Sorry gang for the lack off posting !!!
Had a 13 hour shift in work yesterday then went straight out to a friends 60th !!had a couple off g&t's and a bit off party food then was home in bed for 11
Have had a chaotic day today too slept late till 8.30 then had to go get my daughter from her nans before 10 and its a 40 min drive away !!
So grabbed breakfast on the way from Maccys not a good idea and boy I've paid for it all day been in agony & had a poorly tummy !!
Have eaten nothing else all day up until now we just had a little roast dinner !!
Now sat in bed in agony
Lesson Defo learnt for feeling so crap !!!
Anyway am back at the hosp tomorrow to meet my new colorectal dr, I suffered years ago with. My tummy and was on steroids for a long time anyway was told if I wanted children then to try sooner rather than later as the steroids aren't good for fertility so I came off them and started trying for a baby and the dr said then having a baby can sometimes send all symptoms away and into remission and low and behold that's what happened for nearly 4 years but now am having lots off problems again so have been referred back!!
Am a bit nervous & scared and I have to go by myself as my husbands working and my mum is looking after my daughter but am hoping he will have some answers and advice for me !!
Any way here's my roast dinner from this evening