Lipotrimming to Goal Weight!

Hey it happens, draw a line under it and we can be here for you. It's tough to be the odd one out. Heading to Donegal on Sunday so it'll be tough as no signal, it's not nice feeling on your own..
Wayhey I live in Donegal ( well Lk) are ugoing for the food festival?! I am staying away from it lol

Yes I need support so thanks I appreciate it greatly #gratitude
Yeah letterkenny my husband is doing a weight pull competition on sun at the leisure centre. I'm gonna take a nosey round, the house we go go is in just before Burtonport. Love the Donegal air- it just soaks up stress...
Ah cool - burtonport lovely - Lk is grand some shops and stuff - go to berry layne for coffee it's lovely
Unfortunately I'll have to skip this time round as I'm avoiding temptation, I'll be bringing sausage sandwiches for little one and trying to lie low foodwise..
Yea prob a good plan for now!
Hehe totally the couple we go with she's under 8 stone so I don't want to even get into dieting discussion with her lol
Ah yes avoid that conversation - always end up coming away feeling less of a person and as if I have no self control remember tho that we give ourselves a far worse time than anyone else - everyone is always caught up in themselves really!
So 9pm on day 1
This is where I get stuck a bit
In general I don't drink enough water
And so I've been doing my best to get it in today - and I am not even at one and a half litres yet

And I have one shake to go
It's hard to think of drinking more!
I'll leave it another while....
Do you use bottles or cups? I find using litre sports top bottles helps with the water intake?
Bottles - a mix of sparkling and still
Aw I feel your pain. I had another slip up yesterday but today i feel stronger. I am going to do this for me and u will and can do it too lovely. Well done for getting back on it xx
Hey frecklesy thanks for your support - we all need each other on those tough days! I know u will get back on track too - it's the toughest battle but has the greatest reward - I'm now focusing on what it will be like to wear all the wonderful clothes and look slim and feel confident in them

I've just been on the scales and have already dropped 3lb - happy to keep strong when I see results like that!
I was up and down to the toilet all night - it freaks me out a bit each time as I do be afraid I won't go back to sleep - once I wake normally that's it no return - but I surprised myself and have slept Til half 7 (tho have normally been sleeping Til 9 on the holidays!) it's good practice for next week lol
I was up and down to the toilet all night - it freaks me out a bit each time as I do be afraid I won't go back to sleep - once I wake normally that's it no return - but I surprised myself and have slept Til half 7 (tho have normally been sleeping Til 9 on the holidays!) it's good practice for next week lol

Lol I know, my little one still gets up to the loo so I tend to go when she does. Thank God it's settled though the first few days I was running to the loo constantly. I do find I sleep soundly on this and can go back over easier...
well I'm half way through day 2 - and it's not going too badly -

In truth any thought of food generally comes from boredom .... I can't wait to get back to routine.

I had shake 1 about 9am and am trying to stretch out Til after 3pm so I can get used to that when I'm back at school (it'll be too hard to make the shakes at school) and then have the last one after 8pm

How does everyone else space out their shakes?!
Boredom is a killer. I tend to take them around the same time as I would eat, ATM as I'm not working its about 8/1/6 or thereabouts..
Just had shake 2 - it'd be too long a sit from 6 for me I think so I'm glad I have one more to pass the time with! Water going down well - am trying to focus my mind on a slim well dressed me :)
Lol it's one of the reasons I honk early so once I've done that I can't go back. I'm hoping to get back to work soon so those would be the times I would need to eat to get through..
Glad the water is doing better and soon this will all be memory..