oh, good, was getting a bit worried about you as not like you to be absent!:wave_cry:
Well, not long to re-feed for you is it? Getting excited?
I am fine, wedding yesterday and was fairly well behaved, only ate little protein only parts of meal and only drank water.:love047:
This was despite doing the proud glowing mother act when my daughter sang in the wedding service. She made about 80% of the wedding party cry, including the big butch best man who doesn't even know her!:tear_drop:
Feel a bit melancholy today, probably just tired as had such a mad busy last 10 days. Been too busy to exercise at all but will go on treadmill for a slow run tonight I think.

Life back to mundane and normal now for next 10days, then I go to Lake district for 3 days. 3 of the children are going on school trip to outward bound centre doing abseiling, kayacking etc and I have booked myself and Patch :chores016:into hotel a mile or so away to be close so we can pop and see them. I booked my room ages ago and the rate includes breakfast and dinner. I plan to have breakfast in the room, Patch can have sausages and bacon and I will have a shake. I will go down for dinner and have salad.
Half thinking of stopping the diet soon, not sure I want to loose too much more weight. Ideally I should loose another stone according to various websites, but at my age I don't want to be skinny, I like my curves and I think if I loose much more weight my already saggy neck will go really saggy!
I also thought that when I put my wedding outfit on it didn't look as good as it did when I bought it. I fit most of my clothes now, another few pounds would make them that bit comfier, but another stone would make them all look like sacks and I don't want to buy all new suits etc for work. Never thought I would say all this!

Been looking at exante, but too mean to buy just a few things as much cheaper to buy a months supply but don't want to do a month! My mum has been on it for 10 days and put on 2lb (it could only happen to my mother) "what do you mean have I been cheating? of course I havn't been cheating!"...."Mother, tell the truth!" "Well it was your father's birthday, we had to have a special meal......and I have only been having one bacon sandwich a day....but that isn't cheating, not when there is a good reason, it's alright then, and the bread did need eating....your father couldn't eat it all by himself....he would put weight on!"
So, now thinking Dukan, but also remembering that I tried to loose weight by watching my food and exercising from Christmas to LT and it didn't work, aaaarrrrgggghhh! I just keep going round in circles! Anyway, my flapjacks arrive tomorrow and that may keep my interest going...
Hope your mood improves, don't forget, not long to go and you can have a lovely cup of tea with milk and a delicious salad!!! Only 8 days til a potato:wow: