Looking for a buddy for slimming world. Started 2 days ago!!

Just prepped pork and veg ragu fo the slow cooker from the SW all in one extra easy cookbook - 7-8 hours in the slow crock and will have with noodles after WI later. Looks lush. Day off today as insurance contractors were meant to be fixing an external broken water pipe but that's been a complete mess up and they only did a survey, now battling with them to get it fixed before Thurs next week - really annoyed as took day off to get it sorted and they didn't do what they said on their call. Have been on to insurance company to sort it - they chose the wrong week to mess with me as I have PMT lol Ok rant over :)
This is a family favourite for us, we have it quite often and great to take in for lunch next day if any left.
I'm doing EE, one red day so far, which was a bit of a disaster (as in didn't stick to plan). I'm at the end of mu shopping week now and struggling a bit, just felt extra hungry so been slightly off plan. Need to get back in the zone..
The pork and veg ragu was yummy - can see why the family like it Lexi. And everyone - on the week with monthly due when weight loss is usually small I lost a whopping 3.5 lbs, 20lbs now in total and I got Slimmer of the Week. Woop :)
Fantastic aqua, you are doing so well. It's so motivating reading all of this!! Well done!!
Re: Im looking for a buddy to motivate each other

Can I be your friend too pretty please lol?

Been on sw for 3 weeks, not the best at using my phone so just got to grips with thus wonderful forum and am now addicted!

X x hel xx
Thank you - really given me a boost and. Won't be long now to the next stone bracket. Weight I give is SW class weight so lighter on my own in an. 6lbs to go and I'll be down to the weight when I married hubby 5.5 years ago and given can continue what I wanted to do then but it all went wrong then with life pressures. 50th birthday year is going to be different - 25 March 2014 watch this space :). Have a great day all just off back to the workhouse but Woop it's Fri :)
Re: Im looking for a buddy to motivate each other

Yeah the more the merrier.

Do you both have diaries?
Re: Im looking for a buddy to motivate each other

Just started mine last night.do you? X
I'm 5ft 1" and wanting to get to 9.8.. I weigh in on a Wednesday. I do it at home and use this forum a lot for new recipes.. I also use an app called iskinny for my food diary.

Look forward to getting to know you all x
Re: Im looking for a buddy to motivate each other

Whoop, sookie I weigh in in a Wednesday.I go to class.

I'm 5ft 8 and weigh 13.5. Lost 5.5lb in three weeks.I want to take it slowly and not set a goal but a mini target of 12.7

The pork and veg ragu was yummy - can see why the family like it Lexi. And everyone - on the week with monthly due when weight loss is usually small I lost a whopping 3.5 lbs, 20lbs now in total and I got Slimmer of the Week. Woop :)

Hola mi Chicas, its my last day in Mexico, boo hoo! We fly back to the rainy city that is manchester Saturday to arrive home around 8am Sunday morning so I'll be back for my class on Monday I'm getting nervous! Well done everyone, Aqua 3.5lb off is fantastic, BMG brilliant result what with all your birthday treats to still lose 2lb and Lexi to stay the same when you dine out every night is excellent. Your all a inspiration Tasha and Geordie too have top notch results so I hope I don't ruin the party when I get home! I'll keep you all updated of course. Welcome Beckyboo we've missed you xxxx
I didn't weigh in this week as was away for the weekend as if I had put on weight it would have annoyed me and put me in a pig out mood... X
Tasha I am sure it cannot be that bad, could you pull it back tomorrow?Great to hear from you cookie. Just been sculking round tesco looking for syn free food ! Was starving when I got in had one Danish crispbake 2 syns and a laughing cow light (hex a but not all of it) and a tomato. Hubby out tonight so gonna try spaghetti carbonara for me and daughter from the SW website, doh have no parmesan will I get away with normal cheese?
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I'm not sure Geordie! Was at a food festival with lots of free samples followed by my downfall - ice cream!

Free food samples! Sounded like an excellent excuse to be naughty! Well just get back on track and write the day off, at least you didn't feel deprived! I would have done the same, bit like me at a free bar and buffet the other week.....
Re: Im looking for a buddy to motivate each other

Ha fair enough. I got took out for a surprise lunch today ..... Bloody high tea ;scones, clotted cream, the works. Didn't eat that much but what I ate was very high in syns. To be honest the cakes were not even worth it!

I still needed my tea though, had syn free quorn pasta Bolognese...mmmm

Any plans for the weekend?x
Wow you are all doing so so well :) its amazing to see how far everyone has come since we all started.

Well done BMG and Aqua on your losses, thats fab. Tasha, im going to have to try freddo and strawberries, yum!! Cookie, hope you have had an amazing holiday, dont be nervous, what ever happens happens.

Chill con carne is one of my favourite meals, I like to put chunky mushrooms, peppers and kidney beans in :) its also fab to take to work. Looks like I shall be trying the Ragu.

Im feeling great and at weigh in this week lost 4lb, Im absolutely over the moon, but shocked at the same time, its given me a massive boost. 3lb to go till 1stone off!! So thats my aim for next week.

Have been really good all day and then let myself down by having a very indulgent chocolate new forest icecream earlier whilst out walking with my friend. Counted all my syns for it but wasnt very hungry tonight so just had some sugar free museli and ended up having to syn 100mls of milk too. Hope that doesnt push me over :-s.

Have just finished 50hours at work this morning since Sun, another 20hours to do this weekend, Mon off and then back for 50 hours as of Tuesday-Sat. So that will keep me busy.

Has anyone tried the new Muller light chocolate??? I bought some yesterday and nearly had a heart attack at the till when the lady told me it was £2.29 for 4 yogurts, I still bought them anyway.
