Silver Member
Thanks Vegan, I didn't go off plan and I did enjoy my curly wurly. I think night time seems to be when I want to eat, during they day is easy peasy. I think I did this week a bit half because I was depressed trying so hard and losing just 1lb... BUT I am making an effort that this time will not be like the other times that no matter how I feel or what happens I will always keep to plan, return to plan. This is a LONGTERM effort and I need to take it little steps at a time all the while remember that this will CHANGE my life.
So I'm up again and positive again - I know the scales will be dissapointing again this week, but I've only myself to blame. Next week I am really gonna make a push for it and a few of the days I'll do scan bran which will hopefully give me the push I need. I will also do 2-3 red days and I'll have a day of fish. Come tomorrow I will know exactly what I want to do and I will come here and plan a few days in advance and see if that helps me a bit.
I do feel I eat ALOT of mashed potato, probably around 4-5 times a week and I have ALOT of it - around 6-7 potatos to myself, where as if I make wedges I maybe only use two potatos. So I think I'm also going to cut back on that and maybe only have my amazing mash 1-2 times a week.
haha I'm totally trying to work everything out, but I find that thinking like this helps.
Minigoals for next week - starts 4th of May
So I'm up again and positive again - I know the scales will be dissapointing again this week, but I've only myself to blame. Next week I am really gonna make a push for it and a few of the days I'll do scan bran which will hopefully give me the push I need. I will also do 2-3 red days and I'll have a day of fish. Come tomorrow I will know exactly what I want to do and I will come here and plan a few days in advance and see if that helps me a bit.
I do feel I eat ALOT of mashed potato, probably around 4-5 times a week and I have ALOT of it - around 6-7 potatos to myself, where as if I make wedges I maybe only use two potatos. So I think I'm also going to cut back on that and maybe only have my amazing mash 1-2 times a week.
haha I'm totally trying to work everything out, but I find that thinking like this helps.
Minigoals for next week - starts 4th of May
- Only have mashed potato 1 or 2 times, swap out for wedges/rice/salads/noodles
- Have 1 fish day - I have Mackrel and Mussels will probably make a paella or risotto with these
- Have 2-3 red days - Steak and a Salad (haha that is all I can think of atm - any ideas towards red days would be awesome)
- Do scran bran challenge
- Continue drinking oodles of water