I'd agree that you REALLY shouldn't think that you have to punish yourself til Saturday. That is the kind of mindset that for many people would just lead to more binges in a binge-punishment cycle. Maybe you will see a smaller loss this week but that is how we learn and change habits. If you are the sort of person who really likes to have a bit of a sugar-spree once a week instead of a little bit of chocolate every day, save up your syns and plan for it, or even do a flexisyn when you accept you will go over your syns for the day. But make that a plan for the future, not something for now. A lot of people talk about having lots of chocolate and treats in the house 'for the kids'. I really don't see why this is necessary and I think it's worth questioning. When I was growing up we very rarely had chocolate, crisps etc around - we used to go to the shops on Friday night for a 30p treat after school and that was it, aside from the odd pudding. It's not my business how you decide to manage treats and your kids, but if it makes you struggle too maybe you could think of a different way?