Hey Lelly
BB people look awful so far! They always do though on the first night I think. Sometimes the loudest ones turn out to actually be really boring!!!
I think I have discovered the secret to doing SS because tonight I honestly am not bothered about eating at all. I normally have my shake as soon as I wake and then by 10:30 I want another. Today I didn't have my first shake until around 11am. I filled up on coffee and wasn't hungry. Then the next was at about 2:30 and not had anything since and not hungry at all.
Nice to know I have another one to look forward to tonight, as I do love my tetras. Having said that, BF might come in and cook some chicken and I'll want it if I smell it. It's nice not being hungry though
So, big news for me is that I get married a year today!!! So in a year I will be a married woman and I can't wait. Went into a florist today and they were lovely and helpful. It's so exciting.
Not sure what I'm up to tonight, as I desperately want to read my new book, but there are good things recorded on telly too. I love nothing more (especially on this diet) than sitting in bed upstairs, with the window open, reading a good book. So relaxing. It's by Audrey Neffenegger (sp?) who wrote the Time Traveller's Wife. It's her new book and is a ghost story. I've wanted it for about a year.
Anyway, hope everyone is well. xxx