longtobeslims unit diet diary

Hi There

Just popped over from SW section!

It doesn't look like you are eating enough, so perhaps your body is trying to hold onto anything you put in it?? Also, i have been popping in every now and again and one thing i have noticed is that the unit diet doesn't encourage you to eat fruit and veg, its all carbs which if you get more than you need you body will turn to sugar/lay down as fat. Im no expert just trying to help you out - maybe you could try and include some fruit and veg and some more protein to balance out the carbs, and try and eat a bit more - it really does help you lose weight (as long as you eat the right stuff!!)

Sorry im not much help, i dont know that much about the unit diet, i hope next week is more successful!!!:):):)

Carrie x
Sorry you are so fed up - can't say I blame you. It is no fun sticking to something and not getting good results.

I am afraid if it was me I would be waving goodbye to the Unit diet; its followers on Minimins seem to have mostly disappeared and I wonder if that is because the diet is a bit disappointing.

Sorry to hear you are under the weather as well, that doesn't help matters either.

Here's hoping you have a much better week this week.
OK i have just phoned a cdc and he is going to phone back later to sort out an appiontment.Feel like i have made the right choice i feel very positive about.So as my unit diet comes to an end i feel sad that i could not keep at it but excited that i am startin my cd jounery.I am not leaving the site and will still be around if you need to talk Ksmiuk.Hope everyone is well.speak to you all later.Lucyxx:D
well done are you still gonna go for CD if so good luck my biggest tip is stick to it 100% until goal as once you cheat it is so hard to get back to ssing xx