Liverpool Meet 10/12 July ~ The aftermath lol! :-)

:D You will find it, i should have taken my out, i only managed to take 11 pictures, and 4 of them where of a racing car in the Liverpool superstore :D
I didn't but i did see some very large ants playing the steel pans...and that was before any alcohol !!
Hi :)

I got home about 3ish today, very tired due to only 4hrs sleep :(? and someones snoring *cough cough not naming names!!!!!:p :p

Had a great time, was lovely to meet everyone & a thanks to Carol for organising it :)

becky x :p

What ARE you on about?? Who snored????? At least you managed to sleep Becky, I had to put up with "someone" wanting to stay up and chat all night!! I'm seriously still tired even now!!
:D You still got home before me, we left Liverpool at 1ish, stopped for coffee on the motorway, and i popped into tescos for some supplies, before going home:D

Really?? I was home and driving 'the' car by 3.30 and I wasnt speeding (much) honest!!! How long were you in Tesco for goodness sake :eek:

Well I got home at about 1.20 and that was after stopping off to make a call home - a great advantage of living so close to Liverpool, straight down the dock road to Seaforth then 2 shakes to the front door.
Right seeing as no one was kind enough to take pity on my predicament and post all about the meet I'll have a stab at doing it now. Please bear with me though as it's taking me ages to get even this far lol!
I arrived earlyish on Friday just so that I could take advantage of having a bit of peace and quiet in Jurys lol! Booked in at around 1.30 and unpacked and took a walk to Liverpool1. AllanG arrived not much later and we met up for coffee and a chat in the foyer and kept a lookout for Tazzi and Becky who arrived a little while later. Lots more chatting and we met up with lovely Cate and CahChing in the foyer before going out for a meal, someone will have to remind me of the name of the restaurant sorry lol! We passed so many and no one would make a decision on where to go and I was, *cough* coerced into making the decision lol!! Anyway, the food was very nice indeed even though we did finish up eating a bit too late!
This ps3 doesn't allow for very long posts, don't know why, but I'll continue now. Beck to Jurys for some late night conversation then onto bed.

Saturday morning CC and Cate went sight seeing while Allan, Becky, Tazzi and myself went shopping! Although we didn't go mad and spend all day strolling around the city centre, there was a bit of a present buying quest happening, what with 3 of us having kids and Tazzi wanting to buy her grandad a Liverpool shirt. Back to the hotel to relax before saying goodbye to CC and the arrival of Julie, Debbie, Dan Jan and John.

Cate and Dan mentioned that they'd looked in on a restaurant called Raven on the inside of the Dock so we all took a walk there for our evening meal. It was lovely! My kind of place to eat, relaxed atmosphere,friendly service and tasty food. :) After eating, we decided to go over to The Cavern but first said goodnight to Cate and Dan as he wasn't feeling up to a boogie after recently having surgery on his sinus.
I might pm you about Dan;s op Cate if you don't mind, I've suffered from terrible sinus pain for years and it seems to get worse each year.
Anyway, onto The Cavern for a bop, the least said the better about that! Some people just don't know how to behave and give us normal Scousers a bad rep lol! So we moved onto Revolution, which was packed until we moved upstair and found a booth all to ourselves and took loads of piccies lol! From there we walked through torrential rain to Flares, which was absolutely heaving and sooo hot!! Becky, Julie and myself managed about 45 minutes before excusing ourselves and hopping a taxi back to Jurys. Sorry Allan, Debs and Tazzi! It wasn't long before they followed us back though, what happened Allan? Did the air con pack up or something?
Anyway, Jurys has a 3am bar so you can guess what's coming next lol! Becky and myself were the last to go up to bed at about 2.45 and that was only because I couldn't keep my eyes open, Becky was raring to go and wanted to stay up longer!!
So after only 4 hours sleep we dragged oursleves out of bed on Sunday morning, some of us met up for breakfast while the lucky ones got to sleep a little bit longer lol! Then it was the goodbyes and going of separate ways and the weekend was over :-( The time seened to pass too quickly and I think the next one should be a week long meet lol!! Only kidding!!

Hopefully someone will add on anything I've forgotten and as soon as I've moved my piccies to disc I'll put them in here. It really was lovely to meet up with new friends as well as old friends this weekend and I'm looking forward to doing it again as soon as I can get myself to another meet up. :)
:) :p Photo one is taryn& two is cate & gill. photo 3 carol of course! ;) photo 4 is of the ants that julie was on about there a few mins ago! photo five is julie,taryn&carol.


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photo one is taryn&carol, photo two allan getting a telling of from carol!! and photo 3 is allan,debbie,carol,taryn,julie :)


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Well done for the lowdown on the week-end Carol. I couldn't do it coz I only knew about a few hours of it! :)
I don't know what happened in the Cavern after we left - sounds like it isn't something us true scousers would be very proud of! I'm afraid it was just too loud for me. Usually my sensitive hearing is a blessing but not under those circumstances. I actually found it quite painful. It was nice to get out though - not something we do often.

It was lovely to meet you all & sign me up for the next one! xx

Great photos Becky! xx