It's hard to motivate yourself when you can't be bothered and have no concentration
I'm just gonna warn you this - I thought I'd started feeling better cos I didn't feel anxious. It only lasted a few hours and I've just as bad since. Today I've been really weepy again - although that could have been caused by Boyzone
We probably all react differently to meds so it might not do it to you
Tv just confused the hell out of me - I'd put on the biggest loser ep 2, was logging into here then I suddenly heard Pauline Quirke's voice and thought wtf when did I put birds of a feather back on again
She was on an advert for Lighter Life lol
I'm a bit up and down myself Tilly - been fretting over the house being invaded today by a transport person doing an annual review for my son's school taxi in the mornings ('cause I work then, usually
). It wasn't too bad in the end, it's just the waiting around.
If I'm not allowed/can't sleep I'm just restless all the time 'cause I got told to do things by the doctor I feel like I can't stop or I'll just plop into a puddle on the sofa like a big jelly (there's an image for the overactive imagination
Doing finance things with the OH tonight
Having to do some serious sorting out 'cause reckons that's a big problem for me. Been trying to go out with a small budget to learn that it's fine to go in a shop and buy things on a list and that's it. I keep panicking that I don't have enough money and I end up just staring at all the things in shops feeling lost not knowing what I want or what I need
heh yeah and the mention of that Yours shop on Mandy's diary - I went looking at the link and went oooh and went to add it to my favourites when I stopped myself with 'what are you DOING?!' need to stop spending as a distraction/comfort
Think I should try and talk about some of this stuff when I go see the other GP in a few weeks (if they give me a chance
). I keep thinking about that first visit where I thought she'd been very understanding but I feel a bit written off really - she just went on about it being a chemical imbalance when I know that's not the only thing that's going on. She asked about diet stuff so think that's the only bit she thinks is a factor - I tried mentioning work stuff but it got brushed off as being silly
Pleh, babbly burst again
least it's mostly just embarrassing rather than weepy stuff today
Going to make a chicken biriyani for tea and I made cherry scones last night (can't afford to buy them from the bakery anymore
). Feels weird but nice to be doing a bit of cooking again