Little Miss Naughty's Food Diary

Your not having a good time at the mo are you. Least you go on hol tomorrow Cnt see you gettin much maintenance done tho can you. Least you can chill while out there no work.

Good luck for the morning

Will still have to do the maintenance but with hubby supervising...god help me, lol. Dan will help me. I'm hoping there's not too much to do but will have to see when we get there. Plus I'll be working as well, as there's 2 of us off at the same time in the office, so that means I have to work but hey, I'll be in the sun, so can't grumble too much!

How are you doing? Are you glad to be back on track with your diet?
Oh didn’t realise dan was going he can help then lol. Ur always working aren’t you bless ya.

I’m alright ye at the min don’t feel any smaller yet 😂😂I was due on Friday so prob just bloated but il keep going. Don’t feel like lost any yet maybe it was weekend but I’m trying that’s all I can do isn’t it
Yes Dan's coming, so he can help. I'm hoping there wont be too much to do but knowing our luck there will be.

I was so pleased at the weekend. Everyone I saw commented on how much weight I'd lost. I can see it now in my face. My face looks loads smaller than it did before. It just goes to show that even though the scales are only showing a 2lb loss since before summer, my body is changing loads. Strange how it works like that. I've been quite frustrated recently because the scales aren't moving as fast as I'd like them to but obviously somethings happening :)
Here’s 2 photos. One was taken on Sunday and the other last year before I started my diet. I’m so pleased to be able to tell the difference 😁


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Good morning!

I'm now officially on holiday!! I finished my diet last night. I got on the scales this morning and I have lost 1lb this week. I'm pleased with that because I know I've lost inches :) So I'm going on holiday just in the 10's 10 stone 14.
I can't remember the last time I was in the 10's, I think it was before I met hubby which was 15 years ago, so super pleased to get this far :)

When I packed last night, I was so confident that all my summer clothes would fit me, that I didn't even try any on :) I'm on such a high at the minute with how I look, I've not felt like this for a very long time. I'm determined to get back from holiday and get straight back on it. I really want to get to 10 stone by Christmas and then it'll just be a case of maintaining after that. I love CC and it's definitely become part of my lifestyle now!
😀😀👍👍😀😀 yay super chuffed for you hun amazing . 10 stone is unbelievable well done.

Go away and enjoy your holiday you deserve it . Hold your head high and be proud 😀

Thanks hun
I am so pleased. It's been a long time coming but I've managed just over 2 1/2 stone in 8 months which I am super pleased with. I've never stuck to a diet for this long before and never enjoyed a diet for more than about a month. I think I've gained once in 8 months, STS 3-4 times and lost every other week (not including holiday). It's a great diet and I can't wait to get back on it when I get back.

I'm so looking forward to walking around in little tops and feeling confident rather than frumpy :)
Wow littlemiss, the difference between those 2 pictures is amazing, you look fantastic and so slim now! Well done on your weight loss this week and getting into the 10s for your holiday, I hope you can enjoy it as much as possible given hubby's shoulder / having to work while you're there.

Will be back to support all the way to goal once you get home :)
Wow littlemiss, the difference between those 2 pictures is amazing, you look fantastic and so slim now! Well done on your weight loss this week and getting into the 10s for your holiday, I hope you can enjoy it as much as possible given hubby's shoulder / having to work while you're there.

Will be back to support all the way to goal once you get home :)

Thank you Clareel

I feel absolutely amazing, it's been a long time coming but finally I can see a difference and it's great :) I will need all the support I can get when I get back. It's always so hard getting back on track after a holiday but I am really motivated, so hopeful I can get straight back on track :)
Have a great holiday and a massive pat on the back for getting into the tens !! I haven’t seen those for about 15 years !!
Hi all

Just thought I'd do a quick update! I've been in Florida since Thursday and all I've done is eat crap! My big plan to try and be healthy hasn't worked at all! Because of hubbys shoulder, the new bikes are still in the boxes :( and to make matters worse, the oven has broken, so we are waiting for it to be repaired, they've said Wednesday. So no exercise and no home cooked food, it's a disaster! I really had hoped not to put too much weight on this week but I can already tell that it is piling on. My shorts are already starting to feel a bit tight!
I've decided just to go with it and enjoy it. I know I can get back on track as soon as I get back, it'll just mean I'll have a bit extra to lose!

Anyway on a positive's super hot here, it got upto 120 oF in the sun by the pool yesterday! The humidity is really bad though, it's between 75 - 95% most of the time. But I'm not complaining, I could be in the cold at home!

How's everyone doing this week?
Hey littlemissnaughty, I'm glad to hear you are having a good time in Florida, don't stress about food - you know whatever you gain will mostly be water retention / food bloat and it will be off quickly. It's a shame the oven is broken but could you really cook in that heat :classic_eek:
Just enjoy it, final push to Christmas & target when you get back :classic_big_grin:
Hi Littlemiss. Finally found your diary. Sadly I haven't had time to read it but I'll be following from now on.
I hope u enjoy ur holiday. Don't worry about any weight u put on. We are all allowed to relax our diet at special occasions so long as a relaxed diet isn't the norm. You know what to do when u get back so don't stress and just enjoy :)
Hi all!

I'm back!!

OMG I need to get back on the diet wagon big time....I gained 8lbs!!

I ate like a pig and drank like a fish all holiday and so much junk food because we couldn't cook, also because of hubbies shoulder we didn't do hardly any walking and no biking, so all I did was eat and drink!

So now a big fat line has been drawn, I got back yesterday and am straight back on the diet today.
I have 8 weeks to try and lose 1 1/2 stone. I was hopeful when I only had 1 stone to lose but 1 1/2 stone is 21lbs and in only 8 weeks, I'm not too sure this will be doable but I will give it my best shot.

I've started back today and am hoping to do the same as before, stay between 1000 - 1200 calories a day and do my peddles for approx 45 mins a day (mon - fri) and also do 2 X jogging on the spot a week.

Food for today:

Breakfast - None
Lunch - Sandwich and snaps
Dinner - Jacket Potato, Veggi pie and peas

I may have gained loads but I am still super motivated, I know I can do this....I just need to keep motivated!!
Hiya Hun

Nice to have you back . You will have that gain off before you know it. It’s better in a way to have a big gain because it normally goes in 1 week , I find when I gain a couple it’s harder to loose as body used to amount of food
Hiya Hun

Nice to have you back . You will have that gain off before you know it. It’s better in a way to have a big gain because it normally goes in 1 week , I find when I gain a couple it’s harder to loose as body used to amount of food

Thanks hun
I'm hoping that is the case this time. I would love to get back to where I was quickly. I'm hoping it wont take longer than a couple of weeks but if it does then I'll go with it. Ideally I think I need atleast 7 weeks to have any chance of getting the last stone off and getting to target by Christmas but that will only give me 1 week to lose my gain. So it looks like I'll still be here in 2019!