Gold Member
Just filled in summer thing we both have 17lb to go to get to our targets
God ye I can imagine that’s why I like
Mine have enough time loose what Iv gained haha
Just filled in summer thing we both have 17lb to go to get to our targets
Iv got 13. Think we both smashed this . Best diet Iv ever done so easy
Ye Iv got 17 1/4 haha
It will be the wine it’s about 700 for bottle it takes me few days to shift so after curry tonight ul prob weigh th same come tue so you should see a loss.
Aim for a stay the say and tell urself you’ve had a few nights off. Your aloud ur doin fab and as I say it soon comes off . It’s harder for u cause weekend is closer to wed that’s why I like sat weighing got week to shift it.
Ye I’m having another haha . We always have one every sat DNt normally on a Friday. My shopping was delivered last night with substitutes I didn’t want which was last nights tea so sent them back and we said would have takeaway instead . Good excuse right ?
Hopefully you manage ok then. Remeber cheese and crackers is super low if ur desperate later have it with the cheese triangles tho they are like 25 cals each .
We was on about goin there this morning but couldn’t be bothered move. He’s goin football at 1 so to late now. Just been and fetched new lawn mower so think will chill till he goes