Thanks for the posts lovelies!!
These are great for keeping you on track arent they?
Im kid and husband free for a few days (at home with poorly cat and supporting my mum and step dad after the news of his cancer) while my family go as arranged to see my hubs lot up North, so its a wibbly wobbly time!
When I am on my own I get bored so I eat. Im going to try and do things differently tho! I wanted to go for a cycle but the weather is awful

think I will go and do some painting (Im an artist, dont know if Ive ever said on here).
But before that, breakfast. I know, look at the time! But Im all out of routine!
Ive got my sisters wedding in 10 days so Id like a few more pound off for that (after all I have a new dress I need to be able to stay in shape for lol).
Id never have considered 18 stone in any form of 'shape' before but its part of my new thinking! A pound or two and I will be in a new stone

So the aim for the next few days is ...
Stay on plan
Go cycling
Go swimming