Aww Lisa, I don't know how you, (and the others who have kids/live with partners) do it... having to prepare food for your family must just be the sort of challenge you could do without at the moment...
I luckily don't have that problem, although occasionally prepare stuff for my b/f... but only when I'm feeling up to it, and offer...
What is important though, is that you were tempted, but didn't have the crumbs. It's the things like crumbs, or some food on your finger from serving up their food, which I find the hardest too! It's not even intentional, it's just habit, to lick your fingers, or pop a few pinches of crumbs into your mouth as you pass the plate... it's not our fault! But we do resist, and that's the key here! We both know it could throw us out of ketosis, take us 3 days to get back in to it, put the 5lbs of glycogen back on immediately, would set us back a week or 2 in our losses, make us feel totally miserable, wouldn't be satisfying at all, and would make it harder for us to resist the next time as it's a slippery slope... and we have to remember all of that! Coz it's fact, every time we think of cheating, those things apply...
Hang in there... you're already doing so well... and once you really start to see the inches drop, it'll be easier... coz you'll have a constant reminder of why you're doing this and how great it feels that it's working...
You know better than me, so I don't mean to preach to the converted, but yes, these are crooked thoughts you're having... and it's ok to have them, it's natural, we're not done with it all yet... but we'll get there, and these thoughts will be banished forever! Won't that be fab!!