Lots to lose ! Anyone else got lots to lose!

Lots to loose!!

Hello to you both Lessoflou's and Bugsy30 will try to write my food diary down as it should help me not to cheat too. !
Today so far
All bran with skimmed milk
2 coffees with skimmed milk
2 boiled eggs and a huge salad
Apple & satsuma!

Got low fat homemade chicken casserole for dinner tonight so other than some flavoured water think that will be it.
What has your day been like so far?
Hi madtaff, sounds like ur having a great day, always think if i can get over the first few days I'll be ok.
I had banana , grapes and grapefruit for brekkie, brown bread , tomato and ham for lunch, makin spag Bol for dinner, and two apples and an orange!! Trying to drink water, I've abit of a diet coke addiction, would drink just that if I could!!! That's the plan so far
I'm at target now, but just wanted to let you know I lost 8 stone on SW, so it can be done.

It took me just over 2 years but I was a 'slow and steady' loser (1lb a week average). I have maintained for 4 months now and I am living proof that a lifetime of being overweight CAN be overturned. It isn't easy, but the rewards are SO worth it.

Good luck to you all starting out- this really can be done!!!!
Lots to loose!!

Hi Cocktail princess thats fab could do with your input haven't done slimming world for years! Did see the newer books about 2 years ago and didn't understand them thought that if i did just red/reen day with 10/15 sins would be ok? What do you think?

Hoping to be several stone lighter by the time i am 50!
Realise small steps are needed for a big goal!!
Hi all

Ive got about 7 to lose or maybe 8 not sure, will feel how i feel when i get smaller !

Ive lost over 6 stone before with a dif diet, but so far im loving slimming world soooo much food yum !
Hi Cocktail princess thats fab could do with your input haven't done slimming world for years! Did see the newer books about 2 years ago and didn't understand them thought that if i did just red/reen day with 10/15 sins would be ok? What do you think?

Hoping to be several stone lighter by the time i am 50!
Realise small steps are needed for a big goal!!
Hi Mate

If you followed the 'old' plan you would still lose weight, but I would personally recommend you get details of the new plan. 'Extra Easy' has been introduced since and it really is fabulous- you can mix the old red/green days together and it just makes life, planning and eating out so.....well, easy!

If you can't or don't want to go to class, I would still recommend you go just for the first week to get all of the new books. On here, you will get lots of help and we can answer questions but it would help you to have the up to date information.

I joined online as I couldn't get to class easily, so still had all the 'official' stuff on the plan, but a lot of people get real support from class.

Whatever you decide, remember the most important thing is your own determination- you will have ups and downs but it really is possible - I promise!

If you have any questions, ask away

Lots to loose!!

Thankyou for all your advice will see if i can get to a class or join online like you have. :)
Well this is what ive eaten so far today its amazing !, if i lose weight next week ill be gobsmacked !

grillledbacon,scrambled egg,mushrooms,beans and a cuppa with slice melon

tuna pasta salad
1 tbsp light mayo 2.5 sysns
2 crabsticks
cherrys and melon

jst potatoe very large one
2 tsp x light spread 1syn
chicken breast wrapped in bacon
peppers, onions,tom,mushrooms courgettes
3 tbsp x light mayo 1.5 syn

shape zero youghurt

My hea is milk for my tea

Ive still got to have my heb yet, and syns !!! (Advisor told me to eat all my syns have got a bit to lose)
I just wanted to say good luck to u all ... i am sure u will all do brilliantly ... Ive lost 3 and 1/2 stone since July and still have another 2 1/2 to loose,,, maybe more but u can all do it !!!! xxxx
hi guys, just wanted to say hello and good luck. Had a very scenic route started 3 years ago at 25 stone, lost 5, then joined sw lost another 3, been messing about for a year and rejoined this week. SW is a really good plan. good luck;);)
Lots to loose!!

To all those that have read our posts thankyou for your support. I am sure we are all aware of what we need to achieve any tips along the way will be more than welcome. I did not know there would be this sort of help when i posted lasted night . Yes it does make a difference knowing there are others in your boat walking in your shoes knowing that we are not alone somehow doesn't make it so frightening. I / we can do this we just need others to show us the way!! Thankyou!:sigh::)
Evening all!! Thanks for the food diaries, they really help me see what other options are available to me, and what is working for other people.

Im starting Sat once Ive cleaned out my cupboards and gone shopping, my goal is to lose 10 stone by June 2012, thats 2lb a week by my reckoning, and I think that fact will keep me on the straight and narrow!

With everyone in heres help this will be the diet that does it!
Goin to bed, nicely full!! Had a big portion of spag Bol tonite for tea, and for once I couldn't finish it!! Hopefully all our days will be as successful as today!!
Lessoflou.. Enjoy the next few days!!! Good goal, two pounds a week is doable isn't it!! We'll be much happier in June 2012 and skinny melinks!!
Can i join you all too?? I am restarting on Monday (my millionth attempt at a diet!! lol), and have about 8-9 stone to lose.
I am going to follow the extra easy plan on my own at home. I can't get to a class and the online membership is a bit expensive,so fingers crossed i can keep myself motivated!!
I would love to lose at least 5 stone by next xmas.
I need to lose loads as well! :cry: Started about 4 weeks before Xmas and lost 19lbs then went totally off the rails over xmas & new year and have put 6 back on! I've set my first target quite high and will need to lose more but I want to reach that one first. I'm doing EE and have managed to get a lot of info on-line - copies of the free foods and loads of recipes etc and I rely a lot on the internet to check syns - in here and of course with google. I am finding it ok just a bit miffed with myself for Xmas but it was early days so hey ho! I have a food diary which I let drop off a bit as I went through my naughty phase but it will be used again as of now!
Hi guys!
I have lost 1 stone so far and another 10 and a half to go.
I'm a bridesmaid in 18months so really trying to get there! X
Ur like me' Anna vixen, bridesmaid too in 18 mths, needed a good kick up the behind anyways but it certainly gave it to me' thinkin of thr other skinny bridesmaids!! Well done on ur weight loss so far!!
Hello all, I too have about 9 stone to loose, would be happy with 5 for a start tho lol. Tried and failed more times than I would like to admit to. Hope this time is my time. Be good to join your growing tribe, see if we can help each other to be slimmer and healthier. Going to join group next week :)