Losing my mind!!!.. Oh and weight..hopefully!!

haha thanks I deffo am!!! Im sure it is! Feels like he's a teenager already some days! Kids eh!!!

Yep it would, was chatting to the social worker on the phone who is coming out, he even said it may have a good affect on my son, give him a play mate sort of thing!
The chat with the social worker on the phone sounds really promising. It would be great if it had a good affect on your son too. Rewarding all round x
My 16 year old has been a teenager since he was about 8 and no sign of it ending. I try to deal with it using humour, doesn't always work. On the other hand my 11 year old thinks he's still about 6.....

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I have a close friend who has been a foster carer for about 2 years now. The hoops she had to jump through and the extended application process was unbelievable mind. But the boy she had for the first 18 months was really lovely, so unbelievably loving, he had learning difficulties and was with her until he was 18, when he went into a kind of adult sheltered accommodation unit kind of thing. The boy she has now is a bit more challenging. But she enjoys it, and she has no children herself so finds it very rewarding.
We fostered for 3 years, gave up recently when our last placement went pear shaped. It affected my daughter badly she had councelling. We lost a little one to adoption that we had since birth and he was 3 when it finally went to court. We applied to adopt and got turned down. They wanted him to be adopted out of area away from his birth family. I had a breakdown. I felt like I'd lost my son. Couldn't do it anymore. Ate myself to oblivion and the rest is history :-(
I applaud anyone for fostering its not easy and although it is rewarding its not without heartache.
Hope your DD has gone well? Ive really struggled today but managed to stay under 500 calories.can't wait for it to be tomorrow!x

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We fostered for 3 years, gave up recently when our last placement went pear shaped. It affected my daughter badly she had councelling. We lost a little one to adoption that we had since birth and he was 3 when it finally went to court. We applied to adopt and got turned down. They wanted him to be adopted out of area away from his birth family. I had a breakdown. I felt like I'd lost my son. Couldn't do it anymore. Ate myself to oblivion and the rest is history :-( I applaud anyone for fostering its not easy and although it is rewarding its not without heartache.

That's so sad, and the reason why I wouldn't even consider it. My friend was really sad for a long time after her placement had left, she got really attached to him.

Don't let this put you off welshsparkle, it's really rewarding and the highs outweigh the lows.
Morning :) DD went OK.. Took my mum the hospital for an MRI scan, left at 3.30pm, only got back atn6.30!! By time I'd got in and sorted I couldn't be bothered with tea so had a jelly and went to bed!

So UD today, weighed myself this morn and 1.7 lb up!! Not worrying though, I did come from a vlcd, wasn't expecting anything this week, will stick at it and hope for the best :) (please someone reassure me it will work?!?!?) Lol

So was suppose to be back at work today but my sons still not 100% so gonna give him another day at home on his antibiotics.

Oh blimey! Didn't even think on that side of fostering, would we get attached? Would my son??
Why did your daughter need councelling? Because she got attached??

Not that its put me, off, but made me see it from another view!


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Yes she referred to him as her little brother. She went to the school councellor and talked to them and it came out she was self harming. I was totally devastated. It was a difficult time. Luckily we pulled together as a family and are getting there. I have put my daughters focus and attention into other things which is helping. I loved fostering and it was amazing experience and could of gone our way but didn't. we realise it was best for him to leave the area and he had to come first. I know people that have fostered for 30 years and still going strong. You have to be prepared for the fact that all children that are in the system will have relationship and behavioural issues so it won't be easy. You will have training to help you cope and deal with challenging behaviour as well as your social worker and the child's social worker. All looked after children are priority for frontline services. It will be great you will love it. X
Oh no! God cant imagine what you went through!! How old was your daughter then?
Hmmm!! My son is the kind of person who would and does attach himself to others, may have to have a good think.
I already work with challenging kids so kind of used to that, though I would have to give up my job.

Had 2 scones for breakfast :eek: nearly a 500 cal breakfast!!
God hope this is gonna work, that 1.7 gain has put me off my UD!! Xx

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Daughter was 14 at the time. I was so wrapped up in my own feelings I didn't consider hers. Felt so guilty for a long time but I'm there for her now and I am a good mum. I try really hard to do everything I can for her. I never thought I coukd love someone else's child as much as my own but I really did and I will forever hold that in my heart. :-D
It was amazing and it is an amazing thing to do its just not right for my family at this time. Maybe again in the future when my child has grown up but for now she comes first.
You will be prepared for this the training and support you will get will be second to none. Every child and every placement is different. I went into it thinking I would change lives with love. How wrong was I. So much more than that, stability, support, guidance, forgiveness, love, nuturing, boundaries, routine...I could go on all day sorry for bleeting!!!
I'm on my second DD of just coffee and milk. Feel great actually, not hungry at all. Wonder if I'm in ketosis? I had a low carb day Monday and nothing to eat yesterday so I could be. My bloated tummy is flat. Love it.
Yeah, that's why I really want to do it, I want to make a difference to these children's lives. But don't want it to affect my own child's in a bad way. Guess I won't know though until I tried :)

My son is dying to have someone to stay, he doesn't understand completely though, he's only young, have tried to explain children would be staying until they find a permanent home...

Oooo well done you! I can't wait to start seeing losses and feeling like I'm loosing weight again! Xx

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You will see losses.but just give it time. After I come off s&s to go on sw I gained weight at first but it soon come off again xx

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Thanks hun :) hope so!! Not gonna weigh in for a couple of weeks, may feel better then lol

Really should do like a SW UD, that was suppose to happen today but went out the Window lol.

Gotta try get to the bank today, not sure how with my son with me! Hubby is going to look at a van tonight, so need to have the money out if he wants it, just spent over £500 on his car and now he wants to sell it, pffffft men!!! X
My day so far... Still have a few cals to play with...

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So do I :) ooooo im an awful cook I would have no chance lol

Well just had a bag of crisp and bought us al a cookie after tea, and that'll be me done for the day!!

Just making cakes with my little man!
Looking forward to my ww pizza later :)