Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

Feeling rubbish today, I'm very bloated and my jeans felt tight today. I'm only 9 and a half weeks hoped it'd be a bit longer before this happened. Fingers crossed it's just one baby ;)
oh wow do you have twins in the family? My nan is a twin & had twin boys but none since :)
My mum and dad both have twin sisters and supposedly the chances of twins increases the more children you have. I would secretly love twins but think it's highly unlikely x
you are brave lol I like the idea of it but thats where it ends for me haha x
Morning Girls

Please may I join in?

I got my BFP last night!! This will be no3 for us, we have 2 girls age 3 and 8. I gained a lot of weight with both pregnancies and went up to over 17st, so this time I would love to minimise weight gain. I used SW to lose weight after each and managed to get to 12st4 and a size 12(although a few pounds have crept on recently from too much wine!)

We got engaged 2 weeks ago, and want to get married April 2016, this is a great incentive to keep the gain as low as poss!!!!

Welcome missy & congrats :) Are you planning on going to group or doing it from home? I went up to 17.10 last pregnancy so know how you feel but well done on getting down in the 12s :) x
Congratulations missy and welcome!

Do you have a due date(or month!)?

Had a stressful day today my little boy had 3 hr operation on his hand this morning! It's been a long tiring day and can't wait to dh gets home to help.

How's everyone else today?
Due end of July, I have big babies and ended up having a C-section with both girls, am really hoping that by gaining less weight I might have a better chance of a normal size baby and a natural delivery.

Havent had a bad day today, fish for lunch and dinner, fruit for snacks etc but I know in a couple of weeks when the nausea hits im going to want dry carby type food, so tomorrow im stocking up on ryvitas, cereal bars etc to help me avoid the crisps!!
Morning Ladies

How are you feeling today? Ive started feeling a bit yucky in the morn, but apart from that im managing to stick to plan, scales showing 12st7 which is 1lb down, driving to Essex this morn to see my friends and go for a curry, not quite sure how im going get away with not drinking, luckily OH is coming with me so I can feed him my drinks if necessary!!
Have a lovely day xx

Well done on your loss Missy! Enjoy your lunch today, I was at a wedding a few weeks back and said I was drinking vodka, lime and lemonade and just didn't have the vodka. Was easier tho as dh went to the bar, not quite so easy when your ordering drinks at the table.

I'm feeling ok today, still tired and sicky but no where near as bad as I've felt the last few weeks. I'm 10+1 and have my booking appt at the hospital on Monday and my scan the following Tuesday. Can't wait to tell my boys there getting a new brother(or sister) :)
Morning Ladies :)

Got back from Essex last night after a monster 7 hour drive :sigh: loads of traffic, but did really well and only stopped for a wee twice!!
Glad to be home and back on plan - got a shoulder of lamb in the slow cooker, going to have with roast pots and loads of veg later :p
Still feeling fine, not really any nausea yet, but expecting it to arrive in next few days.
Got a lot of classes booked at the gym this week - going to make the most of it before I start feeling rubbish!!!

Jennjenn - so exciting for you, I cant wait for our scan! xx
Evening Missy, a 7 hour drive that's some trek! Only two stops is impressive!

How are you Tamkat?

I've been flying solo this weekend, as Dh has been away working as a pit crew at a rally for his work. Im super tired now, I'm so lucky that dh is home at 6 mon-fri and off at the weekends. Feeling more myself tho so hopefully this is the end of the 1st trimester symptoms x
Morning ladies,glad to hear you are both doing well :) I have my glucose test this morning up the hospital which im a bit annoyed about as have to take my little one & don't think he will find 3hrs up there very interesting!! Managed not to have one last time but this new midwife seems to think its necessary ahhhhh :( only 14 weeks to go :) I have a growth scan on 12th dec so looking forward to seeing little man again then,not long until your scans how exciting xx
Hey Girls

Monday has rolled around again :-( hate having to get my girls out of bed on these cold mornings - I can see my car has a frozen windscreen, really don't want to go outside!!
2 gym classes for me this morn - bodypump and spinning, omelette and salad for lunch and chicken curry with sw chips for dinner. Have a thing for apples at the mo, so no doubt will munch a few of those too!
Tamkat, when I had glucose test with my last pregnancy I went home for an hour inbetween - could you ask if this is possible for you to do?you only sit there else and your poor LO will be bored senseless!! I know they like you to stay at the hospital so you don't move around too much, but if you promise to go home and not move they might let you? Or could sit in the car with a film on the laptop for LO??xx
Thanks missy I will ask as dreading trying to entertain him for that long,never had gd in any previous pregnancies & bmi was 30 at booking apt so not overly high but hey ho just something that needs doing I guess & don't even get me started on the syns in a bottle of Lucozade lol xx
Good luck with your glucose test Tamkat, I'm hoping not to get one this time, had them with all the other boys. I've got my booking appt this afternoon, quite excited, starting to feel more real.
all done :) have a bad headache but that should wear off soon & luckily my husband took the day off work last minute & looked after our son who slept the entire time lol.Good luck at your booking apt jenn & missy chicken curry & sw chips sounds lovely might have to have that myself too :) x
Glad it's all done! Good that your dh was able to look after your lo, makes this things much less stressful. My mums picking the boys up from school for me so I can go to my appt and is keeping Gregor too. The hospital is 40mins away so looking forward to the quiet car ride!
Hospital appt went well, is it bad that I'm recognised at the antenatal clinic, must be because I'm such a regular visitor! The midwifes are all itching to know if it's another boy! Haha.

Hope your both well, and that your headache shifted tamkat!
headache went, I ended up having a Chinese & stuffing myself silly,never good for me to not eat breakfast! Just hope I don't hear back about the test.Have you heard about the nub theory Jenn? x