Superturk! You're back! (Or maybe still here?)
That's so great, you've lost almost 2 stone and you're almost at your 10%!
I more than understand the temptation to jump on the scales every day, especially since I use Wii Fit, which automatically weighs you every time you get on. I did read somewhere that people who weigh themselves daily are less likely to lose weight. I wonder if it's because daily weighing means that you're going to be seeing every minute fluctuation - which for people as big as you and I are really visible on the scales. So if you're constantly being disappointed by rises and falls you might be more likely to give up than a person who would be seeing a constant(-ish) progress.
I think minigoals are very important! Looking at something long-term is very defeating...
I am getting on alright so far, I lost 2.5 lbs in my first week and then had what I think would have been a really good second week, but I was wasn't able to go weigh in, as I had to go away for work. I was away for 6 days, and when I left I thought I was in the right head space for making food decisions. But that totally fell over almost as soon as I got there, and I had such long busy days, it was virtually impossible to keep an eye on what I was eating. On a couple of the days, I didn't have time to have lunch, and ended up wolfing down piles of these little chocolate bars that were laid out during meetings.
I was really dreading my weigh in yesterday, but ended up being 1.5 pounds down from 2 weeks ago. So I suspect that having had such a good week previously counteracted whatever happened when I went away.
All I can do is take it on the chin and move on. Life is going to get in the way, and all I can hope to do is to minimise the damage.
Best of luck for the coming week!
Hi Meow,
Still here and checking the forum when I can.
I bought a wii fit yesturday and spent 1 hour doing the jogging which I thought was great. I really am determind this time to lose my weight and keep it off. I have decieded to train 5 times a week now with 3 times being in the gym and 2 on the wii fit, i think i have now built momentem and dont want it to stop.
Please stay in touch and we can help each other along the line