Silver Member
One week to go!
I'm sure I'll be good and ready pretty quickly bubble, as much as I'm enjoying eating pretty much what I want I feel like I'm just doing it for the sake of it, I think I need a bit of a plan to keep me sane lol.
No pip, unfortunately not! We've had nothing but trouble with the whole thing, it's driving me mad! Found out it was going to take even longer as hers fell through again (third time) then realised our mortgage agreement runs out 31st march so we would have to start the whole process again and would have no chance getting a mortgage agreed as good as we have as circumstances have changed and I'm not getting as good money anymore etc, then we managed to sort out that problem and got a phone call Thursday saying she now wants another £5,000 or she's pulling out because whilst she has been "waiting" (or fxcking about as I'd like to call it) prices have gone up, meaning her house has increased in value and she can't agree a price unless she adds on the extra 5,000 and basically said if we don't agree to it she will pull out and put it back on the market. So I originally got VERY annoyed and said no, then calmed down and called estate agent back and said we will give her the extra, on the condition we have in writing that she will be out by the very latest 27th march whether she can move in to her new house or not, otherwise she can stick it! So we are now waiting until Monday to see what she has decided!
As if I've not got enough to worry about! I can't live here much longer so if it doesn't go to plan I'm going to try and get a council house for a year or so so we can save more and have more to put as a deposit and get a better mortgage. God it's all gone tits up! Lol
Anyway, enough if the moaning!
I've had a lot of twinges etc but baby's not engaged yet which is strange according to midwife, but she said it doesn't mean labour is necessarily weeks away, have been advised to have hot baths and eat pineapple to hopefully get things moving, see her again on Tuesday and going to request a sweep. I don't think I can manage going up to two weeks over!
How gave you both been? Xxx
I'm sure I'll be good and ready pretty quickly bubble, as much as I'm enjoying eating pretty much what I want I feel like I'm just doing it for the sake of it, I think I need a bit of a plan to keep me sane lol.
No pip, unfortunately not! We've had nothing but trouble with the whole thing, it's driving me mad! Found out it was going to take even longer as hers fell through again (third time) then realised our mortgage agreement runs out 31st march so we would have to start the whole process again and would have no chance getting a mortgage agreed as good as we have as circumstances have changed and I'm not getting as good money anymore etc, then we managed to sort out that problem and got a phone call Thursday saying she now wants another £5,000 or she's pulling out because whilst she has been "waiting" (or fxcking about as I'd like to call it) prices have gone up, meaning her house has increased in value and she can't agree a price unless she adds on the extra 5,000 and basically said if we don't agree to it she will pull out and put it back on the market. So I originally got VERY annoyed and said no, then calmed down and called estate agent back and said we will give her the extra, on the condition we have in writing that she will be out by the very latest 27th march whether she can move in to her new house or not, otherwise she can stick it! So we are now waiting until Monday to see what she has decided!
As if I've not got enough to worry about! I can't live here much longer so if it doesn't go to plan I'm going to try and get a council house for a year or so so we can save more and have more to put as a deposit and get a better mortgage. God it's all gone tits up! Lol
Anyway, enough if the moaning!
I've had a lot of twinges etc but baby's not engaged yet which is strange according to midwife, but she said it doesn't mean labour is necessarily weeks away, have been advised to have hot baths and eat pineapple to hopefully get things moving, see her again on Tuesday and going to request a sweep. I don't think I can manage going up to two weeks over!
How gave you both been? Xxx