Living at home with parents

I'm 21 and still live at home with my mum and my brother, both are overweight too.
My brother lives off crap and my mum tries but doesnt sucseed and has x amount of problems stopping her from dieting.
So anyway I'm finding it really hard to eat healthy foods when my mum who does the shopping buys in lots of sweets, cakes, chocolate [mmmm! :sigh:]
Do any other people have this problem?
How do you stay away from the goodies and control the cravings when these things are right there?
Really struggling with this as I'm really bad with my willpower once I know it's there i cant stop thinking about it [how sad lol]
Hi Vodevil, I can understand your dilemma. Are you and your mum close? I do Slimming world which is normal healthy food thats suitable for the whole family. If you could get your mum to join you with something like that you could fill your cupboards with healthy food and even share the cooking so you are doing it together. And if your brother wants to eat crap then he can buy it himself!
Hello I know exactly what you mean, im in a simular situation I'm also 21 and live at home. Take away is number 1 on the menu in our house and temptation is all around esp after christmas with all the left over chocolates.
It may seem a little anti-social but I tend to stay out of the way when the family are eating there dinner. Then temptation is out of my way.
As for not snacking on the crap in the house, it takes a lot of will power. I try to ask myself will eating that piece of chocolate make me feel better, the answer is usually yes but it will only work whilst im eating it then after I feel crapy because I did not really need to eat it!! and the diet is up the shute!!! Try to remeber that you can do it, and believe in yourself. Snacks only staisfy you for a small amount of time, a slimer you will make you happier for longer!!
Hope this helps Tess xx
My brother doesnt leave the house so he going and buying his own crap wont work, he wont do any chores etc without a bribe [chocolate, cakes etc] off my mum which i know is very pathetic as he is 20 - he's just lazy and my god it annoys me!
My mum does attempt to be healthy and buy the good stuff but it appears the junk stuff is cheaper and on the budget we're on she says it wins.
Maybe I need to live in my room and never step foot in the kitchen again
I actually find that the crap I used to live off is way more expensive than eating the SW way. I have loads of pasta and potatoes which are soooo cheap. I have stuff like cottage pie, egg and chips, pasta salad. It is so much cheaper than crisps cakes and chocolate!
I actually find that the crap I used to live off is way more expensive than eating the SW way. I have loads of pasta and potatoes which are soooo cheap. I have stuff like cottage pie, egg and chips, pasta salad. It is so much cheaper than crisps cakes and chocolate!

i wouldnt know, i don't do the shopping:( i would given the chance but i cant be trusted not to buy only things i like and nothing for anyone else :8855:
Can you go shopping with your mum so you can put in some healthy food? Do you work? can you ask for a cupboard of your own in the kitchen so you can buy your own food?
Yes, definately go shopping with your mum. Fill your trolley with delicious healthy snacks, something you will look forward to eating. Sugar snap peas, melon and carrots I find are always quite the treat :D

See if you can get your mum to switch to lowfat everything. This means that any 'slips' you have will not be as bad as they would normally be. Lowfat foods also tend to be a bit less 'tasty' even if still quite satisfying so aren't as addictive. This will improve the health of your entire household and may set you all on the path to recovery. I'm sure your mum will be willing to cooperate if she is always trying. Buying malt loaf instead of cakes and dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate are a good start :) Both are delicious.
hi, I am 20 and I did live with my grandmother for a while and before then my parents house, I too had the same problem, I was gaining a bit of weight at my grandmothers house and became a bit overweight, I found it very hard to diet when she was offering me cakes and other treats but for me the diet did work because I realised I was eating too much it wasnt just the cakes, and before living there I lived at my dads house and i did eat apple charlott and custard , treacle pudding, banna and custard most days for pudding but i wasnt overweight so i can get away with it but i didnt eat junk food during the day, have you thought about joining a gym? also dont deny yourself the odd treat if you do diet and try writing a food diary and planning what to eat.
Yeah I do go shopping with her sometimes but I'm usually at work when she goes and she wont change the day/time she goes just for me :mad:
We are also on a very tight budget.
I really want to join the gym I just lack some confidence and need the kick in the bum to go there and say ''Hi mr gym can I join?'' but i'm terrified for some reason.
How long has it been since you had an exercise programme?
If you haven't exercised in a long time you may be very unfit. If thats the case, I wouldn't go burning money on a gym because you may have to start on low-intensity aerobic exercises, and you can do those fairly easily without joining a gym. Try some speed walking, gentle jogging or buy a stepper to use at home and see where that takes you. If you can do these exercises then gym it baby! :D

Cardio is one of the awsomest things on the face of the earth. Post-exercise is my second favourate feeling to sex:8855:. I ran 2.10 miles on a treadmill non-stop the other day, it would be difficult to top the feeling that came over me during my warm- down:D
How long has it been since you had an exercise programme?
If you haven't exercised in a long time you may be very unfit. If thats the case, I wouldn't go burning money on a gym because you may have to start on low-intensity aerobic exercises, and you can do those fairly easily without joining a gym. Try some speed walking, gentle jogging or buy a stepper to use at home and see where that takes you. If you can do these exercises then gym it baby! :D

Cardio is one of the awsomest things on the face of the earth. Post-exercise is my second favourate feeling to sex:8855:. I ran 2.10 miles on a treadmill non-stop the other day, it would be difficult to top the feeling that came over me during my warm- down:D

id rather join a gym and walk along on a treadmill cos i'm a wimp and going jogging or walking outside means coldness!
thought about getting some exercise dvds too though.

I dont think im totally unfit but then i wouldnt know how to measure the fitness of myself :confused: lol
I'm just going to warn you (and this may not be true of all gyms) but at my gym there is no heating at all and the cardio section is in a conservatory so it is FREEZING all the time. You really have to work up quite a sweat just to stop shivering, which is of course good because it makes you work harder, but its not that much different from being outside. Only reason I joined a gym was because I wanted to do harder aerobic exercises and I couldn't really motivate myself to do so just by jogging.

As always SEE YOUR DOCTOR before getting started.
i am the same, i work long hours also and be up at 6am and not home till 7pm. So when i come home its like, what would u like for dinner and its a take away most of the time, i get it hard to even get to the shops to buy healthy food, so id be doing great then i wouldnt be able to go shopping and slip back into my old habits
I agree with a previous post that I definitely spend less now I am on SW plan than I did buying junk before. The first week is always the most expensive as you have to buy store cupboard ingredients and key items for the freezer such as frozen meats and vegatables. After that I just seem to do top-up shops for fresh ingredients so much cheaper as there is no actual 'big shop' anymore.

What kind of meals do you eat at the moment? Do you snack a lot?

I understand that it must be hard - I know that if I lived with my Mum it would be a real struggle but I would probably take on going shopping just for me.

Good luck and I hope you find a solution soon :)
I agree with a previous post that I definitely spend less now I am on SW plan than I did buying junk before. The first week is always the most expensive as you have to buy store cupboard ingredients and key items for the freezer such as frozen meats and vegatables. After that I just seem to do top-up shops for fresh ingredients so much cheaper as there is no actual 'big shop' anymore.

What kind of meals do you eat at the moment? Do you snack a lot?

I understand that it must be hard - I know that if I lived with my Mum it would be a real struggle but I would probably take on going shopping just for me.

Good luck and I hope you find a solution soon :)

I eat cereal for breakfast and for lunch usually a sandwich at work or soup - something easy and quick as i only have a 30 minute lunch break.
For my evening meal usually pasta or roasted veggies with some quorn or esomething as i'm a vegetarian.
i dont really snack alot [anymore] if i do im trying to stick to yoghurts or fruit
That actually sounds very healthy especially the evening meal. I am on the Slimming World plan and when on a green day that would be similar to what I would have.

What cereals do you have and what would you normally have on sandwiches?

Are you building in any exercise to your daily routines?
Hi, I'm 22 and still live at home. My sister is addicted to crisps, so there's usually loads of crisps in her cupboard (the only thing she has in there are crisps and those instant pasta packet things, and maybe the odd tin of soup). My mum loves chocolate, so she normally has some in.

I just decided that I would do my own shopping and comandeered a couple of cupboards in the kitchen. They tend to eat a lot of foods I don't like (lots of meat and microwave dinners) and I'm learning how to cook. I'm slowly converting them from microwave meals, too. I've made batches of stuff up and it's in the freezer, so at least I have something quick and easy to heat up when they have dinner. I even have a couple of recipes that I can just chuck together now (using whatever ingredients we have in the kitchen) throw it in the oven and forget about it whilst I get ready to go out.

My sister, who is 21, has to pay rent at home, but I don't as my sister eats whatever my mum buys, and then just gets herself the odd things (like the crisps) but I buy almost all my own food. (I do pay a fair share of the bills, before you all think I'm a spoilt brat). Knowing that it's my own food, and that I won't let anyone else eat it, means that, if I ate their food, I'd feel guilty cos I don't let them eat mine (unless it;s something I'm learning to cook, then the more that eat it, the more I have to cook and the better at it I get).
That actually sounds very healthy especially the evening meal. I am on the Slimming World plan and when on a green day that would be similar to what I would have.

What cereals do you have and what would you normally have on sandwiches?

Are you building in any exercise to your daily routines?

cereal is usually special K or shredded wheat - well thats whats in the cupboard right now!

sandwiches are usually just salad or egg salad

i'm trying very hard to be as healthy as possible and have told family members to hide any temptation away if they can
hey i no how u feel i stayed at home with my family when i did w/w for the 1st time and its sooooooo hard with all the gooddies sitting there!

but it can be done u need 2 bulid will power i did and lost 3 st which for me was great! and the will power u bulid makes ur thouther!!

and then moved in2 my own house with my bfriend and i buy the food which makes it better cause he has his junk cupboard

try stock up on fruit it helps the gravings x