Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

Aw lucky you about the weather Missy! It's cloudy here in Yorkshire and was pouring down last night! Good luck with your glucose test...let us know how it goes. I have mine a week on Thursday. Hope the estate agent visit goes well - are you planning on selling?

I will post my food later as I'm not sure what I'm having yet!
How is everyone? Enjoying the sunshine I hope! I had my 25 week midwife appointment today, hubby and I heard the baby's heartbeat but only for about 5 seconds as she kept moving haha.

We have started looking and bidding for houses now so I'm finally starting to think about the baby's nursery. Would love to be nosy and see what everyone is planning!
Hi Daisy so glad you got to hear baby's heart even if it was a short listen in! Excellent news about the house situation too.

I've got the midwife tomorrow as feeling slightly anxious, baby's not moving as much as she had been. Still moving but no where near as much or with as much force. Hoping she's just changed position and that's the reason why, it feels like she's swapped sides.
I've to go to hospital to go on the monitor. She heard baby's heart but wants me to get checked out due to me not feeling her as much. Just waiting on dh getting home.
Hope all is ok Jenn x keep us posted x

Hope you are all well? x

32 Weeks today and feeling it! Woken up with a lot of aching going on in my lower tummy & upper thighs. He definitely feels lower as his bum isn't so high up! Braxton Hicks are getting stronger as the weeks are going by too. Managed to pretty much maintain my weight gain for the last 4-5 weeks, so have put on a total of 2st at 32 weeks which isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! Hopefully going to try and maintain it for as long as possible. x

Got my placenta scan tomorrow to check that it's moved! Wish me luck xx
Any update Jenn?

Well done about keeping on top of your weight gain Peach, sounds like you're doing fabulously! Fingers crossed your scan goes well and your placenta has moved...not long to go for you now!
Hi everything's ok, was put on monitor and had a scan, she's changed position but no really reason why she wasn't active. I've to go back for a repeat scan next Wednesday and to go in straight away if she's not moving. She made up for the lack of movement overnight, never slept she was so wriggly, much prefer that tho. Thanks for asking.

Good luck with your scan peach and enjoy seeing your little man again xx
Hope your scan goes well today Peach, lucky you seeing your lovely baby again!

Glad to hear the baby wriggled loads to make up for it Jenn, glad they are going to keep a close eye on you.

I weighed this morning and I've lost a pound, pretty happy with that as I was only looking to not gain any more on top of the stone and half I have put on already. I feel much better back on plan and enjoy saving my syns to have a real treat rather than blaming imaginary cravings haha. I'm still walking but finding it difficult in the heat, especially as there are so many hills around here, I start to feel out of breath much quicker lately.

Anyone got anything lovely planned for the weekend?
Hope your scan goes well today Peach, lucky you seeing your lovely baby again! Glad to hear the baby wriggled loads to make up for it Jenn, glad they are going to keep a close eye on you. I weighed this morning and I've lost a pound, pretty happy with that as I was only looking to not gain any more on top of the stone and half I have put on already. I feel much better back on plan and enjoy saving my syns to have a real treat rather than blaming imaginary cravings haha. I'm still walking but finding it difficult in the heat, especially as there are so many hills around here, I start to feel out of breath much quicker lately. Anyone got anything lovely planned for the weekend?

Well done for losing a lb Hun :) xx

Scan was fine :) placenta is now anterior high yay! Baby is still def a boy lol and weighing bang on average at 4lbs 7oz at the mo, just with a large head! Eeeek!! Only thing is, is now he is breech! The little monkey!! So need to work on getting him to turn in next few weeks! Xx here is a piccy for you :) x


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Aw, lovely pic. Yay that he's still a boy! Glad to hear your placenta has moved out the way, hopefully you can get him to turn...you've still got time :)
What a fab picture peach, and yay for your placenta moving. Here's hoping he flips position for you. Our little one was weighing in at 3lb 7oz, I think I'm a few days behind you.
Thanks ladies :) Jen I'm so pleased baby is all ok once on the monitor etc :) xx

Really pleased all looks well with my little boy, just need him to flip over lol! Planning a nice relaxing water birth and a breech baby kinda interferes with that ;) little monkey! ;) x

Hope you are all having a nice evening xxx
HI Everyone

I have been very absent recently - for no real reason.

Have since had my 2 scans and all is well with bubs - am 21 weeks + some days! Haven't found out but I suspect a girl.

My eating is still rubbish but seeing baby last week, kind of made me feel I need to nurture this baby a bit more. Am loving avacado at the moment which is so not SW friendly (hoping deperately one of you tell me it now is!?!?!?!?????) but is healthier than a chocolate bar so........

Have been lurking and watching you all and so glad it's all going well for everyone.
Afternoon Nicki, lovely that you've had your scans and everything is going well.

I'm so so tired just now, I wake up tired haha. Less than 5 weeks to go and hopeful to get my induction date tomorrow at my consultant appointment.

How's everyone else doing?

Tamkat you still about?
Jenn - how exciting you will be having your bubbs in just 5 weeks time!! Hope you get your induction date today x

Ive had a bit of a crappy week - in the last 7 days OH fell off his mountain bike and broke his collarbone, we had a flood in the downstairs shower room and had to rip up the floor tiles (hopefully they are replacing the toilet today) and then my tumbledrier broke, so im having to take washing round to various family members for them to dry it - they say things happen in 3's so hopefully that's my 3 out of the way now!!
Some good news - the house that we looked at 2 weeks ago has accepted our offer, we should hopefully get the keys 4 weeks before im due so we can start ripping out carpets/stripping walls etc. Luckily we don't have to sell the house we are in, we are going to rent it out so me and the kids will stay here for at least 6 months whilst the work is being done - I should be able to take baby over most days and get on with bits that need doing, just don't want to live in it!!

Ive got my 28week apt next thurs, hopefully MW will measure me this time - I know the baby is big as my belly is pretty full and the kicks have lessened to more of a twisting motion now. Weight gain is around 2st which I was expecting as I was so close to target beforehand. Im just hoping I can keep it where it is for a couple of weeks, I go on holiday in 3 weeks time so would be happy in my swimsuit if I could not gain anymore for time being.

I hope everyone else is well? I will post a bump pic in next few days xx
Hi ladies yes Jenn im still floating around lol.Cooper is 9 weeks old & I wont lie has been the hardest of my babies to figure out! He doesn't like the pushchair,playmat,bouncy chair or anything really except me holding him of course! The hardest part is him not liking the pushchair as really want to get out & about for me & my other little ones sake! He likes the sling but hes over 14lb a very big boy.Ive ordered a new double buggy hoping that might make a difference :) Sorry don't want to put any of you off I expect all your babies will be happy & content little ones :) I Have managed to get him sleeping 7 hrs through the night so atleast im getting some sleep bless him just need to figure out how to make him happy in the day time xx

That sounds like you've had a trying time missy, excellent news on the house front tho! Definitely exciting times ahead for your family!

Hi tamkat, that sounds hard going with cooper, they definitely don't come with an instruction manual! Hopefully the new buggy will help, what did you go for?

I got my induction date, go in to the hospital on the 29th of May, hopefully have my baby 30th/31st :D:D just over four weeks and counting x
wow not long at all next month you will have a baby :) .Ive gone for a side by side one which will be more comfortable for Casey as the one at the moment he can nearly climb out of & Cooper is in the back of the one at the moment tandem style & cant see anything except the back of Caseys hood part.It might not make any difference at all but im trying everything I can think of I want to go out for walks with my 2 boys not be restricted to this house! x