So proud of my son today, he went back and finished his last day I work experience today. He was at a garage in the next village as he's studying engineering. They gave him a glowing report, all excellent's and outstanding's

they also gave him £20, they've never paid a work experience before but they said he was a real help and not a hindrance which they'd not experienced before!!
One happy lad tonight, after such a down day yesterday this has really lifted our spirits
UP was good, waitrose butterscotch cake was delicious!! Very rich and certainly couldn't eat more than a slice which tis a good thing lol
DD shouldn't be a prob tomorrow as in town having hair done. Ironing in the afternoon....what fun lol
Looking forward to Sunday, we're going to cinema to watch Spiderman in d-box motion seats!!! Then home for our wedding anniversary meal - UP yummyness haha
Happy weekend everyone xxx
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