Silver Member
Ye they like awesome
Glad you’ve had a nice time hun. My weekend has been naughty aswell lol. We will both start again 2moro.
Oh no why have you had a bad weekend?
Well Mum had Olivia last night so we went out and had steak and real Chips lol. Then came back and got drunk in the tub lol. Today Iv Just had a big roast beef dinner and counted nothing lol. Just starting a fresh tomoz. I think when Iv had a gain and I try to loose it and it doesn’t happen I go off the rails lol. So instead of tryin to get bck to where I was just goin to concentrate on the scales going down lol
It was a good night so not bothered lol . See I’m not 100% at min but don’t have anythin comin up do i this is trouble. Your ok got ur hol to loose for. Me it’s crimbo but got a while yet lol
Haha strange isn’t it what it does to your head.
I’m exac the same as you I was 16.3 before hol and now like 16.12 last time looked it’s horrid. Could do with a miracle lol
Look at that ticker - clicking down a pound towards 49! tighten yr belt and keep striding down towards yr hols.
It's Monday!!
These weekends go so fast!!
I got on the scales this morning and it's not looking good. I'm up 2lbs on last week. Not sure I can turn it around by Wednesday. Hopefully I'm carrying a bit extra water.
Not including my weigh in on Wednesday I only have 3 left until my holiday. I'm away this weekend but we'll be doing lots of walking and hopefully not too much eating or drinking! But after this weekend I have nothing planned until my holiday, so in theory I can have 2 100% weeks and hopefully try to lose a few extra lbs.
This time of year is always really hard for me to diet but normally I give up. I'm determined not to give up this time but I'm really struggling because the numbers aren't going down very quickly.
I’m exactly the same hun really can’t be bothered at the min. I think we did it for so long and wS doin great but I keep cheatin. It’s like al my mates kids go school
Now so I’m gettin texts sayin shall
We meet for breakfast. On a Friday I wake up and think thank god it’s Friday and look forward to some wine that night. It’s like now Iv just got in and doin up cheesy chips.
At the min I keep tryin to be good but failing because my head isn’t in it then I’m gettin down because I’m failing. I’m thinkin about startin a fresh 1st Oct but not sure what to do
I just think give myself a break from it all . I don’t know haha just fed up of trying and giving in lol. It’s like this week I think stuff it I’m havin what I want and I want wine at weekend. I think it’s prob the cold weather makin it worse just want to watch films eat and drink all the time lol.
I think before she started nursery I was like il be ok once she starts . It’s like I really Cnt be bothered.