Full Member
Hello All. Yes me too Cj I love cheese too. Sorry to hear youddnt have a good day Upndown. The weather was wonderful today, just like a summers day. Beautiful! I had a busy day with loading vans and ringing peope for the move. I had to town for more packing boxes and if course I didnt sleep well last night. I even wentoutside and washed all of the windows.
Food today- 2 toast ( malted Danish has the lowest fat content), lunch- 2 beef and cracked pepper sausages, spinach and mashed potato. blackberries and mulker light yoghurt. Butternut squash and sweet potato soup and cherries to follow.
I feel like I've missed out on the nice weather today! It's been dull and grey and cold..
Sounds like you have had a busy day! Are you any closer to getting it all finished? When is move day?
how are your sausages??