Aww Kay, loving the bunny in glasses!
Mo, sorry to hear your day was even tougher than usual. Hope the stress will soon be over for you.
CJ, you funny thing being jealous of someone eating the lunch you eat nearly every work day! LOL.
Bubble, upndown, doreen, coughdrops....
How is everyone else? Where are you all?
My food for today:
Breakfast: kefir and prune smoothie. No honey today, it tasted great without.
Lunch: veg soup, banana x 2
Dinner: lamb stew and rice from freezer.
Didn't calorie count today. Don't see the point anymore. I proved to myself that this is a low calorie way of eating so back to just following the EE plan.
My breakfast was my HexA and HexB so I completed the challenge too. I drank about a litre of fluid so not great but at least it was something.
I am terrified of weigh in tomorrow but well, it has to be faced. Hope I get a nice surprise but I am not confident. A sts would be good.
Mo, sorry to hear your day was even tougher than usual. Hope the stress will soon be over for you.
CJ, you funny thing being jealous of someone eating the lunch you eat nearly every work day! LOL.
Bubble, upndown, doreen, coughdrops....
How is everyone else? Where are you all?
My food for today:
Breakfast: kefir and prune smoothie. No honey today, it tasted great without.
Lunch: veg soup, banana x 2
Dinner: lamb stew and rice from freezer.
Didn't calorie count today. Don't see the point anymore. I proved to myself that this is a low calorie way of eating so back to just following the EE plan.
My breakfast was my HexA and HexB so I completed the challenge too. I drank about a litre of fluid so not great but at least it was something.
I am terrified of weigh in tomorrow but well, it has to be faced. Hope I get a nice surprise but I am not confident. A sts would be good.