Nina, the day would have been even better if it wasn't raining every time I wanted to dry something outside

But today is going to be sunny so more washing on the line! With the rain we've had the past couple of weeks, I have had to wait and wait and wait before washing anything as I don't have a tumble dryer. I have a DriBuddi (great stuff!) but I can't use it all the time and you can still feel the humidity, even with warm dry heat blowing on the clothes... So today is laundry day
I have very quickly overcome my disappointment at staying the same. I really cannot complain and I really hope that next time I see my CDC I'll have lost these wretched 2lbs to be only overweight
Yay on the comment! It feels good, doesn't it? I sometimes feel embarrassed when people I barely know comment, but when it's people I like and feel comfortable with, I just revel in it and it gives me such a boost. If only we could bottle it for moments when things are tough...
I will have to see if I can find a mobile CDC then... Especially as we're contemplating getting rid of the car after the move. It's so expensive: insurance, petrol, maintenance, MOT, tax... We only drive a 2005 Nissan Micra but every month, it roughly costs us £120 to run the car

And once we've moved, we won't really use it, or only for visits... We have not taken the decision yet, we're still thinking about it. Anyone is living without a car as a couple/family? I'd be interested to read about other people's experience.
Righty oh, a very busy day today so I better get going. I have set myself a deadline for tomorrow to finish reading documents for my thesis. Then I'll have to start writing up: scary, I HATE writing.