ProPoints Lisa's second time round, first time diary :)

Ok so here's today

Breakfast 4pp
2 x cereal bars 4pp

Lunch 3pp
Homemade creamy cauliflower and broccoli soup 1pp
Ryvita crackerbread (2) 1pp
Vitalinia yoghurt 1pp

Tea 7pp
Ww wrap 3pp
Lighter than lighter mayo 1pp
Ham 1pp
Skips 2pp

Dinner 9pp
Pork dim sum 9pp

Snacks 8pp
Stewed berries 0pp
2 x meringues 2pp
Goats cheese 3pp
Curley wurley 3pp
Dairy milk 2pp

Daily 33/30
Weekly 4/49
AP 0/15


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Mondays :) Lost 2 pounds last week but I have a feeling I will prob STS next week because I still have myself on 30pp. If so I'm gonna drop to 29.

Will post recipe now in a few. Just enjoying one of my fav zero point treats - stewed berries yum yum :)


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Pork Dim Sum

300g Amoy rice noodles 9pp

4 X pork chops 16pp
2onions 0pp
bunch of spring onions 0pp
2 large carrots 0pp
1 lime 0pp
8 tbls of hoi sin 8pp
1 red chilli 0pp
salt and pepper 0pp
Fry light 1pp

4 servings @ 8-9pp each

1. Cut the pork chops into thin strips
2. Leave to marinate in hoi sin and juice of the lime, while you prepare veg
3. Thinly chop onion and spring onion
4. Grate the carrots using a cheese grater
5. Spray some fry light in a pan and add the chilli, onions and spring onions
6. Fry for a few minutes and then add the pork (save the marinate)
7. Fry for another few minutes and add the carrot
8. Fry for another few minutes and add the noodles
9. Fry for another few minute, then add the marinate. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down.
10. Leave to simmer for about 5 minutes and then serve :)
Ok so have not been good today but planned to treat myself as was meeting a friend for tea and am not going out this weekend. Estimating pp here so would love if someone could confirm/correct me :)

Breakfast 4pp
cereal bars 4pp

Lunch 3pp
Homemade broccoli and cauliflower creamy soup 1pp
Ryvita crackerbread (2) 1pp
Vitalinia yoghurt 1pp

Tea 26pp
Wholemeal bread 2 slices 6pp
Goats cheese (about 70-80g?) 8pp
Sundried tomatoes 0pp
Rocket 0pp
Crepe 7pp
Chocolate sauce (very small bit) 2pp
Skinny cappacino 3pp

Dinner 8pp
Ww wrap 3pp
Ham 1pp
Pesto 1pp
3 olives 0pp
Skips 2pp
Meringues x 3 4pp

Daily 44/30
Weekly 18/49
AP 0/15

Update: Gonna go with 7pp for the crepe. Was probably being a tad mean to myself :)
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Love yesterday's food!!!! Yum yum, need some goats cheese in my order I think..I should imagine as its strong tasting you only need a little x x
Not for me... I need plenty :D Serious cheese addict :) Thanks...went way over points but I have them to spare so why not :)

Think I'm definitely going to need to drop my points next week though. Have been hopping on the scales a bit this week and have been a pound or two over last WI. I'm doing it by myself so was starting at 30 so I could drop gradually. Was down to 26pp though the last time so thinking I might go on to 28 next week if I STS or gain. That way I can still drop 2 more points when I stop losing again.
teacheronww said:
I know I should :) ...but they are terribly tempting :)

Before I joined a class I used to be on the twice a day sometimes, I was shocking. Now that I go to group I haven't got a clue how my scales compare the group ones and I don't want to find out otherwise I will be back to my old ways :D