Lost the Plot/Motivation/Control

My hubby asked me to buy some crisps for him for work. I'm not a crisp person but I have managed to go thru at least 3 packets. I hate myself that I am like this. Where is my self control and respect?
You have to do what you feel is right. The plan isn't for everyone but you did great in your 1st week. Just need to get ur head in the right place. I wish you luck whatever you decide xx
Why is your husband asking you to get crisps? Can't he get them himself?..
I was in sainsburys gettin some food to cook for my dads surprise birthday meal n he asked me on the phone to get it. It was for his work lunchbox next week. I was a bit annoyed and we will be having words. I feel like asking him to do slim and save for a week so he knows exactly what it feels like.
I know my OH wouldnt do that. Have you set yourself mini targets on your journey? I find that helps.
I was thinkin going for 7lbs every 2 weeks. I lost 7lbs the first week. I love my hubby dearly but I don't think he gets my relationship with food.
Heya people just thought i would join as im in the samee boat :( iv put on a 1lb from 2 weeks of being off plan. Im on my 15th week nd have just lost control and interest despite loving the results!! Help :( on the plus side were now allowed 2 lemon bars a day so thats great :)
1lb. Girl. Don't put urself down. That is brilliant. If i went off plan now I would put on at least 10lbs. We all have to find a way to carry on our journey. N no matter how many times we perhaps falter by the wayside we still need to have to end result in our minds.

I am a lot more consious of the amount of food I have been eating and more aware of the fact the I am a comfort eater. I'm still learnin more n more bout myself as the days go along.