Afternoon hun x
I know, im seriously feeling so bad about it, completely undone all the hard work I'd put in during the week! Worked out it's almost totm as well so I know that will hv affected my mood (and will power! )detox goibg fine today-food wise-but definitely not drank enough liquids. Will finish the 2 bottles of water I brought with me to work this afternoon, then will make sure I drink hot water/lemon all evening.
Well done you 4 continuing the detox even with a hangover, I can't touch salad after a night out!definitely agree with u about brownies though, u sound too tender today for that lol x
Hope u manage to relax this evening, tomorrow will be here before u know it & hopefully today's hangover will b long gonex L x
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Hello all,
Sorry I'm not getting on much at the moment. Work's really busy and we go away on Friday so not much spare time.
I'm still doing ok though and detox seems to be ok again so far this week. It's great that I've got all the support of the family again and also my mum's doing it as well so that's good as she's here with me most days.
I'm a bit stuck at the moment, I really want to lose weight but the weather is nice and things keep getting in my way so my motivation and willpower are both really low. I am being good so far this week but I know if someone said 'lets go out for dinner' I would go without question. I really hope I can get my motivation back when I get back from France else I think I will give up and I really don't want to because I love looking and feeling good.
Anyway enough of my moaning, how are you all? Hope you're all having a great week.xx
Good morning all,
Well bang went my diet last night! Ended up having potato fritter and chips from the chippy!
Amy came home from school and went straight out on her trampoline with her friend and somehow managed to bounce into each other and Amy ended up biting straight through her tongue. So we ended up in A&E for 6 hours!
As we didn't get home till gone 10 we just thought chippy was the best option. Poor Amy had a chocolate milkshake as she can't eat anything. I'm going to send her school today with chocolate milkshake and a yogurt for lunch. I wanted to keep her off school but she really wants to go so as long as she's careful she will be fine.
Back on the detox again today, day 3 for all of us and in the day it is going well. Hopefully the chips from yesterday wont have done too much damage.
Really busy day again today work wise, I didn't manage to get yesterdays work finished so it's going to be a long dayTonight we are packing for the holiday and I need to nip and get Amy some trackie bottoms. It's going to be such a rushed day as we were supposed to have gone shopping and stuff last night but didn't get chance. I need a lie down just thinking about it all, lol!!
Anyway hope you all have a great day.xx
Good morning all,
Well bang went my diet last night! Ended up having potato fritter and chips from the chippy!
Amy came home from school and went straight out on her trampoline with her friend and somehow managed to bounce into each other and Amy ended up biting straight through her tongue. So we ended up in A&E for 6 hours!
As we didn't get home till gone 10 we just thought chippy was the best option. Poor Amy had a chocolate milkshake as she can't eat anything. I'm going to send her school today with chocolate milkshake and a yogurt for lunch. I wanted to keep her off school but she really wants to go so as long as she's careful she will be fine.
Back on the detox again today, day 3 for all of us and in the day it is going well. Hopefully the chips from yesterday wont have done too much damage.
Really busy day again today work wise, I didn't manage to get yesterdays work finished so it's going to be a long dayTonight we are packing for the holiday and I need to nip and get Amy some trackie bottoms. It's going to be such a rushed day as we were supposed to have gone shopping and stuff last night but didn't get chance. I need a lie down just thinking about it all, lol!!
Anyway hope you all have a great day.xx