Smart Points Losing weight for Summer 2017 xx

Today's definitely the day I get back on track- yesterday was ok apart from pizza for dinner.

B- Cuppa and Kitkat

L- 2 slices of WM bread and quavers

D- Turkey burgers, home made coleslaw and jacket potato.

S-2 Special k bars.

It doesn't sound that healthy but all within points and still much better than what I've been sting lately.


So today I been out shopping and bank this morning- didn't buy anything exciting just school socks for girls now need to get on with the house work and look after my 3 little ones X

Your day sounds super yummy esp as its all within points!!! Hope the housework goes ok and the girls are good for you x
I think I need to eat REAL food!! Those meal replacement shakes just don't cut it X

The housework just seems never ending!

Real Food Rocks!!!! I Imagine in your house it's an endless cycle of housework, I'm kinda lucky it's just us two lol x
After spending most of weekend looking up holidays we decided not to go away due to dates and flight times etc plus don't think oh really wants to go away he much rather spend a week sorting garden out and putting decking down- I actually can't be bothered with the garden at all. I don't mind doing garden over a weekend but not a week!
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Lunch out with my oh and Evie, kind of carvery place- I really need help this week xx

After spending most of weekend looking up holidays we decided not to go away due to dates and flight times etc plus don't think oh really wants to go away he much rather spend a week sorting garden out and putting decking down- I actually can't be bothered with the garden at all. I don't mind doing garden over a weekend but not a week!

Oh No :( Sorry to hear u won't be going away now, I know how much u were looking forward to having that as a focus for you. Decking does sounds fun tho, I'd love that! X

Lunch out with my oh and Evie, kind of carvery place- I really need help this week xx

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Your lunch looks yummy, Evie is such a cutie! X
I'm not sure what do with ourselves over the long holiday now. I have to admit it is nice to have an event or occasion to focus on.
What I found with dates with holiday that we can do we're going clash with Hollie's home visit we would arrived back to London around 2am and would have a home visit at 11am. Still no interest in the garden if I'm honest think the wet weather as put me off x
I'm not sure what do with ourselves over the long holiday now. I have to admit it is nice to have an event or occasion to focus on.
What I found with dates with holiday that we can do we're going clash with Hollie's home visit we would arrived back to London around 2am and would have a home visit at 11am. Still no interest in the garden if I'm honest think the wet weather as put me off x

Is the home visit because Hollie is starting School? I'll be doing those for my new class next week, it's so exciting that I'll be meeting all my new kids! X
Yes home visit for reception class although she might not be starting till January - the visit on 6th September.

My infection is starting to clear up now and Evie first tooth just appeared - great timing- we also crawling very confident now- so no rest for me lol.

Today's been pretty good food wise, hopefully I'm back on track now xx

Would there be other children starting in January or just Hollie? I love doing the home visits, gives us a real chance to get to know the kids/parents and vice versa. It sounds like it's all go in your house, glad u are feeling a bit better, go Evie for cutting the tooth and confident crawling, no stopping her now!!!! Well Done for getting back on track with the food too x
Just Hollie - she's extra special - I've requested her to start later due to her additional needs.
You sound really excited for your home visits must be nice visiting the new children in their own environment.

I spoke to soon regarding the infection - very painful today!

How are u feeling this evening? It's very exciting working in EYFS, it's the start of every child's education and it's amazing to watch them come in and grow as people. I hope that Hollie settles well when she does start, it's great that she can have a phased entry x
Just very sore but I'm used to it now! Thank you I don't think she be at school full time till yr 1 they phase them in gradually- it's nice that you enjoy your job so much .

Won't be going class tomorrow got sports day and hallway carpet coming- but going adjust my points on my app tomorrow and start over xx

That's a really nice idea that she can have a gradual entry until Yr1, we have a few children who have different plans in place. Hope u enjoy sports day and the carpet fitting goes well, good luck with the points reset!!!!!x
I'm not sure what is happening with Hollie to be honest not much as been said or any plans been put in place yet.

I had half hour spare after dropping Hollie off to nursery so popped into class and I gained 1.5lbs- so all together I put on 6lbs over the last 3-4 weeks.

At least I know the damage but also shows our easily the weight can pile back on, I've started tracking again and go back to basics for this week as really need to get some off the gain back off xx
Well Done for facing the scales, I think considering everything you've gone through 6lbs is a very minimal gain, could of been a whole lot worse! Looking forward to hearing about your on track days. Weight definitely seems to creep on easier than it ever comes off, very annoying!!!! X
Thanks for your support- means a lot!

I do feel better knowing how much I weigh now but my leader said its not that bad and I'm still 17lbs down. If I left it another week I think I would of probably put more on and another lady in class was in the same boat went on holiday and found it difficult getting back into it xx

I think there's never a good time to get back on it but now you've done the hardest part, the rest should be easy! X