List of HEB ???


Gold Member
Since the website has been re-done (lifelineonline) i cannot find the list of up to date HEBs! can anyone help? iv always stuck with the same things but it appears baby does not like alpens atm and im trying to re-work my plans, but i always use my HEB for breaky and need to work my other meals around this. thanks in advance! xx
I have a jpg image of some of the list. It took ages slowly building up screen dumps... though that's just the cereal one. :)

You can find it online- if you go to latest healthy extras.
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PM me and I'll email screen dumps of how to find the way...
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I don't think you will be allowed to post that as it is copyrighted information and Minimins could get into trouble. Probably best to take down that post and just direct Fern to where she can find the information herself online :)
Thank you Circes. Removed the attachment and explained where you can find it. :)