Losingit's losing it journey

Arghhh what is wrong with me, always sabotage after a great loss! Ate about 5 of the mini 'funsize' choccie bars that i bought for my daughter... and 6 biscuits, a quiche (not so bad), and a load of fruit (pineapple).. and a strawberry ribena drink.

... weigh in day tomorrow!
Hope you are back in the zone.....
Yeh, back on track. Got it wrong when i said weigh in tomorrow, weigh in is actually saturday... which really is tomorrow now, if that makes sense. Wobble has probably pushed me back up to 15stone *headbash* but we'll see in the morning.

Went to the gym today. Started doing the couch 2 5k program, finding it pretty easy at the moment after all the exercise i've been doing but i'm sure it will ramp up in intensity over the next couple of weeks.

Took my little girl to a birthday party she'd been invited to this afternoon after school. It was pretty fun and i'm really glad i went along and took part. I always felt like a bit of an outsider amongst the other parents who all seem to just know each other and get on really well in their own little bubbles. But i actually got to know a couple of people and have a decent chat with them and feel 'accepted' for the first time, which is nice. The kids ate burgers/nuggets and chips at the party, but i never struggled with any of this since it was only the kids eating the food and not the parents and nothing was offered to the parents which i was actually happy about.
15stone this morning, so 1lb loss this week. Would have been 3lb loss if i hadn't slipped up, but nevermind, a loss is a loss :)
Hey popping in to follow, well done on ur losses do far u have done amazing :)

I started at 15.10 and same as you wore the same clothes, I ever chose something that I actually liked I had to choose what made me look ok, it's a great feeling actually picking up loads of clothes u like to try on now!


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stef, your losses are amazing, well done :). Yes, it's great trying on lots of clothes, i'm getting the hang of this "clothes shopping" thing pretty quick now. I refuse to spend a lot of money on clothes though while i'm losing, but places like Asda are great for buying cheap stuff to just last until i reach the next size down :). I've found a nice dress that looks great on me, the size 16 is just a teeny bit too small so i'm holding fire for now and will buy it in 3 or 4 weeks if they still have it in stock and it fits me better, hope to be able to wear it at the family christmas gettogether... no one has seen me in a dress since i was about 8 years old so it'll be quite a surprise.

Really really wanted to have a takeaway (pizza) tonight, no idea why i just really felt like it. But have resisted and have some spicey chicken thighs in the oven, have already been naughty once this week it's time to crack on with losing again.
My lot all had take away pizza tonight i was glad as all i had to cook was my oopsie, king cake and my dinner which was steak n a jerk chicken breast with veg. Id had such a busy day i really didnt fancy cooking dinners and i wasnt the slightest bit jealous! Even tho they had chicken bbq pizza.

Hope the dress fits soon!
Thankyou :)
Yep I agree I didn't spend much while losing it just invested in belts haha!

Ohhhh it's hard isn't it! Well done on ur spicy chicken :) im lucky on the takeaway front I don't really like them, my OH on the other hand could eat one everyday!! Im really missing my hot chocolates and biscuits lol


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mmmmm hot chocolate and biscuits.... !!!

Don't know what's wrong with me, i normally find this diet so easy! Looking at everyone's stats is keeping me motivated though, i WILL do this.
You CAN do this!!!

I was the same when I did a vlcd, I wanted, needed, everything but I just kept telling myself it's just food, it will always be there and it will do me no favours.


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You can have hot chocolate on Atkins:

1/2 tbsp green and blacks cocoa powder
(NOT their hot choc, their cocoa)
Mix with alpro soya milk
Microwave for 1.5 mins
Add sweetener (liquid or tablets) to taste.

All for about 1 carb.

You can have home made biscuits too once you're on the nuts rung of owl.
Woohooo!!! Havin some of this tomorrow! X

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Just clarification on the ingredients

No hot chocolate powder, use cocoa. I use green and blacks cocoa, I believe bourneville and tesco sugar free are also good - check the labels

Alpro unsweetened soya milk light is my choice of milk replacement. Negligible carbs, very low cal - must must be unsweetened though.

Sweetener: use tabs or liquid, not granulated.
It's near impossible to find cocoa powder... will keep looking.

Past couple of days have been good, stuck to plan. Was reading somewhere about corned beef, can't remember who that was, but it got me craving corned beef so for lunch today i ate 175g, it was yummy and about 1.2g carb (asda corned beef slices).

I know i'm not meant to be adding nuts to the diet yet, but when life is super super busy i've found they make an excellent quick on the go snack/light meal. Eating about 25g to 35g each time, they are really high calorie so i can see the potential downside, in the past i never used to be able to stop once i cracked open a packet of salted nuts but i find it easy to control portions more now which is nice, i don't feel out of control anymore. Had nuts twice over the last 3 days and my weight still going down so it's all good.

Spicy chicken wings for dinner tonight. And a strong cup of coffee because i've got a caffeine headache, the caffeine addiction being a new thing since i discovered a love of black coffee.

Ran/walked 2 miles on the treadmill this morning in the gym. And have a session with a personal trainer tomorrow, not really feeling like it, i hope he goes easy on me (but i somehow doubt it!).
Let me know if u find coco powder, I'm gonna have a look this week :)

It was me with the corned beef haha I love it!!

I can't wait to start introducing nuts yum yum although I will need to learn how to control myself!

Well done on the gym! I have a PT there really good! He/she will go easy on you untill they work your ability, then they will push lol xxx

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Two waitroses and a medium tesco I was in last week had both the g&b and bourneville cocoa powder, try those? Have never had probs finding it though. I don't think it's usually with the hot chocs - think it was with the baking in waitrose? Ask if unsure xx
Afternoon, I don't usually have difficulty with finding the cocoa ...usually with the baking things...probably an aisle you don't go down anymore, lol
Will check out the baking aisle next time i go shopping.

Personal trainer session today... have completed 8 sessions now :). I ran for 2 miles today which was amazing, but took almost half an hour so i need to speed up a bit! (did 1 mile in 12 minutes last time). Also went on the step machine, did some skipping, and a few minutes of resistance (planks, push ups, sit ups, etc). Burnt a hell of a lot of calories i'm sure, i feel wrecked! Had a protein shake straight afterwards to help with muscle recovery (1g carb but worth it).

I am getting one 'bad' habit lately with my diet, and that is having a sugar free energy drink for breakfast, instead of actually eating breakfast. I just don't feel hungry first thing in the morning, but do feel lethargic and tired, the energy drink just wakes me up and seems to kick me into gear for the day. I normally have a snack around 11-ish and then lunch. I really don't think it's a good idea to get hooked on these energy drinks so it's not something i want to continue long term... need to figure out something super fast and palatable for breakfast that will wake me up. It doesn't help that asda's own brand diet blue charge drinks are forever on offer at the moment, 4 for £1.50.. and it tastes exactly like red bull. Hope they finish that soon so i won't be as tempted.

Sneaky peak at the scales and i'm down 1lb so far this week, yippee, 4 days to go til weigh in so i might get a 2lb loss this week :).
Two miles! Blooming heck losingit you are doing brilliantly on the exercise front - and the weight loss will accelerate too, I bet :)