause it's in the house - I am now 176lb

Not happy
ESP as I am heading away for the weekend

But as I know I didn't put my mind to it I have no excuse - I am shaking it today and 2m to put in effort but realistically it will be next week before I get into the groove - i'm ok with this
as it's all part of the journey

I need to refocus my goals
I need to make a plan of action
Write a list and get in the zone
For me it's truly mind over matter
I will update again when I'm in the swing of it

I just need to remember u am not giving up

Hugs to all xxxx
If I can do this u can Hun. 176 is not that bad but please consider a 5:2 programme Hun as you have an active social life and you need a plan that you can live with.
Hi guys well it's taken me a while to get back in the zone but I've had a good week
And feel ready to tackle the next stone or so
I am at 170 today but offformy official weigh in later - I hope everyone is good - I look forward to reading all the diaries today xxxx
Hi guys well it's taken me a while to get back in the zone but I've had a good week
And feel ready to tackle the next stone or so
I am at 170 today but offformy official weigh in later - I hope everyone is good - I look forward to reading all the diaries today xxxx

Great news Hun and we're here for ya! Let us know how ur doing??
Happy out with this weeks official weigh in - lost half a stone - so I'm officially 12st 3.5 now
With a little more scope on my own scales
Happy enough to power on with that now this week

Last week was tough as my romance ended midweek - totally wasn't expecting it and was really feeling like we were getting closer and on a good path - hoping now to channel the emotion toward looking after myself and focusing on what I want for myself in lead up to Xmas and hope that I meet someone new that will like me enough to stay the course

Heading to bed for the nite
Chat soon xxxx
Aw Hun that's crap especially with no warning. I started my journey because I hated myself in every way and needed to find myself because it was affecting my relationship. Sometimes we need to focus on finding a way to love ourselves before looking at relationships.

Love yourself and you will find your soul mate when ur not looking
Thanks joanie - I had reservations for some of those reasons when I met him and I know I held him at a distance up to a point - and now I really need to spend the time focused on me and who I want to be - it starts with my weight and I hate myself mostly because of it with some other issues thrown in ... so this part of my journey is a vital starting point for me - I need to keep remembering it tho as I don't always think I am worth it and I give up

I hate the way I look and will never believe anyone else likes me in that way until I feel deserving of it - sometimes I use my weight as an excuse I think - as a reason to not be in a relationship but really is it that I'm afraid they won't like me! Deep thoughts this morning!!
I completely understand, for me it was a way to take control back of my life and I'm in a hugely different place now in a job with bosses who value me and my confidence is back. I found my mojo again and for me the relationship improvements came naturally from that.

What's for u won't go past you but you gotta be ready hun
I have had a tough enough week guys - my self esteem is at a low ebb with the breakup and even tho I know I am just reacting to a trigger I have not been very good - I have had 2 takeaways this week - I am torn between wanting to give in and smother and stuff myself with food and push down all thefeelings it has resulted in (and all previous breakups along with it) andnot wantingto look at myself in distaste for being severely overweight

I don't want to be comingon here and still have these ups and downs as it makes me feel like I am letting all of u and myself down and shows how little self control I have....

But onthepositive i didn't eat all of the 2nd takeaway yesterday and I haven't broken today - mainly helped by reading that others walk this road with me... and I'm not alone in the struggle and the day after tomorrow is Saturday and weigh in day so I am trying to push the craving out Til after that

Thanks for reading and supporting
It matters so much
I have had a tough enough week guys - my self esteem is at a low ebb with the breakup and even tho I know I am just reacting to a trigger I have not been very good - I have had 2 takeaways this week - I am torn between wanting to give in and smother and stuff myself with food and push down all thefeelings it has resulted in (and all previous breakups along with it) andnot wantingto look at myself in distaste for being severely overweight

I don't want to be comingon here and still have these ups and downs as it makes me feel like I am letting all of u and myself down and shows how little self control I have....

But onthepositive i didn't eat all of the 2nd takeaway yesterday and I haven't broken today - mainly helped by reading that others walk this road with me... and I'm not alone in the struggle and the day after tomorrow is Saturday and weigh in day so I am trying to push the craving out Til after that

Thanks for reading and supporting
It matters so much

Hun do u have any idea how many times this year before April I started a plan and fell off the wagon? My signature quote is there for a reason success is just getting up on more time than you fall- and I fell professionally, personally and physically this year but have got back up. You can too just take a step by step and it will come to you...
Thanks joanie - yes I am happy I am able to restart but sometimes I feel like I'm just a torture coming on here - this is the voice on my head but every time I get the support I feel a little stronger and know I'm a step closer! Thanks all xxxxx
Morning! Sorry to hear about your travails but importantly, you're NOT letting anyone down at all. As we always say, this isn't an easy diet to do but you do know you can do it, we are all in the same boat and we're all right behind you!

Good luck ;)
Thanks Derry - so wrecked this evening - it would be so easy to give in - but I've had a shake and I'm off to the beauticians for some tlc to see me thru the evening - just Til 2m is what I keep thinking for now!