Looking for a dieting buddy...

Hey, at least it wasn't sweet popcorn! 2lbs a week sounds good. Crikey, that's probably more realistic than mine (I'm aiming for 3-4 lbs a week...) - although I've been known to be able to suddenly drop 5lbs then plateau for a couple of weeks, then drop a bit more, so we'll see!!

I've not ben to bad so far today - had a smoothie for breakfast (banana and strawberry innocent smoothie = love in a glass!), then I had a salad with turkey, peppers, tomato, cucumber and a lil bit of tomato pasta salad for lunch (it was a small salad, I'd estimate about 300kcal? Can either of you help with that) - then I had a skimmed vanilla latte on my way home (131kcal) and I just slipped a lil bit and ate half a jam sandwich...still, at least I hd that and avoided the chocolate caramel shortcakes...plus I don't seem to have a craving for more sugar after that so must be ok! So I'm probably on about...590kcal so far? Dinner'll be weightwatchers soup (measured quantity, hooray!) and a piece of toast. So will probably be topping up to bout 900kcal...
yeah i think your right with the salad calories.
your doing really good.
and the jam sandwich doesn't seem that bad of a slip, better that than a mars bar. bet it was only maximum about 50 cals.
hi, my birthday is in april too! im going to be 21, I want to loose about 10 pounds, im sure i could support you but i usually post anyway.
....so there were two girls, tearfully drinking wine and eating chocolate yesterday. Then I was taken to Greggs. I'm really failing at this thing!!! But see, this is my problem. I can hold off comfort eating to an extent, but when things go really really wrong, I just eat everything. Even 5 day old bolognaise. I think there's actually something slightly wrong with me...

Ah well, I'm getting my mum to keep an eye on what I eat this weekend (I'm home until Sunday night, hooray!) so I"m going to get into a good habit then stick with it for a week. Taking it one day at a time....
So my no junky food thing...today skinny latte and a skinny peach and raspberry muffin in Starbucks (i'm thinking about 400kcal in total) and a go ahed bar just now (which was 136kcal)

Just going out for dinner with my prents, so I'll chose the low calorie thing and hopefully I'll be on about 1100 kcal by the end of the day. No other snacks for me though! NOt too bad...
sounds like you know exactly what to do.
and what your weaknesses are.
i have had my 40 day 40 night start go backwards on day one. woke up was doing really well at work and then....... it happened totally forgot about it ....... think i was cought up in the whole prep......... anyway i'm at WORK!!!! sob sob sob and that girly thing happens, the thing that you usually get once a month,
well after that i don'tknow why but the feeling of total comfort i was just awashed with, all i wanted to do was get home, get a bath and get some nice hot comfort food in me and watch tv.
so that is what i did. no a goot start.
but hey i did hit my -4lb weigh in, but i don't know if i have put it all this week.
so back to the start i go. next weigh in will be 7th march hope to be -3lb.
OH same!! Me and my friend both managed to have man crisis on Tuesday ...i held off the comfort food for a day, but wednesday just turned into binge day. Big bag of chocolate, too much alcohol....oh dear! I think I"ve lost a couple of pounds...can't really tell though because I've weighed myself on different scale. I think I was more at 1500 kcal yesterday, but I def wasn't over that!

Hmm, quick question - if I was to have a panckes nd ice crem day...do you recon I could counteract that by only having something like miso soup other than that??
ohhh guy trouble you love them you hate them but can't live without them ha ha haaaaa
yeah bet you can,
do some exercise burn the extra calories and enjoy the pancakes and ice cream,
then miso soup. to counteract it.
enjoy but just work out that what is burned off needs to be more than what goes in.
or just enjoy, and go hard core like me for the month of march.
it's up to you i guess.
Haha! I think I'll go for a run in the morning, then have two pancakes, no more...and minimise the ice cream...and then have just that and a bowl of miso soup for the day and it'll prob. max out my calories!

Could you help me with a calorie count on my lunch - small handfull of rocket, about 20g red pepper, half a small tomato, a piece of smoked salmon and half a piece of wholegrain bread with low fat cottage cheese? I'm guessing about 200kcal?

How're you doing today so far? x
rough idea, salad total to include rocket, peppers, tomato, i would say about 30 to 40 cals max.
salmon i would say it depends on how much salmon you had but on average probably about, 150 cals- possibly 200. half bread about 25 - 30 cals, low fat cottage not sure on this one at all never had it or bought it.
so possibly minus the cottage cheese, minimun about 205 max about 270 cals.

soz about the delay in reply was on and off the computer yesterday.
but if your burning calories by exercising you will defo be in negative calories and defo will be loosing weight.

i'm fine today just bought a gillian mckeith organic smoothie 88cals,
i intend on having this to kick start my march goal.

we really need to go for it this month,

whats your weigh-in date.
27th March's my final weigh in for this leg of it! I've just started training for Race for Life - never done anything like it before but I"m determined to run the full 5km!! So yes, I'm not going as low cal as planned, but I'm still cutting them! Having said that, I had a hungry day today, couldn't stop eating...hopefully my run this morning cancelled it out though!

What's your opinion on hoodia for apetite supression? Just to take the edge off/stop me snacking...? x
yeah i've tried them before and they do work, still have some left over.

what i have done in the past especially when i find it hard and i must snack on junk.

the junk that i buty is a low cal version,
eg crisps would be quavers.
chocolate bars/cakes would be, weight watchers versions, and hot chocolate, and ice creams would be skinny cow.
so eg, could have 10 cal jelly and skinny cow ice cream lolly at 75 cals, so jelly and ice cream = 85 cals:D.

dinner can be chicken breast and veg (lots of veg) bit of gravey, total about 300 cals max,

think of really filling and satisfying foods.

make a list of what you like, do one list of your proteins and one of your vegs, and one of your carbs, and one of the types of junk you eat, desserts etc etc, and we can think of ideas.
not anything set (as we wont stick to this) but ideas so that you can possibly have what you feel like when you feel like but with very low cals.

defo think as long as you work out you will be loosing weight, and big thumbs up for RACE FOR LIFE!!!! wow fantastic.
I ad a few too many snacky things...and a burger for dinner - but at least it was real meat, not processed (and chicken so it was lean) and it had potato wedges with it. Oh dear. Still, by calcuations I'm still on about 1200kcal...no chocolate...but I"m getting back to the hoodia tomorrow!

Not bad at all today...think I'm just under 1000kcal today! Let me think...breakfast, an apple and a clementine = about 60kcal. Lunch was an 80kcal salad and some bread and butter...so about 100kcal. Then had a latte (130kcal - non fat though) and a cereal bar - 90kcal...then dinner was big so I"m guessing about 500kcal...so yes! Not bad. I'll have something later to make it up to 1000 and that should be ok..
How was your day?
Going running again tomorrow morning..ouchy! x
p.s. no running today, but walked about an hour and a half in total so I think that made up for it!
my day has not been too bad still been really ill so not been in work,
finding it hard not to snack now i'm not in work, but been snacking on low cal junk.
not done loads of exercise so not doing too good in exercising as well,
anyway gonna have some low cal soup today, and see if i can keep moving a little.
the hour and a half walk sounds great. well done with that.

so what are your food plans today???
Oh no, poor you! What've you got, general flu? Thing is, if you're ill then you'll probably be burning calories trying to fight it, so a little extra doesn't matter! I went for a run this morning, then walked in and out of college so I've done a fair bit of exercize - so far eaten a clementine, packet of grapes, a sainsbury's healthy eating wrap (chicken and mustard), and a couple of snacky things. Add drinks onto that and its about..750kcal probably? Going to make something healthyish for dinner and then avoid the snacks at the cinema later...oh dear! Hopefully I'll have burned off a lot of those calories...my jog (well, it was half walking, half jogging whilst I build up my stamina!) was about 2.7km, then an hour total walking to and from college...don't really know on calories but I think I've burnt lots of it off :eek:)

Oh, also - lost another 2lbs..I plateaued a bit but I seem to be losing again so that's all good :O)

Sounds like you're doing OK though - it's always difficult not to snack when you've got nothing to do, I guess just make sure you don't have anything at all unhealthy in the house...that;s what I've been doing, so if I end up snacking it's on veggies etc..x
think ir's a virus (well thats what the doc said)
feel tons better now though.
gonna start cambridge tomorrow and see how it goes,
kinda looking forward to it, and any tips i get will defo pass on.

wow all that runnung and walkng sounds great as long as your moving thats the main thing.... good to see that you are loosing weight again 2lb is great so basically you burnt off 7000 cals to loose that weight. (yippee),
enjoy the cinema what film you gonna watch?
Aaah I have lovely supportive girlfriends who told me not to eat the junk food at the cinema, because I was "doing really well and looking healthy"! What exactly is the cambridge diet...I never understand it really!
Glad you're feeling better- just get lots of vit C. OH, and clementines = amazing sugar hit without the sugar!

Just saw He's just not that into you. Amazing film, laughed my head off. Although I swear I'm even more confused about men now than I was before, haha! Aaah well, like you said - can't live with them, can't live without them! x
p.s. I had mean boys eating chocolate in college yesterday - standing around discussing how yummy it was just to "test my strength". Yes, I threw things at all of them :p
erm, from what i understand cambridge diet. is a diet where you can have shakes to replace food for a while (stops you thinking about food prep etc, but really fast weight loss)
i just typed in cambridge diet in google and all info on their web site.
you see a weekly support councillor and you get the shakes of them. i think there are stages as well, ones that you can eat meals etc.
i think i have been at this weight game for at least 10 years and i want to put an end to it once and for all. giving it my all this time. gonna get to where i need and want to be and stay there.

sounds like a good film.
and sounds like really supportive friends, ( i love friends that are like that).
those guys and that chocolate tee hee shows your will power is strong.