ProPoints Lisa's second time round, first time diary :)

emmalouise82 said:
OMG what do u work as? X

Oh I'm a social care worker. I work with adults with intellectual disabilities in a residential setting. We're open 24/7 but I got in there first and got the best Xmas shift goin. Others are working 8-3 Xmas morn, 10-7 Xmas day and 12noon xmas day until 26th. That last person and my shift Xmas eve is a sleepover-we sleep from 12midnight til 8am so all goin well I'll sleep, get lads ready in morn, prep their Xmas dinner and leave. But My parents live 3hours away so won't be home til 3pm. :-(

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I remember when I was working down near Dublin. I had to work 6a.m till 12midday, then I drove 3hrs home on Christmas day. Mom kept dinner till then. But on the journey home I meet 1 was so so frecky!! But so worth it, I had 3 days off and I really enjoyed every bit
MrsLmc said:
I remember when I was working down near Dublin. I had to work 6a.m till 12midday, then I drove 3hrs home on Christmas day. Mom kept dinner till then. But on the journey home I meet 1 was so so frecky!! But so worth it, I had 3 days off and I really enjoyed every bit

Ya I figure it's gona be ghostly! Radio blaring I think and mite call a few friends. I'm just hoping for no ice or snow really. Ya my family usually hav dinner at 2ish so they said they'd delay it for me. :) And I pulled on the heart strings of my sisters when I said I'd miss opening presents Xmas morn so they said they'd hold off on that too. :) (except for my nephews Santa presents)

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emmalouise82 said:
Well it must be a very rewarding job :0)

I thought you were mrs Claus haha

Now Mrs. Claus is a rewarding Job! :) hehe
Ah ya it's grand. Working Xmas comes with the job. Just one of those things. Plus I get to miss all the prep work! :)

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Hi ladies. Hope you are all well :) Off into town to get my hair chopped off :( Have 3pp left for snacking after my dinner later so will update when I've eaten them.

Tuesday's Diary

Breakfast 4pp
Cereal bars 4pp

Lunch 2pp
Red veg soup 0pp
Ryvita crackers (3) 1pp
Yoghurt 1pp

Dinner 8pp
Chicken Tikka Masala 8pp

Snacks 15pp
Goats cheese wrap 6pp
Skips 2pp
Meringue x 4 6pp
Tiny cappacino! 1pp
Goats cheese 1pp

Daily 29/26
Weekly 3/49
Activity 0/0
Last edited:
teacheronww said:
Hi ladies. Hope you are all well :) Off into town to get my hair chopped off :( Have 3pp left for snacking after my dinner later so will update when I've eaten them.

Tuesday's Diary

Breakfast 4pp
Cereal bars 4pp

Lunch 2pp
Red veg soup 0pp
Ryvita crackers (3) 1pp
Yoghurt 1pp

Dinner 8pp
Chicken Tikka Masala 8pp

Snacks 9pp
Goats cheese wrap 6pp
Skips 2pp
Meringue 1pp

Daily 23/26
Weekly 0/49
Activity 0/0

Ooo... Picture?? :)
What goats cheese do u buy? Must stock up! :)

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teacheronww said:
On the bus now but will post later. I hate it but it had to be done...most of my hair was just wisps of mess! Damn peroxide!

I use tesco brand spreadable goats cheese. It's yum and only 6pp for the tub. Ill throw up pic of it later too :)

Yeh. Thanks. I know what u mean bout hair. Dye is terrible for it-never ending circle. I'm getting mine done tomoro. Bored of it but hav no ideas so will prob get exact same thing done! :-/

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No I think it's fab. Its a lovely cut. Looks really healthy. :) Pretty lady. :)

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Haha...I was actually thinking 'she doesn't need her hair cut it looks lovely', but didn't wanna say that when you thought you needed it cut lol. I think its lovely, looks much healthier and lovely colour and cut. Smile xx
My best friend :D


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Love your hair!!!! It's a funky cut so so would love to do it!!! Does it take long to do in the mornings?? I am lazy and always put my hair up!!