Losing half of me! (~˘▾˘)~

Hello, hello, hello!

You're doing really well, I had fertility issues aswell for about 5 years but I conceived when I hit 16 stone by accident! She's 2 now and a nightmare 😂

You're food diary looks very good! You'll be a skinny mini in no time.
I personally don't like writing down my food as it makes me feel like I've eaten too much :(

You're doing fab x
Hey Sarlou!

Oh wow that's amazing, I'm hoping the same thing sort of happens to me... A big chunk of weight loss to kick me in to shape!

It's funny isn't it how we all have our ways... for me if I wasn't writing it all down I don't think I'd be as focussed - but that's me in life, I need a list for everything haha

Thanks! It's early days but seeing you and so many others have so much success is keeping me motivated

This is the cake btw!


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Sounds you like are doing great so far.
We are also going to Disneyworld next year but in November and we are also going through fertility tests so I will be following closely.

Hope you are having a great week
Hey Dragon! - thanks for stopping by ^_^

Well I've been rubbish this week, only kept to plan for 2 days out of the week... therefore, couldn't face going and seeing a gain in my book!! :classic_oops: So I didn't weigh this Saturday.

However, this time around I don't think I'll give up - I still have my goal in my mind and I know this is going to be a very long journey, and I'm gonna keep plodding along with it. I'll be making campfire stew (I just love it) for the rest of the week and will chow down on speed galore!

I did enjoy the rubbish week though, it was a friends birthday so we had bottomless brunch followed by further drinks, and it sort of continued in to the week. I've had my splurge and I'm back to keep going!

If I see a maintain this weekend on the scales I'll be alright with that, because I know for a fact I've put on about 2 or 3lbs.

I've just seen this thread, I keep forgetting to look through the diaries page. Pretty jealous of the Disney World holiday. We're looking to book it up in the future but might have to stick to Paris for the next time for money. Relatives are in Florida at the moment posting pics of everything they're doing. We're settling for Disney on Ice in January for our Disney fix until the new film comes out, that's got to be soon surely?

Also, that cake looks pretty irresistible!

Campfire stew sounds like something I need to try. A bit of chilli powder and maybe some mixed beans in mine. I've been chucking cauliflower rice into a lot of my dishes recently, an easy speed addition.
Hey Dragon! - thanks for stopping by ^_^

Well I've been rubbish this week, only kept to plan for 2 days out of the week... therefore, couldn't face going and seeing a gain in my book!! :classic_oops: So I didn't weigh this Saturday.

However, this time around I don't think I'll give up - I still have my goal in my mind and I know this is going to be a very long journey, and I'm gonna keep plodding along with it. I'll be making campfire stew (I just love it) for the rest of the week and will chow down on speed galore!

I did enjoy the rubbish week though, it was a friends birthday so we had bottomless brunch followed by further drinks, and it sort of continued in to the week. I've had my splurge and I'm back to keep going!

If I see a maintain this weekend on the scales I'll be alright with that, because I know for a fact I've put on about 2 or 3lbs.

You have the right attitude...keep moving forward and you will get there.

That cake looks amazing:eating: