LJ's Journey to be Slim by Sixty

Im getting there guys Im at the 5th of Feb! WOW you all do have some great, deep discussions, putting the world to right!
Im intrigued with the cake in a cup have copied that down and also the donner kebabs, haven't got as far as finding out if anyone has tried and tested them yet?
As for the psychological things that parents do.. Well beginning to think I may be scarring my Little Ones, I too make them eat all that is on there plate!:eek: difference is I give them healthy food they eat SW style without knowing really. They are mega active too so keeps fat at bay. :D
Im also reading the latest threads as they come in so, if I switch back and forth please do excuse me.
I'm just lurking about and its great reading, funny, witty, sometimes worrying but what a lovely crowd and great support you provide one another. Keep going peeps. x

The cake In a cup is tricky to master, the first one I made had to much sweetener, the next one was perfect.. The next one was mushy lol if you can get it right then it's good with yogurt on!
I am in bed early. Not feeling too good so please forgive me for not commenting on all the posts. I will explain...

Started my day with a kefir and banana smoothie. Went off to work. Drank several glasses of diet coke and at work right next to me was a half eaten tube of my fav flavour of pringles. They have been there all week not bothering me and getting soggier by the day with no lid on. For some reason I decided to eat a couple. Not sure why. They weren't as nice as I remembered them. Over the space of a couple of hours I polished off the whole lot which was half a tube. I think its something like about 8 syns which is ok but they are very salty and full of MSG I think.

Came home from work mid afternoon and started craving more carbs. Must be the pringles caused that because I don't get it when on plan. Instead of having soup I thawed out not one but two slices of bread from the freezer and had them spread with a jar of chicken paste. That was quite nice but then I had the munchies so later on I worked my way through three little bananas.

By teatime I started feeling extremely thirsty and quite ill. I drank a glass of water and had a little bowl of yogurt. The thirst was still raging so a little while ago I downed another large glass of water. My stomach is complaining. It hates too much volume at once so I am taking it easy in bed feeling still very thirsty but having to wait a bit before I can drink more water.

I think if I count this as a green day I am on plan but clearly it was not a healthy day. Very little superfree and too many additives from those darn Pringles. It has made me eager for tomorrow to be here so I can get back to 'normal'. Wow! I must mean the new normal. Not the old normal. So the new normal is normal now! LOL

Goodnight friends. Hopefully I will catch up with you all tomorrow.

Oh no... Those pesky Pringles!! Get me every time, they are so tasty! They make me thirsty and make my tongue sore.. I think it may be something to do with the quantity I eat more than anything else lol

I hope you feel better soon and get some sleep. It is days like this that remind us why We should stick to this nice yummy healthy food not all that processed stuff, who knows what half of those ingredients are!
I am in bed early. Not feeling too good so please forgive me for not commenting on all the posts. I will explain...

Started my day with a kefir and banana smoothie. Went off to work. Drank several glasses of diet coke and at work right next to me was a half eaten tube of my fav flavour of pringles. They have been there all week not bothering me and getting soggier by the day with no lid on. For some reason I decided to eat a couple. Not sure why. They weren't as nice as I remembered them. Over the space of a couple of hours I polished off the whole lot which was half a tube. I think its something like about 8 syns which is ok but they are very salty and full of MSG I think.

Came home from work mid afternoon and started craving more carbs. Must be the pringles caused that because I don't get it when on plan. Instead of having soup I thawed out not one but two slices of bread from the freezer and had them spread with a jar of chicken paste. That was quite nice but then I had the munchies so later on I worked my way through three little bananas.

By teatime I started feeling extremely thirsty and quite ill. I drank a glass of water and had a little bowl of yogurt. The thirst was still raging so a little while ago I downed another large glass of water. My stomach is complaining. It hates too much volume at once so I am taking it easy in bed feeling still very thirsty but having to wait a bit before I can drink more water.

I think if I count this as a green day I am on plan but clearly it was not a healthy day. Very little superfree and too many additives from those darn Pringles. It has made me eager for tomorrow to be here so I can get back to 'normal'. Wow! I must mean the new normal. Not the old normal. So the new normal is normal now! LOL

Goodnight friends. Hopefully I will catch up with you all tomorrow.

Oh no - what a pain - hope u feel better soon!

I've done that so many times - I've felt so ill after eating some rubbish yet as u describe so well - I used to keep going back for more like an addict!

Well I'm sure u'll be bang on plan 2moro with ur usual healthy food - another lesson shared with us all.
Aaaah Upndown, just read about your secret past ;) Spy in the camp eh?
No wonder you are so good at making people feel great with their achievements.:p
I actually signed up for it myself in 2006 then found out I was pregnant again so couldn't commit.
Im still reading might have to give in for the night though Im on page 43 out of 78. Ladies and gent you are very inspirational.
Gnight all, hope you feeling better tomorrow LJ. :)
Good Morning All. Wow what a lot of posts brilliant! LJ those cheese scones looked fantastic. I bet they tasted really good too. CJ so sorry to hear about you feeling ill. Pringles really are salty I would imagine you were so thirsty with that. I often used to get the munchies after a roast dinner. I blamed the salt in the gravy. Bubble you are doing well reading back . It is fascinating isnt it. I started to do that but didnt get all the way through. Well its Sunday and the sun is shining. My friend has invited me for tea. A roast dinner. But she went through with me what I could and could not eat which I thought was very kind. I hope everyone slept well. Id never thought of adding all my lengths up. Thats a good idea. Not sure when I will next manage swimming again as I have to go back to sort out the house tomorrow.
Good Morning All. Wow what a lot of posts brilliant! LJ those cheese scones looked fantastic. I bet they tasted really good too. CJ so sorry to hear about you feeling ill. Pringles really are salty I would imagine you were so thirsty with that. I often used to get the munchies after a roast dinner. I blamed the salt in the gravy. Bubble you are doing well reading back . It is fascinating isnt it. I started to do that but didnt get all the way through. Well its Sunday and the sun is shining. My friend has invited me for tea. A roast dinner. But she went through with me what I could and could not eat which I thought was very kind. I hope everyone slept well. Id never thought of adding all my lengths up. Thats a good idea. Not sure when I will next manage swimming again as I have to go back to sort out the house tomorrow.

Hi - enjoy ur roast dinner what a nice friend to work it around you - good luck with sorting the house 2moro - have a good day!
Aaaah Upndown, just read about your secret past ;) Spy in the camp eh?
No wonder you are so good at making people feel great with their achievements.:p
I actually signed up for it myself in 2006 then found out I was pregnant again so couldn't commit.
Im still reading might have to give in for the night though Im on page 43 out of 78. Ladies and gent you are very inspirational.
Gnight all, hope you feeling better tomorrow LJ. :)

Hi - no secret - and it was a long time ago when I was a SW consultant - pre Extra Easy - but happy to help where I can! But altho' I did that to help maintain my weight having lost about 3 stone - it didn't work cos I started to gain - then my job changed to involve a lot of travel - so gave up my class - so that's why I'm here and so far that's worked really well thanks to all the support here!

You're doing well with the reading!
Morning all!

Today I am posting from the garden, in the sunshine :) it's a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky. I was reading in the news that this time last year was snow! Crazy to think of that when it's so lovely this year. Hopefully this means we will have a lovely summer again.

Those cheese scones... Omg.. I cannot recommend them enough lol they taste like scones and so cheesy yum. I will be making more of these little beauties lol

So I gave my sister a lift to work this morning and took some more things to the tip. I do wish they would at least wait until I'm back in my car before they start ripping open the bags! Lol Still more to do in the spare room. I may attack the pantry later.. Me and my sister rent a house from our uncle (LJs brother). He never really fully moved out lol 3 years on and there are still saucepans and things in the kitchen.. Which was last weekends project. The pantry still has loads of junk in, so I might take that. However it's such a nice day that might have to wait until next weekend haha

I am planning another walk today. The route I did yesterday was about 2.7 miles. My app failed me so I drove round to check the distance. I then came home and did the extra 1.3 miles on the treadmill. So I may try and do the 2.7 mile route or make it up to 3 miles. Think I may have found the problem with the app, it was going "to sleep" lol so I will see if the changes worked!

What has every got planned for their day?

LJ you need to hurry and come back, the garden needs some work ready for our veggies next year lol! I was talking to someone at work, she has an allotment, she grows loads of things! Sweetcorn, beet root,carrots, beans, strawberries etc. that will be us next year! Now all we need is a cow for your yogurt and some chickens haha although the amount of eggs I eat I might need a few chickens hehe

I find this weather motivates me more to stay on plan and makes me want to exercise.. What about everyone else?

I am setting you all a Sunday challenge, to drink at least 1 litre of water today! Good luck :)
I agree with you CJ, this weather is very inspiring. Washing dry, beds changed and the lawn has been cut.
I have stuck to my red day so far today and am enjoying the extra A for some cheese.
I am so glad LJ found me as reading all these pages has really helped me stick to my plan, and helps me to know we all have similar problems. It should also help while out of touch computerwise while looking after the grandchildren.

This morning I got a phone call from my son in New Zealand - that was so special. They are coming over for a wedding in July - can`t wait.

Now I have had lunch I am going to walk to the garden centre, it is only about a mile round trip though.

Food today is sausages, eggs,tom & mush with toast for breakfast.
Ham salad for lunch with egg, cheese, beetroot etc. & some salad cream.
Dinner is going to be chicken thighs with piri piri seasoning on them with roast potato & cabbage. Will alsohave fruit & yogurt.

Enjoy this lovely weather ladies.
I agree with you CJ, this weather is very inspiring. Washing dry, beds changed and the lawn has been cut.
I have stuck to my red day so far today and am enjoying the extra A for some cheese.
I am so glad LJ found me as reading all these pages has really helped me stick to my plan, and helps me to know we all have similar problems. It should also help while out of touch computerwise while looking after the grandchildren.

This morning I got a phone call from my son in New Zealand - that was so special. They are coming over for a wedding in July - can`t wait.

Now I have had lunch I am going to walk to the garden centre, it is only about a mile round trip though.

Food today is sausages, eggs,tom & mush with toast for breakfast.
Ham salad for lunch with egg, cheese, beetroot etc. & some salad cream.
Dinner is going to be chicken thighs with piri piri seasoning on them with roast potato & cabbage. Will alsohave fruit & yogurt.

Enjoy this lovely weather ladies.

I'm getting envious with all this nice weather - we had it for a few days so I'm missing it now!

Nice to get a call from ur son and bet ur looking forward to seeing them in July.

Don't knock a mile long walk - most of mine are a mile but they're adding up now! Have u seen LJ's 100 mile challenge on her signature - a few of us have copied her and it's childishly good to see the miles going up even 1 by 1!!

Food looks good to - doesn't it feel good to be on plan? Enjoy the rest of the day's lovely weather - u lucky things!
Morning all!

Today I am posting from the garden, in the sunshine :) it's a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky. I was reading in the news that this time last year was snow! Crazy to think of that when it's so lovely this year. Hopefully this means we will have a lovely summer again.

Those cheese scones... Omg.. I cannot recommend them enough lol they taste like scones and so cheesy yum. I will be making more of these little beauties lol

So I gave my sister a lift to work this morning and took some more things to the tip. I do wish they would at least wait until I'm back in my car before they start ripping open the bags! Lol Still more to do in the spare room. I may attack the pantry later.. Me and my sister rent a house from our uncle (LJs brother). He never really fully moved out lol 3 years on and there are still saucepans and things in the kitchen.. Which was last weekends project. The pantry still has loads of junk in, so I might take that. However it's such a nice day that might have to wait until next weekend haha

I am planning another walk today. The route I did yesterday was about 2.7 miles. My app failed me so I drove round to check the distance. I then came home and did the extra 1.3 miles on the treadmill. So I may try and do the 2.7 mile route or make it up to 3 miles. Think I may have found the problem with the app, it was going "to sleep" lol so I will see if the changes worked!

What has every got planned for their day?

LJ you need to hurry and come back, the garden needs some work ready for our veggies next year lol! I was talking to someone at work, she has an allotment, she grows loads of things! Sweetcorn, beet root,carrots, beans, strawberries etc. that will be us next year! Now all we need is a cow for your yogurt and some chickens haha although the amount of eggs I eat I might need a few chickens hehe

I find this weather motivates me more to stay on plan and makes me want to exercise.. What about everyone else?

I am setting you all a Sunday challenge, to drink at least 1 litre of water today! Good luck :)

Hi - reading this with a coffee in hand! But had a fruit tea and 2 small glasses of water so far - so a long way to go for ur challenge litre!!

Stop rubbing it in about the weather blue sky and cool here LOL!

I'm impressed with all ur activity - I'm having a lazy day - one of our sons is here doing something to his care - so we've just had SW soup and they've had SW brownies but I daren't start on them yet or I'll be in and out of the tin till they've gone!

Yes when LJ gets up there u'll be growing all sorts - I was picking salad leaves until early December last year - I ind that they are the easiest things to grow and save me the most money - those bags in the supermarket go off so quick and they're expensive.

Hope u enjoy ur walk - it was a good idea of LJ's to set the 100 mile challenge - I feel guilty if the numbers don't change for a few days! Better go now and have some more water..............
Hi LJ - hope ur feeling better?
The fizzy water I drink is either the 17p 2 litre bottles from Tesco which are not spring water or anything, or tap water that I fizz up in a Sodastream. No expensive bottled water here either!

Just found this - that's handy to know for when fizzy-loving friends and family come round!
Hi - reading this with a coffee in hand! But had a fruit tea and 2 small glasses of water so far - so a long way to go for ur challenge litre!!

Stop rubbing it in about the weather blue sky and cool here LOL!

I'm impressed with all ur activity - I'm having a lazy day - one of our sons is here doing something to his care - so we've just had SW soup and they've had SW brownies but I daren't start on them yet or I'll be in and out of the tin till they've gone!

Yes when LJ gets up there u'll be growing all sorts - I was picking salad leaves until early December last year - I ind that they are the easiest things to grow and save me the most money - those bags in the supermarket go off so quick and they're expensive.

Hope u enjoy ur walk - it was a good idea of LJ's to set the 100 mile challenge - I feel guilty if the numbers don't change for a few days! Better go now and have some more water..............

Sorry to hear the sunshine hasn't made it over to you! Maybe you will get some in the week.

Yes the bags of salad do go off so quick. Also the guinea pig shares it, so it doesn't last long and is expensive, so having salad leaves growing in the garden would be great! Carrots and potatoes would be good to, although piggy is picky when it comes to her carrots, only the baby ones will do. Big ones she just chomps into tiny chunks and spits them out lol!

i had a lovely walk thank you. I decided to walk with a purpose, so I went to sainsburys for some fry light. I went the long route and it was a 4 mile round trip :) my miles are adding up now! I have to make the most of it at weekends, I don't get as much chance in the week.

I bought a 500ml bottle of water at sainsburys to, so drank that on the way back. I think I've done my 1L I'm trying for another one now! Good luck!

Your brownies sound yummy, do you have the recipe at hand?
I agree with you CJ, this weather is very inspiring. Washing dry, beds changed and the lawn has been cut.
I have stuck to my red day so far today and am enjoying the extra A for some cheese.
I am so glad LJ found me as reading all these pages has really helped me stick to my plan, and helps me to know we all have similar problems. It should also help while out of touch computerwise while looking after the grandchildren.

This morning I got a phone call from my son in New Zealand - that was so special. They are coming over for a wedding in July - can`t wait.

Now I have had lunch I am going to walk to the garden centre, it is only about a mile round trip though.

Food today is sausages, eggs,tom & mush with toast for breakfast.
Ham salad for lunch with egg, cheese, beetroot etc. & some salad cream.
Dinner is going to be chicken thighs with piri piri seasoning on them with roast potato & cabbage. Will alsohave fruit & yogurt.

Enjoy this lovely weather ladies.

Sounds like you have had a busy day to! We will all be with you in spirit while your away! Spurring you on until you get back. Just think how lovely it will be when you get on those scales this week and have a nice loss!

As Upndown said, every mile helps. You can always work up, then to 1.5 miles, 2 miles etc.
I am inside now, watching tv. I think I may have overdone the sun, got a bit of a headache lol but you have to make the most of these opportunities!

My outdoor kitty Terri (mummy cat), loves it when we are out in the garden, she comes bouncing over. She came and sat on my lap to! Here she is enjoying some me time in the sun lol


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Sorry to hear the sunshine hasn't made it over to you! Maybe you will get some in the week.

Yes the bags of salad do go off so quick. Also the guinea pig shares it, so it doesn't last long and is expensive, so having salad leaves growing in the garden would be great! Carrots and potatoes would be good to, although piggy is picky when it comes to her carrots, only the baby ones will do. Big ones she just chomps into tiny chunks and spits them out lol!

i had a lovely walk thank you. I decided to walk with a purpose, so I went to sainsburys for some fry light. I went the long route and it was a 4 mile round trip :) my miles are adding up now! I have to make the most of it at weekends, I don't get as much chance in the week.

I bought a 500ml bottle of water at sainsburys to, so drank that on the way back. I think I've done my 1L I'm trying for another one now! Good luck!

Your brownies sound yummy, do you have the recipe at hand?

Yes it'd save u a fortune if u grew salad leaves Lidl have a good selection of very cheap seeds think I paid about 20p a pack for the salad ones and they have different varieties & colours. I'm like my Dad when it comes to gardening he used to sow 4 times as much as he needed and hoped at least a 1/4 wd come up! I grow the leaves rather than a head of lettuce cos the individual leaves will grow again a few times (getting smaller each time) Lettuce lecture over - sorry!

It'll be a good thing if Piggy likes small carrots cos I think the big ones are quite hard to grow and I agree they're tastier!

Walking going good - I prefer to walk with a purpose unless I've got company too! U'll def beat me on the water challenge - I've had water in 2 fruit teas (is that allowed?!) and 4 glasses - I'll measure the mugs/glasses later!

Here's the link for SW brownies - I've tried a couple of recipes now and these are my fave - I think I mentioned I prefer them with some 'bite' so add a HEB each of dried apricots and chopped nuts - then 'share' the HEBs over the days I eat them - that's prob easier on Red, Green and Succ Exp days cos of the double HE A + Bs. Everyone one here thinks they taste better with a tsp of Nutella, with fruit and or yog! Enjoy!
Yes it'd save u a fortune if u grew salad leaves Lidl have a good selection of very cheap seeds think I paid about 20p a pack for the salad ones and they have different varieties & colours. I'm like my Dad when it comes to gardening he used to sow 4 times as much as he needed and hoped at least a 1/4 wd come up! I grow the leaves rather than a head of lettuce cos the individual leaves will grow again a few times (getting smaller each time) Lettuce lecture over - sorry!

It'll be a good thing if Piggy likes small carrots cos I think the big ones are quite hard to grow and I agree they're tastier!

Walking going good - I prefer to walk with a purpose unless I've got company too! U'll def beat me on the water challenge - I've had water in 2 fruit teas (is that allowed?!) and 4 glasses - I'll measure the mugs/glasses later!

Here's the link for SW brownies - I've tried a couple of recipes now and these are my fave - I think I mentioned I prefer them with some 'bite' so add a HEB each of dried apricots and chopped nuts - then 'share' the HEBs over the days I eat them - that's prob easier on Red, Green and Succ Exp days cos of the double HE A + Bs. Everyone one here thinks they taste better with a tsp of Nutella, with fruit and or yog! Enjoy!

Thank you for the lettuce advice! Your our gardening guru :)

I couldn't see the brownie link? Could you maybe re post? Thanks!

i hope you've had a nice afternoon.
Evening all,

Busy day again. I'm now enjoying a nice relaxing evening.

Breakfast scrambled egg, bacon, beans, cheese scone (1syn).... Lol strange yes but yummy!

lunch 2 x scones (2syns) banana, plum, grape and yogurt with honey (1syn)

tea eat pasta, pasta sauce (3syns) sweetcorn, peppers, salad leaves and cucumber

7 syns total. 4 miles walked 402 cals burnt!

May treat myself to a chocolate mousse or freddo later both 5 syns
Evening all,

Busy day again. I'm now enjoying a nice relaxing evening.

Breakfast scrambled egg, bacon, beans, cheese scone (1syn).... Lol strange yes but yummy!

lunch 2 x scones (2syns) banana, plum, grape and yogurt with honey (1syn)

tea eat pasta, pasta sauce (3syns) sweetcorn, peppers, salad leaves and cucumber

7 syns total. 4 miles walked 402 cals burnt!

May treat myself to a chocolate mousse or freddo later both 5 syns

A busy day again for u and a 4 mile walk - u deserve a great loss this week!

Whoops on the brownie link - not sure what happened there - I made some more today but family have eaten a lot!! I put some baking powder in and add 25g of apricots and 25g chopped nuts (each a HExB) - I think to get 25 - they'd be ice cube size - I get 12 out of the mixture - here's the link:

Slimming World Chocolate Brownies - 1/2 Syn Each - Makes 25 Brownies

If u cd see my garden u wdn't call me a guru but I enjoy gardening and stick to the easy stuff!
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