LJ's Journey to be Slim by Sixty

Have I been dreaming .....?

did someone post a question about running a SW class and taking time off? If I did it's more than my eating needs sorting!!

If not, here's my answer - if you wanted time off you just asked another consultant to take over ur class - SW encourage everyone to work as a team - and they split the country into areas - and regular team meetings were held & we knew our local colleagues - so taking time off was never a problem!
Little bit peckish so I am making dinner. Don't like eating late and I know I will get hungry before bedtime. I am trying something. Made chips from a carrot, a parsnip and a sweet potato. They are cooking in the air fryer. Hope they come out edible! Having them with a portion of minced beef hash (SW recipe) from the freezer. I will take a picture of my weird chips when they are done.
Root veg chips with minced beef hash.
I should have made them all the same thickness but they tasted good especially the parsnips.


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Hi - hope everyone's having an on plan day? Here's my food intake:

B'fast - mullerlight

Lunch - half slice bread HEB - ham

Tea - chicken, carrots, Brussels, gravy 1 syn stuffing 2syns

Dessert (sort of) crumpet 4 syns honey 2 syns

Total Syns - 9

30 mins - yoga
Urghh... I am suffering again. My stomach is complaining bitterly. It does not like this way of eating. I think my experiment is over. Tomorrow I will return to three meals a day at regular times. I don't regret doing it though. I learned from it. My stomach is not capable of telling me what it really needs. I am going to feed my body normal healthy meals at normal traditional mealtimes.
Evening all!

Yet another interesting day of posts!

Upndown wow! A SW consultant! I think it would be a lovely job to do, helping people get to their target weight, seeing everyone shrinking before your eyes every week :) Have you considered doing it again?

LJ as we discussed earlier, I think you should try a day of normal eating, see if your body prefers that and if you get any tummy ache then? Could be something you've eaten?

Well I have stuck to plan, been increasing my free food with my meals.

Breakfast 2 bananas and a toffee mullerlight

to busy for a mid morning snack

Lunch jacket potato, beans and cheese hexa

mini Lindt bunny (3 syns)

Tea. Jacket potato from the take away plain, cottage cheese and pineapple, beans with some BBQ sauce mixed in (1 syn) salad leaves, grated carrot, spring onion, beet root.

So only 4 syns today and I'm stuffed from tea, so not sure ill eat anything else tonight.
Ooh I have been meaning to ask this for a while!

When you have lost weight.. Do you feel the cold more???

I get so cold now! LJ can vouch for this lol I even had blood tests to check if I had under active thyroid!i never had this problem before. I was always hot, I'd never wear a jumper! Now I live in jumpers lol! The dr said it's because I have lost so much weight (3 stone) that it takes my body a while to adjust.

I sit in the office in a coat, scarf and have a little hot water bottle lol Someone said they think I was raised by polar bears LOL
Hi - hope everyone's having an on plan day? Here's my food intake:

B'fast - mullerlight

Lunch - half slice bread HEB - ham

Tea - chicken, carrots, Brussels, gravy 1 syn stuffing 2syns

Dessert (sort of) crumpet 4 syns honey 2 syns

Total Syns - 9

30 mins - yoga

maybe you have my problem of not eating enough?
Upndown, you didn't eat much today. Hope you are feeling OK.

How astute of u LJ! As u know I went to a funeral and even worse was that the solicitor confirmed that the sale of my late parents' property was completed today.

In one sense a relief as my mother died 15 months ago and it's been a bit of a strain to maintain it - but now it and all their possessions have gone it's sad.

I know I'll get over it and my memories won't disappear with the material stuff and I'm lucky to have supportive family - I'll be up and at it 2moro - but hope I'll still be on track!! Thx for ur concern.
Ooh I have been meaning to ask this for a while!

When you have lost weight.. Do you feel the cold more???

I get so cold now! LJ can vouch for this lol I even had blood tests to check if I had under active thyroid!i never had this problem before. I was always hot, I'd never wear a jumper! Now I live in jumpers lol! The dr said it's because I have lost so much weight (3 stone) that it takes my body a while to adjust.

I sit in the office in a coat, scarf and have a little hot water bottle lol Someone said they think I was raised by polar bears LOL

I've not thought about that aspect of losing weight before - but it's an extra layer isn't it?

I've always needed lots of layers so hope I won't need more as I lose the weight - or else I'll just have the same large outline!!
maybe you have my problem of not eating enough?

That's just one day - unusually light for me as ur Mum noticed!!

There were no Freddos in the shop today and I didn't fancy anything else at 5 syns - I'll scour the town for some 2moro!!

How have you done today? Ur posts have reminded me about the 1/3rd rule and the importance of s and ss - must try harder!!
That's just one day - unusually light for me as ur Mum noticed!!

There were no Freddos in the shop today and I didn't fancy anything else at 5 syns - I'll scour the town for some 2moro!!

How have you done today? Ur posts have reminded me about the 1/3rd rule and the importance of s and ss - must try harder!!

whoops -scrub my questions - I've just found ur food diary post!
Evening all!

Yet another interesting day of posts!

Upndown wow! A SW consultant! I think it would be a lovely job to do, helping people get to their target weight, seeing everyone shrinking before your eyes every week :) Have you considered doing it again?

LJ as we discussed earlier, I think you should try a day of normal eating, see if your body prefers that and if you get any tummy ache then? Could be something you've eaten?

Well I have stuck to plan, been increasing my free food with my meals.

Breakfast 2 bananas and a toffee mullerlight

to busy for a mid morning snack

Lunch jacket potato, beans and cheese hexa

mini Lindt bunny (3 syns)

Tea. Jacket potato from the take away plain, cottage cheese and pineapple, beans with some BBQ sauce mixed in (1 syn) salad leaves, grated carrot, spring onion, beet root.

So only 4 syns today and I'm stuffed from tea, so not sure ill eat anything else tonight.

Plenty of free food there - big tick in the box! And as ur full that shd show on the scales CJ - hope so - will make sure I do the same - I keep forgetting the free food rules!
Morning people. Fat2go where are you? I have work this morning. Looking forward to the weekend starting. Upndown, I hope you feel alright today and can stay on plan despite the sadness and stress of yesterday. We are here to support if you need us. No matter what the reason. Everything is related to our weight loss journey. CJ enjoy your weekend off. Have a nice relaxing time. Maybe cut back on those jacket potatoes. LOL!

I was awake for a couple of hours in the night so started reading the 5:2 threads and then did a wider search online. I want to try it. There are a group on Minimins doing 5:2 in conjunction with SW. The benefits of short fasts are so great that I am drawn to see if I can make it work. When CJ and I were doing Atkins quite recently I was doing intermittent Fasting with that so it's not completely new to me. I think if I can find a way to avoid the stomach pains then I will do it. Perhaps a soup meal to break the fast would be gentler and easier to digest. Last night the pains lasted over four hours. i don't want to repeat that!

I am going to read more over the weekend and get organised and then if I decide to go ahead I will fast on Tuesday. That is, not a full fast, the 5:2 version which is eat only 500 calories of food that day. The guidelines say you should have no food for 16-24 hours, starting with the lower value if you find it hard. So if i have dinner by 7pm on Monday evening, 16 hours from then is lunchtime Tuesday. I would have a veggie soup lunch and perhaps a more substantial soup for dinner followed by yogurt.

Well.... The eat when hungry experiment has ended and a new one begins next week! I intend to have breakfast shortly and normal SW meals for the coming three days. Let my insides recover from the upset I have caused.

I am interested to hear your opinions whether you think I am crazy or if it's to discuss the reasons why. If you are reading this and haven't posted on my thread before. Join in please! We would love to hear what you think! :)
Evening all!

Yet another interesting day of posts!

Upndown wow! A SW consultant! I think it would be a lovely job to do, helping people get to their target weight, seeing everyone shrinking before your eyes every week :) Have you considered doing it again?

LJ as we discussed earlier, I think you should try a day of normal eating, see if your body prefers that and if you get any tummy ache then? Could be something you've eaten?

Well I have stuck to plan, been increasing my free food with my meals.

Breakfast 2 bananas and a toffee mullerlight

to busy for a mid morning snack

Lunch jacket potato, beans and cheese hexa

mini Lindt bunny (3 syns)

Tea. Jacket potato from the take away plain, cottage cheese and pineapple, beans with some BBQ sauce mixed in (1 syn) salad leaves, grated carrot, spring onion, beet root.

So only 4 syns today and I'm stuffed from tea, so not sure ill eat anything else tonight.

Just been thinking about this site & remembered I didn't answer ur question on being a SW consultant - yes it was a lovely job - very rewarding and I had a large friendly group - I'm still in touch with some of them. Would I do it again - well I wouldn't rule it out!

From ur posts, I think you and LJ would be good at it - and the financial rewards are good for the hours worked - SW guide you all the way inc marketing and ongoing training - the admin was minimal - probably less so these days now the system is computerised.

Those who followed SW advice to the letter found out how well the SW business model works! I started a class from scratch and 50 people turned up on the first night!
Morning people. Fat2go where are you?
I am interested to hear your opinions whether you think I am crazy or if it's to discuss the reasons why. If you are reading this and haven't posted on my thread before. Join in please! We would love to hear what you think! :)

I think you're crazy...It's the old adage, 'If it 'ain't broke then why fix it?'

You've already done fantastic, almost 2 stone down, you've reached your club 10 and for the most part you're enjoying the food. All this in eleven weeks leads me to believe you're 'cooking on gas' as the younger folk would say.

The only real problem you've had is leaving things too long between eating, giving you stomach pains...These, from my knowledge, have only started since you've been leaving things a lot longer between meals. And now you're considering leaving it SIXTEEN hours (minimum) between eating...that's just mad.

To get through this one has to do what's best for oneself and I think, for you, eating less but more often is the key. Surely to goodness, the one way to fall off the wagon is to leave eating until you're so hungry you'll just want to grab whatever to eat. LJ...week 11, you've already achieved Club 10 and you still lose 1.5 pounds!!

However, all I can offer is my opinion...this is your journey after all and I'm not trying to tell you what to do or the way you should do it. If you want me to be honest, then I think you're trying something different for the sake of trying something different. Another alternative would be to scour the internet for all sorts of SW recipes, and try a different one every day for a week :)

You're fantastic, you're doing wonderfully well...you're simply amazing...Stop messing with perfection ;) xx
Morning people. Fat2go where are you? I have work this morning. Looking forward to the weekend starting. Upndown, I hope you feel alright today and can stay on plan despite the sadness and stress of yesterday. We are here to support if you need us. No matter what the reason. Everything is related to our weight loss journey. CJ enjoy your weekend off. Have a nice relaxing time. Maybe cut back on those jacket potatoes. LOL!

I was awake for a couple of hours in the night so started reading the 5:2 threads and then did a wider search online. I want to try it. There are a group on Minimins doing 5:2 in conjunction with SW. The benefits of short fasts are so great that I am drawn to see if I can make it work. When CJ and I were doing Atkins quite recently I was doing intermittent Fasting with that so it's not completely new to me. I think if I can find a way to avoid the stomach pains then I will do it. Perhaps a soup meal to break the fast would be gentler and easier to digest. Last night the pains lasted over four hours. i don't want to repeat that!

I am going to read more over the weekend and get organised and then if I decide to go ahead I will fast on Tuesday. That is, not a full fast, the 5:2 version which is eat only 500 calories of food that day. The guidelines say you should have no food for 16-24 hours, starting with the lower value if you find it hard. So if i have dinner by 7pm on Monday evening, 16 hours from then is lunchtime Tuesday. I would have a veggie soup lunch and perhaps a more substantial soup for dinner followed by yogurt.

Well.... The eat when hungry experiment has ended and a new one begins next week! I intend to have breakfast shortly and normal SW meals for the coming three days. Let my insides recover from the upset I have caused.

I am interested to hear your opinions whether you think I am crazy or if it's to discuss the reasons why. If you are reading this and haven't posted on my thread before. Join in please! We would love to hear what you think! :)

Hi - I don't think ur crazy at all - u've mentioned ur a perfectionist so I think if 5:2 suits you - u'll do well on it.

Like me you've also tried several diets over the years - and are now looking for a healthy sustainable solution, perhaps too after 11 weeks ur looking to ring the changes - all good reasons to try something different.

I think ur plan to combine SW with 5:2 is a good one - go for it - if I have the willpower - I'll join u - but as I'm so upndown and I'm doing ok on SW at the moment - don't want to spoil things but willing to give it a try next week - what have we got to lose but the flab eh?
Jules are you there......

...hope you're ok - I know everyone's too busy to post sometimes - but hope you're on plan - if you're struggling - let us know - we're here to support one another!
LJ - just noticed that ur thread has attracted more than 500 likes - woohoo - well done you for creating this little haven and thank you!!